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I never heard of that stupid game Send...I'm just glad you weren't hurt.

is it asking a question to get info or asking a question to depart erroneous info by the way it is worded?

Send text Captain......maybe he can bop some heads for you.

As I was driving mom to the dentist today,
A stupid man with a toddler in a grocery cart decided to cross the street after the signal changed - since he was holding up traffic he decided to hurry it up a bit

Mom naturally called him an a*hole because he was running with a child

I felt compelled to correct her and said he's an a*hole because he stole a shopping cart and walked out into the street after the light changed - he ought to run

She then looked at me and said I was an a*hole only I didn't have a baby in the car
To which I replied,
I have you

Well the knock out "game" is a vicious assault on a stranger, if this is a new game I like the odds much better, fool vs car.
Reminds me of a news video I saw, stupid student is dared by friends to run up and slap the mounted cop's horse during Queen's U homecoming festivities. (Sources say this was a bit of a "fun" game going on and happened more than once). I wonder how badly she was bruised lol.

The "viral" pranks: it's not a game if it hurts animals or people in any way... I feel like such a party pooper, but really now... why slap a horse? So mean.

I saw this great parody video the other day. It was set up just like many of the "viral" games -- there were young people sitting around, watching a young woman do something, they were filming. You can't see at first what she's doing, then at the end you realize she opened a can with a can opener. She sets the opened can on the floor and everyone starts applauding. LOL! You have to see it to appreciate how pointedly funny it is, how well it mocks these "accomplishments" like the bottle toss.

I'm going to show the "can opener" video to my nephews in a couple of weeks. I'm thinking they might pick up on why I say they're silly to spend hours doing bottle toss onto anything and everything around the house, cheering like they've accomplished something great lol.

If tossing a half empty water bottle onto every surface around makes them happy, then that's fine. I remember building intricate patterns and enclosures for army men to stage battles, and taking pieces of fabric to make cardboard-doll's-house curtains and carpets... I suppose I feel like these viral "challenges" just aren't challenging enough!

If you screw your lids to the ceiling, or put screws into your shoes, what happens when you have a screw loose?

Getting back to those 'chant suggestions' :

Gather in the common room and chant: "OCCUPY, OCCUPY" until MsMadge brings the lemon merangue pie!

Or how about: "We R HUNGRY ! We R HUNGRY!"
They never feed us here.

"We want Beer here, We want Beer here!"

Those with loose screws need screwdrivers, the kind with vodka and orange juice.

Googling "Stepping out in traffic game" article where in Hampton, teens are terrorizing motorists by playing this game, a remake of the game "chicken".
So, guessing everyone will have to drive more careful, and avoid the far right lane.

I am going to find that kid and have a talk with his mother. He must have needed some attention, so he's got my attention now! Negative attention big time. A good deed for the holiday-SAVE A TEEN's LIFE-so they can live to bully or terrorize another day.........

At least in my day, the game "chicken" was car vs. car, making it voluntary and more equal by both drivers. This prank scares the driver.......and other dangerous things.
Have already brought up my own teen, my grandchildren are no longer teens, so I want to be safe driving down the road.

Plan to 1) contact police (recommended by article); 2) Contact 'MAD' mothers against drunk drving-they will be all over it. 3) Contact 'ACTION' for teens and parents, let them know what is happening.

How about screw the game playing teens to the garage ceiling by their heads and take away all their phones and devices!? I find it horrible that they would hurt complete strangers by knocking them out, or slapping horses, etc. Also putting innocent safe drivers at risk by stepping in front of cars on purpose. If these kids put all that energy to good use for the greater good of society things would be so much better.

Susan, I had to chuckle, what you found that your Dad saved was pretty much what my Dad had saved. Not sure about the "aged sawdust", but as a kid I loved the smell of freshly sawed sawdust :)

I never had been in my Dad's attic in the garage, too hard to get into.... had a handyman go up there. Dad saved all the original boxes that store items came in. My gosh, box after box after box. Oh well, guess one never knows if you need to ship back a 20 year old computer monitor :P

Oh, computer cords everywhere... those big old bulky cords with the wide ends that one would place on a computer tower then tighten the screws on either side of the ends.

