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So what actually happened in this incident?

One person having a melt down doesn't make the national news, an active shooter still does. So I am curious what exactly happened.

So sorry to see that GA’s return to AC has been turned into a debate. She’s been such a valuable contributor before and went through the loss of a beloved father this past year. Hope this hasn’t made her rethink returning

While Captain - may God be guiding his steps - was active on the forum I was startled to receive an email addressed to "Dear Survivalist."

In a world of algorithms there's no point minding the occasional false assumption that might come our way.

Oh sure, Countrymouse!

Kinda like “Call me what you will - just don’t call me late for dinner”?!?

... but to be lumped in with Midwestern Bible Thumpers, who voted for that embarrassment currently in the Whitehouse - or more likely tweeting from the 18th green? Now that’s just mean!!!

*No offense to my pistol packin’ sisters in the Bible Belt intended.

Tacy022, thank you for clarifying what happened.

It happens far to often. Thankfully no one was injured by him.

From The Royal Oak Tribune, dated June 5th, 2019:

“Authorities say it will take up to six weeks to get results from a toxicology test to determine whether Campbell had any substances in system that may have played a role in his death and the shooting.”

As it’s only been four days since the incident I fail to understand how anyone can state that the man was “under the influence of pain pills”.

Rainmom, the wronger they are, the funnier it is.

A man once took exception to my noticing that he had repeatedly nudged another car out of his way while parking - it had been so flagrant I couldn't believe he hadn't done any damage (though actually he hadn't, not visibly). He abused me roundly and finished off with " - and I bet you're a vegetarian!"

I don't know whether he meant to imply that I was a muesli-eating Guardian-reading CND hippy or a fan of Hitler. People just dish out labels according to their approval or disapproval of what they already think the other person is like.

Rainmom, tacy022 clarified that she heard this info on the radio.

I thank you for that update. I couldn't find anything online regarding the incident.

Situations like this help me to understand that I should not believe everything I hear that is being broadcast by the news. Jumping to conclusions seems to be their daily exercise.

The so called "tag safety" firearm freqflyer mentioned that requires a bio or mechanical tag to fire was completely rejected when evaluated by military and law enforcement groups because:
(1) it does not prevent the firearm from being turned on its owner/user (soldier, LEO) in close quarters;
(2) firearms failed to fire from 5-40% of the time when the rightful user pulled the trigger; and
(3) the badly performing technology is expensive - to the tune of thousands of dollars for each weapon, turning a $1000 firearm into a $10,000 firearm.

When your life and the lives of your fellow LEOs, soldiers, and/or family are on the line, no one wants a firearm that cannot be relied upon.

The NRA has addressed the bio/mech tag safety as a firearm safety concern; "fair potential for target shooting but not recommended for self-defense purposes". The NRA recommendation is actually "softer" than the one issued by military and law enforcement groups so why aren't those groups being "blamed" for this non-functional bit of technology not being put into production?

Countrymouse - your reply regarding the man attempting to insult you by calling you a “Vegetarian” is too funny.

It reminds me of a movie quote (of course - what doesn’t?)

Its from the movie Siege. To set it up - this is a Caucasian America Army Colonel in charge of detaining all the Muslim men in New York, speaking to Denzel, an African-American FBI agent:

Colonel Hardwick - “Don't get in my face, Hubbard. I might decide you're an Ethiopian”.
Anthony Hubbard:
“And you're just stupid enough to think that's an insult.”

Just setting the facts straight, Tacy.

”...a narcotic” could be a whole lot of things. Even Xanax. And, “may have” isn’t “was”.

Isthis, I think you'll find that the skill most highly valued and assiduously cultivated throughout the news media is the ability to start a fight in an empty room.

It's nothing new, of course, but either it really is getting worse or I'm getting too old.

I hear vegetarians are super, especially on the BBQ. 😁

No offense intended, I couldn't help myself, this is getting heated and I thought about BBQ.

Good idea. Sadly, if they don't have access to a weapon, they will get it if they are determined to do harm to anyone. But it doesn't hurt to be fully aware of the situation.

Gun Control won’t take guns out of the hands of criminals & mentally ill people. There are already too many guns on the street in this country.

The purpose of control is take guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens. Criminals will always find a way to get their guns. Drugs are illegal in all 50 states, we have strict drug laws......yet we still have a drug epidemic in this country.

states with the strictest gun laws have the most violent crimes. So tell me again about gun control? Assault weapons are banned in California. But they are all over this state, in the hands of criminals.

FWIW I’m not pro-gun. I don’t own any guns.

Why are posters all up the butt of Republicans? Not every gun owner is a Republican.

If you enter a conversation with the attitude that you can not be reasoned with, you won't even try to be reasonable. So don't blame others because they don't believe like you do.

I get the idea that you think all Democrats are anti-gun, anti-christ and anti Republican. How very sad when we forget to look at a person and not a political party.

I for one think a jerk comes from all political parties and we need to deal with people on a one on one basis, not what we think they are.

mikkimball0664 - can you clarify your profile?

You say in one part you are 62 and that your caring for your 90 year old mother.

But in another part you say you are caring for your 62 year old, hard of hearing mother...

Its confusing.

Mikkimball you are confused. This isn’t a political forum. This is a community for caregivers. No one here except you has brought up political parties, political affiliation or religion. And no not all republicans are of the same opinion re:gun control. The same can be said for Dems, not all Dems want gun control. If you read a few replies on this ONE thread and have decided to lump us all as right wong Republicans, again I say you are confused and maybe you thought you were posting on another forum?

FWIW I am not a republican. Or a Democrat for that matter.

The shooting did not occur at an ALF.

It was government housing and it was a big, loud, dramatic suicide. Not a mass shooting.

Hey, did anyone have veggies on the grill for father's day?

Mik, I think you are in danger of being what you accuse Republicans of being.

I have both parties in my family and friends, they are as appalled at the current political climate as can be, but they are not believing that anyone in Washington is right. It has degraded to a circus side act and I am afraid that it is both parties refusing to be the adult in the room.

It takes two to tangle, if everyone would start doing their jobs it may settle down, but none of them will humble themselves to step back, a proverbial pizzing match it will remain.

I have to say that the 2016 choices for President made me very sad, we are the greatest nation on the planet and this is the best our political parties can produce for candidates. Sad beyond measure.

I believe we should all pray for our leaders, whether we like them or not, because what they do impacts us all and we should all hope and pray they do a good job.

Mikkimball - I took the time to look at your profile because you seem to be under a great deal of stress.

As you've never mentioned your mother, I looked to see what issues you may be having and if anything could be said to help and support you.

Thats is what we do here - help and support each other with the terrible stress caring for an aging loved one can bring.

Thats all.

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