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Thank you everyone who posted good advice. I am beginning to take better care of myself.

I love that new iPhone commercial where the old man full of moxie does a belly flop off the high dive only to turn it into an Olympic splash at the end -

The high dive commercial is good in that it does not make older people look stupid or cute as so many commercials do.

I really like this thread. It is just what i needed this morning since i had no sleep last night. I don't post much but enjoy reading all the posts here. I don't really consider myself "old" and have a much lighter load in caregiving lately. On halloween i went to my doc complaining of exhaustion without doing much at all. I
take all the vitamins that my paycheck could ever afford. ( magnisium, folic acid, d3, calcium, c, a multivitamin, prescription iron and b12). I was running a temp and really didn't have enough energy to get out of bed. I will be 61 on dec 27. She ran all sorts of tests and called me back the day before thanksgiving with a dx. I have an active case of mono. What?!!! Who have i been around? Lol, life is like a box of chocolates.......

This whole time, since Mom passed in July, I've been expecting a sign from Mom - a dream or something. Nothing that I've noticed as a definitive "mom" thing. Not a single dream about her or anything. Finally, in the wee hours of this morning, I dreamed about taking Mom somewhere in the big old handicap van we used to have when she was alive. I don't remember where we were going (remembered as soon as I woke up but then it was gone - poof!), but it seemed like old times, when I used to take her places and she was still reasonably able to get around. She was happy and enjoying the ride.

I guess I'll have to take it as a sign that she's letting me know she's ok and happy. I hope so.

Same here, Susan. Been waiting and waiting for a "sign" or unique message or talisman from my late mother. Nothing yet. Altho mom was rather plain and practical. So maybe "reaching out from beyond" simply isn't her style!

I think sometimes these signs are subtle, like they are being happy in a dream.

I thought I'd better check into my thread before it completely falls off the map. Speaking of signs from loved ones, I haven't had many lately. I felt Mom's presence in little ways for a while but .............I like to think that she is happy where she is and has little need to connect to this world anymore.

It is all about ME this weekend and I refuse to feel guilty. Weeks in the works, I have plans to fly to Dallas to attend a Christmas party this weekend. Arranged to take a half day off work on Friday to make the flight. Have piles of food for the kids. Arranged to have Mom's daytime caregiver spend the weekend.

Then, two days ago, Mom gets herself hospitalized for a UTI. I'm hoping she is released today but, I have decided, no matter what, I am taking my trip. My husband has been in Dallas all week and we have been planning this fun weekend revolving around his work party. Mom can't take it from me.

M2M, it sounds like you have made the best arrangements that you can. Your Mom's UTI is being treated in hospital - if she needs more care than your caregiver for weekend can give, she can stay in hospital or go to short term rehab (3 days stay for Medicare:)) You and husband deserve some time to yourselves, just like parents do. This is not you leaving her bleeding on the side of the road or with suspicious symptoms and no transport. She is in medical care and the hospital cannot discharge her to unsafe environment without adequate supervision. Please take a break for you.

M to M go and enjoy yourself without any guilt. You will be refreshed and happier when you get back and everyone will benefit.

Mom came home today. She is refusing to eat and being very needy and helpless. Some of which is expected but I suspect some is her usual game. I am so glad to be getting away this weekend. I feel guilty dumping her on Carol (world's best caregiver/companion). Not out of guilt for leaving Mom but out of guilt for the weekend that Carol has in front of her. I'm going to have to bring her back something real nice from Dallas.

Where the heck is everybody? Did Santa abduct you all and stick you in his sack of toys? I've never seen the threads so quiet.

It's been a Sh&*tty week only to end with my brother calling me tonight suggesting I take mom off her Risperdal and give her marijuana instead - WTF?

Never mind we've both been sick for weeks and the hotel California was hit with an intestinal flu bug over thanksgiving weekend and so he says well doesn't sound like she can go out to eat so no sense in his coming up to see her - grrrrr

MsMadge, I hope you are feeling better soon. I see too many siblings that don't make any sense. Please take care of yourself and get your strength back.

Mom2Mom, Sounds like things are under control. Take a deep breath and go enjoy that trip to Dallas. We caregivers all need a break no matter if that break is big or small.