My parents were also big on privacy.... good heavens, one would think they were in the witness protection program the way they acted. Never would Mom hand me last month's Good Housekeeping to read without the label blacken out with a large felt pen.

FF - Mom was the same way with magazines! Mom and Dad liked to donate magazines they received, but not without removing the labels or blacking them out first. All junk mail was shredded - every bit of it, even things without an address.

At least they are aware - down street is local high school but our street is dead end & a short cut for them - they walk up 6 abreast & take whole street but worst is the guy by himself with earbuds & hoodie up who doesn't hear you - I almost feel bad for the guy I drove up to about 3 ft away & then laid on the horn - did he ever jump ! - maybe he'll smarten up that roads are for cars too [we have no sidewalks here so they need to be aware]

My Mom was addicted to magazines for a few years before she died and had to have The Enquirer and her soap opera magazines as soon as they came out to keep up on all that important news.It was a small joy for her so I didn't mind her fits.

Lu my Mom loved her magazines too. In fact after she died I was getting her mail delivered to my place for a while and magazines would appear in my mailbox saying "its time to renew your subscription" It was all a scam though. They were just trying to trick her into thinking she had a subscription which she did not.

I just hate the way people try to take advantage.

This thread has become too funny and entertaining.
When I searched for "General topics" just now, trying to come back here, this was not listed! Had to go to my "activity" page to find it!
What is with AC forum, why are they doing this to some threads.
I couldn't find the "What's for dinner" thread either the other day.

Katie, Maybe I could duct tape the teen to a light pole and make a citizen's arrest?
Or drive up behind him and scare him by honking? That would be mean, and I couldn't do that. But these ideas are funny to contemplate.
Likely that I will do nothing, because I need peace in my life-tired of being angry about the many injustices-maybe I should try to forget it?

If you can identify the teen I think you should definitely report the incident to the police - someone is going to get hurt and his parents should reprimand him

Yeah but, have you noticed, they all look alike! Lol.

I did e-mail Action tonight. Asked if this is happening a lot.
We should force them to do community service as caregivers when caught and if found guilty of a crime----NOT!

Hm. I can have the New Yorker once a week for just over a hundred dollars, which is a genuine bargain -

But I'm supposed to be buying presents for the family this morning. Poo!

Someone asked how it was going with me this face said everything, and the two ladies just knew! I didn't say anything but bye now!
These are good people!

Waiting, waiting-I am just not feeling the holiday, except sad. Nothing bad is happening here, right now. Or, is it the full moon, lack of feeling.

Can you get the New Yorker online, for free?

I remember a comic many years ago, published in the New Yorker:

On rounds, a group of doctors were gathered around the bedside of a very ill
looking patient. The caption read: "This patient has a very rare form of health insurance".

lack of feeling is a good way to put too.Is there really a full moon?

Full moon? I saw it earlier this evening, rose in the sky around 4 pm, was still light out. It looks full but I looked it up and the official date is tomorrow. Same difference. :)

Yeah, Was too busy to look, really, and can tell it is full by my feeling out of sorts.
I already...., so it must be the full moon. Try to understand, I am not blaming the full moon. It is just a common occurence with me, coincidental, I think.

The shock of seeing a teenager in the road ahead, suddenly, on Saturdaty night has unsettled me since that happened. Got to get up and keep moving, right now.

So happy you all are here! Going outside.

Well Lu, there are no good feelings right now.
Maybe it is a good thing that I have learned to not rely on changing feelings, but instead on the plans God has for my life. And for everyone else's life too.

Send that is so true what you said about not relying on how you feel but on God's promises.

I have been dealing with a sour, upset stomach for a couple of weeks now. I think I might have IBS. Irritable bowel syndrome for those of you who don't know. It sucks. Everytime Hubs and I are in a store, I'm there 5 minutes and then running, looking for a bathroom cause I feel like I'm going to soil myself. Just Lovely...............NOT!

When I said do not judge your life by how you feel that does not include feeling like you have to go potty. Definitely listen to your gut.............LOL

As I tucked mom in at the hotel California tonight she said I don't like it here - I don't blame her

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