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Many of us here grew up on a full size keyboard, from the old black manual typewriters, to the electric typewriters, to the computer keyboards. Remember high school typing class? One had to learn to type fast without any mistakes.... well, the younger generation isn't being taught that (along with cursive writing).

Another thing that surprised me, the younger generations are either baffled on how to do internet searches, or they just want someone else to do the research. This shows up over and over on Next Door neighborhood forums. Usually I can find the info they need in a few seconds, and here I am in my late 70's. Got to a point where I now just give the words to use in the search feature, and point them to a Google Machine :)

I make mistakes, but I really try to use correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling. The teacher in me is better at noticing other people's mistakes, but then I can't make corrections and it frustrates me a bit. I have to agree that sometimes it's just impossible to make sense of run on sentences. I agree with JoAnn, it's probably the phones. It's more difficult to period, comma, and capitalize.

Freqflyer, I noticed some asking things that could easily be googled.

I think it's more about them being so stressed and just needing someone to care about them for a change, instead of caring for someone, and that's how they start to feel less out of the fog and the beginning of getting them back on there feet.

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