I hope everyone has a good and peaceful weekend. Yesterday it began to get dark here at 3:30 and stayed it is supposed to get even colder and maybe rain. Yuck.
I watched the "I Love Lucy Christmas Special" last night. I had never seen it before and it brought back great memories of watching that show as a kid. It really helped to cozy up in my warm robe and laugh at something.

Sometimes I'll search through youtube looking for funny videos, but unless you already know what you are looking for that is often just a bust. Too much of the content there is sexist, racist drivel and not really funny, and youtube itself keeps "recommending" more of the same. I was never much into slapstick or gags that make the victim look like a fool.... oh everyone look, I jumped out of the closet wearing a fright mask and my daughter peed herself, har dee har.
Well, there are always the cute animals videos.

I tell myself I profoundly disapprove of the trivia and tripe on YouTube.

Have you seen the pig eating crisps? Oh all right then I do love the internet!

But where else can you see a kitteh riding on a tortoise? "They see me rollin'. They hatin'..."

Ms Madge maybe if you put mom on wacky weed your brother would visit more often..sorry you feel bad

Soon as I can walk better, without so much pain, will go shopping! Because, 'they say', whoever 'they' is, "When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping.

Dh took his bike into the shop for repair after his bicycle accident. It will cost $30 but he tells me after I bought his usual $50 Amazon card. Seems now the money will be endless, so I am going to be smarter and get me some! Lol with an attitude.


Oh, will you look at that! I have just become poster number 200 on Gershun's new thread! What did I win?????

Chicken dinner...

Like every other winner...

Happy weekend, all!

Send you win 4 chocolate chip cookies or heart shaped pink jellies. You can find them in the hug collection. And the chicken dinner............:)

Chicken n dumplings sound pretty good

What about bisquits and gravy?

Gershun: Yes! Yes yes yes!! I hate those commercials -- they're so pretentious! I too feel like kicking the TV set all to hell ... I personally pronounce his name Matthew Mcconaug-HEY!! (or -HAY!!!) b/c he's so ... I dunno ... artificial? (And I had to look up how to spell his name too).

The other one I can't stand is the one about the Pacific North-West (Seattle??) and Swiffer. Esp. the version with the woman with the screechy voice. If I don't mute the sound in time, my ears ring for an hour. Blargh.

Oh those commercials with Tom Selleck and Henry Winkler selling Reverse Mortgages... the script they read makes it sound so easy. I have to chuckle, The Fonz is trying to convince me to get a Reverse Mortgage????

All the pitch men for RM have been men, like Robert Wagner, Fred Thompson, James Gardner, Jerry Orbach. Why no women pitching these products? Or like my late Mom would say "what would they know about finance".... [sigh]

Spraying my can of TROLL-BE-GONE here.....darn spammers.

I haven't been around much....about 5 days ago, my shoulder started to ache. Then my tendonitis started up, which made my forearm ache too (same arm). It increased to the point where I couldn't sit upright at my desk to work. Bad news for a small business owner. Went to the chiropractor twice - by the night after the 2nd treatment, I was in so much pain I couldn't move. Finally went to the ER to at least try to get some pain relief, and xrays showed severe disc problems in my neck, and the compression is pinching the nerves in my shoulder and arm. They have given me a few pills for pain, but I need to get in to see my regular doc and can't do that until January when my insurance will kick in.
Sooo....for now I will work propped up in my bed with alternating heating pad/ice packs (depending on what works that particular day) and try to work on my laptop (which needs replacing) so that I don't lose too much income from this. Lost almost 1/2 a week's pay last week until I was able to get some pain relief so I could at least work again. I guess we'll see what the new year brings as to whether I need to have surgery or not. :-(

Susan, oh my gosh, I can feel your pain. My orthopedic doctor said it is ok to take Extra Strength Tylenol total of 4,000 mg every day but no more than that, but check with your doctor first. I know it sounds like a lot. It helped somewhat.

I remember the days when I was accessorizing my wardrobe with ice packs.

Hope you are able to sleep. Trying to find a comfy position isn't easy.

Oh gee Susan, you just can't seem to get any breaks :( Perhaps one of the topical pain relieving ointments will help a little too.

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