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I SUPPORT this new thread, and will hold it together with a safety pin if necessary.

For folks having trouble with a doctor and Rx's, can you let the pharmacy run interference for you? I use a national chain and (WG) they are always willing to fax the doctor to get a new RX, call me when it's ready, etc etc.

Sorry for your problems.....

Thank, Jinx. Our pharmacist told me to let him know if we needed him to help get a prescription. It's nice to have someone in our corner. The only problem with that is that one time he did try. He left a message for the clinic and never heard back from them.

At a loss what to do with myself just now. Showered, was heading out, packed the cooler. Feeling silly that I am going to have trouble going out to retrieve it from the car even! As body says, no, don't you move! And I can listen to my body talk! It is screaming pain/ fibromyalgia most likely.

Send, have you been taking your curcumin? I find it really helps.........although having said that my knees have really been bothering me lately. It takes me longer and longer to unfold my body from a seating position these days. I make a grunting sound when I sit down and when I get up now. People give Hubs and I really strange looks when we are out cause we are so vocal. LOL

Send I support the safety pin movement but I'm feeling too lazy right now to change my avatar. Maybe later...........



Gershun, Embarrassed to say that I forgot the Curcumin, but have been putting it in hubs vitamin box, o dear. No wonder. It had helped so well that I was more than able to do what was needed in a recent (and ongoing) crisis, now I am crashed, frozen, on the bed. Hurry, hurry, here I go...

Hurry Send...........take your curcumin........hurry. Take your Omega 3 6 9 too. It helps as well. Hurry! :)

Does anyone think 3 safety pins are over the top? I sure hope so!

Scottish Poetry

I'm Fine Thank You

There is nothing the matter with me
I'm as healthy as can be.
I have arthritis in both my knees
And when I talk, I talk with a wheeze,
My pulse is weak and my blood is thin,
But I'm awfully well for the shape I'm in.
Arch supports I have for my feet,
Or I wouldn't be able to go on the street.
Sleep is denied me night after night,
But every morning I find I'm all right,
My memory is failing, my head's in a spin
But I'm awfully well for the shape I'm in.

The moral is this - as my tale I unfold,
That for you and me who are growing old,
It's better to say, "I'm fine" with a grin,
Than to let folks know the shape we're in.

How do I know that my youth is all spent?
Well my 'get up and go' has got up and went.
But I don't really mind when I think with a grin,
Of all the grand places 'my get up' has been.

Old age is golden, I've heard it said,
But sometimes I wonder as I get into bed,
With my ears in the drawer, my teeth in the cup,
My eyes on the table until I wake up.
Ere sleep overtakes me, I think to myself
Is there anything else I could lay on the shelf?

When I was young, my slippers were red;
I could kick my heels right over my head.
When I got older, my slippers were blue;
But still I could dance the whole night through.
But now I am old, my slippers are black;
I walk to the store and puff my way back.

I get up each day and dust off my wits,
And pick up the paper and read the 'obits'.
If my name is still missing, I know I'm not dead -
So I have a good breakfast and go back to bed.

Be back later...

Love the poem Send!


Took Tumeric capsules instead of Curcumin. lol.

Ate an apple to keep the doctor away, just in case.


I bought some Blue Moon brand pumpkin beer at the store on my way home. It's pretty good! Wish I could pass them out to my friends, here... if you like that sort of thing. I figured with super moon coming, and pumpkins being seasonal... Seemed like a good choice. :-)

Already cooked the bacon. What was the question again?

Ali, I don't like pumpkin much, but the beer part sounds good. Wish we could all get together and have a toast. I think my toast would be that this holiday season be better for us than any we've shared with family before. And if we drink enough pumpkin beer, maybe it will. :)

Lol, Send, I'm on a quest for the way to cook bacon so that it comes out more tender and chewy and not too crispy or overcooked. I always used to put it in a skillet but I bought 3 lbs on sale recently so thought I'd learn some new ways to cook.

Just saw my now post disappear.

Did anyone see the pin photo with Canada and the UK pinned together, standing together?

So many of my posts have been disappearing Send. I type out nice, long ones and then Poof...........gone. Tiring...........tedious. Sigh! Never saw the pin photo Send.


Your smileys make me smile, Gershun. I didn't see the pic, Send, and wasn't aware of the show of solidarity until I read about it from you. I'm logging onto Twitter now to check it out.

Don't know how the Hotel California cooks its breakfast bacon, but found a piece in mom's purse tonight - it looked chewy or at least chewed on

I found you! It took my 5 am morning brain awhile. I haven't had my coffee yet and that would surely help, and all the eye drops.
Hope everyone has a good day, no matter what we face.

Had a day, a caregiving day, worked hard, just came home. If it was not for the forum members here, teaching, supporting, discussions over a long period of time, then an elderly man with a UTI would not have been diagnosed and treated today.
No, Really, you all, my friends here get all the credit. So grateful, so thankful.
Thank you!

Yea.........Send! Love you Send!

Gershun, So frustrating, isn't it? Posts disappearing theory is this- -When someone else posts as you are typing, nice, long postings, at the same time, yours disappears?
Solution, post really nice short posts. ? ?
Maybe I am wrong.

Love you too, Gershun! Sleep good tonight.
Now, there is a long posting I want to make, about sinuses and cat litter, but must go find some medicine to fix this......I should have worn a mask.

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