
This is a new one, so I thought I'd share it with others. It's not unique, just another outfit that's entered the apparently lucrative field of scamming older folks.

An outfit titled No Am Senior Benefits solicited me, with the very generous offer of a $5 check (wow- I'd be rich!!!), to endorse the check and add my phone number, pursuant to which someone would contact me to discuss end of life policies.

I've been solicited by coffin chasers before; this is nothing new. But after doing a bit of checking, I'm surprised that this outfit has been so successful in scamming people. ...hence, the warning.

This BBB list of complaints reflects how the scammer operates. People are approached, "sold" a life insurance policy, provide personal account information by which "premiums???" are debited directly from accounts. Some folks never received policies.

The first complaints of 12-16-19, the cop-out, responsibility shifting response reflects the position of the agent.

"We are not the insurance carrier. You would need to contact the company associated with the debit amount on your bank statement to cancel the policy."

The following report of 12-11-19 also addresses a similar tactic.

It's not clear whether the company is legitimate or not, or whether it's the alleged agents.

If you have a loved one who's susceptible to this, and if you monitor or can monitor his or her mail, this is one outfit to avoid.

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Wethenorth, thanks for sharing your very frustrating and unpleasant experience with an NASB representative who obviously was not only a very lousy salesman, but a poor excuse for a human being. Period!

Have you decided on whether to take any other action, such as filing a complaint with the BBB, the state insurance commissioner, or even AARP? The latter periodically shares experiences with people who mistreat older folks. This guy sounds like an appropriate representative for that category of scoundrels.

You have more patience than I do. I probably would have gotten out a tape recorder (even if it didn't work), and advised him to speak into it so I could record his conversation and send it to the local tv stations to warn others about him, or even threaten to send it to his boss.

NASB bullies seniors into buying insurance in their own homes. Apparently my mother sent something in to this company because she wanted information about their Insurance policies. BIG mistake. She thought she would just receive something in the mail or maybe a phone call with more information. Instead she got a man who shows up at her doorstep unannounced. My mother is in a wheelchair and normally does not let salesmen inside. He literally pushed himself in the door.. not even giving her a chance to let him in (which she wouldn't have because she never does.)
I was present to witness this horrible encounter. My mother listened to him patiently even while he talked her ear off about his own insignificant personal matters. She even looked at his pictures he wanted to show her on his phone of strangers. He was very relentless and pushy with his approach and sales pitch.. My mother said she wanted to "Think it over.." And he proceeded to really get aggressive with the badgering. "How long are you gonna think about it.. you could die tomorrow..." That whole spiel to try to guilt-trip her. He pulled out all the stops.
But things really took a turn for the worse when he said to me "So what are you going to do when your mother dies, burn her up and put her in an ashtray or a coffee can?" Then he begins to snicker and get more abusive and disrespectful in his language. At this point i told him to get out before i had to make a phone call to remove him from the premises. We have never been spoke to or disrespected that way in our own home. My mother was in tears and very upset when this man left.
He was VERY disrespectful, rude and arrogant the entire time. Unprofessional and i can't believe this company has someone working for them who would make these kind of sickening remarks to potential customers. Do they teach all their Coordinators to belittle and bully people into signing your Life insurance policies?
This is absolutely the worst experience I have encountered and I believe this man needs to face some repercussions for his words and actions. He also bragged about this companies reputation with the BBB.. Yet all i have read are BAD reviews all over the web. I believe this is a scam company and i would NOT trust them.. especially with the kind of people they have representing them. It's disgusting.
This salesman sunk to a new low. The way he speaks to customers and his attitude is the POOREST I have seen. I was one step away from calling the Law as he didn't want to leave but when i got him to leave he said "I don't care, I'll make $3000 today." That is the kind of low class coordinators they have working for them in the Ohio area, I just thought everyone should know and BEWARE giving your information or even inquiring about policies from this company.
You are better off going with a well-known bigger life insurance company these guys don't even have reputable contact phone number for management, so what do you think will happen if you encounter a problem? You won't be able to get in contact with anyone. Taking a chance with this company is a high risk i would never take.

PixieDust, are these the "home appliance repair" coverages sold through utilities?  Or the ones that try to sell coverage for damaged sewer lines, or something like that?  

I think that a sometimes circuitous route helps hide who the end recipient is, and you're right, that's deliberate.  

I did investigate one utility's plans, just to see what was hidden behind the hype.   The reality is that the utility negotiates with companies and passes the work onto them.  That's not surprising, but the utility demanded an indemnification clause, on its behalf, in the event of any issue with the company actually doing the work.

Anyone who's read my comments on this knows how adamantly I feel about companies demanding indemnifications from individual consumers.

Several decades ago my father did have coverage through the gas provider, and I had to rely on it when his furnace stopped working one winter while he and Mom were in Texas.   I always shut the water off during the winter, so that wasn't an issue.   Still, the furnace shut down.

The company that came sent very polite workers, but they had to admit they didn't know how to fix that kind of furnace (it was one of the newer models with direct venting outdoors).   

So after waiting until about 10 p.m (I remember that very well!), I ended up leaving and returning the next day after the utility found a company that was familiar with that type of furnace.   So, they did honor their obligation, but it was a real inconvenience to spend several hours in a cold house after work, then come back the next day.  

Pixie, are they still harassing your mother?   Do you have the original data from when she arranged for the so-called insurance?   If you don't mind, provide some more details, and dig out the solicitations and her acceptance.  There might be other avenues to pursue, especially depending on what representations they made.

This is a similar set up for numerous "repair insurance" companies that tried to scam my mom. When I called the number shown on her bank statement to cancel her "policy" they told me that they were just the billing department and I had to contact the company that sold me the policy. These billing departments are now calling her, saying that her policy is late, and how would she like to arrange payment. Grrr......

If the scammers made an effort to put their "creativity" to good use, they could probably get legitimate jobs and not scam people.   But I suppose the fact that scamming is even considered reflects a less than honest outlook.

I wasn't aware it had made the news.    I'll do some research to see if I can find out more.

Some friends suggested cashing the check, buying seeds (how appropriate for a gardener!) and taking advantage of them.  Of course, I wouldn't provide a legitimate phone number.

Saw this on the news yesterday. Those scammers will come up with anything, won't they?

Thanks for sharing, GA, many don't watch or pay attention to the news.

Isn’t that sad? These scammers never stop.

GardenArtist, thanks for the heads-up on that scam. Sounds pretty complex.

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