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Hope everyone had a decent Fourth of July and was able to at least light something on fire…
Hot dog, firecracker, mortgage, something….


Thanks Cuz for the poem. I just printed it off for future use. Bobbie321, Jsomebody, I agree. Praying for all the families and survivors of the tragedy.

Unbelievable! God make these murders go away before they get started!

Thoughts are with those in Orlando and everywhere there are idiot fanatics.

Thanks for the joke and the nice letter, Cuz. Glad to hear Mike went fishing with you. G, sorry for your loss. I miss my Dad. Last Saturday would have been his 84 th birthday.

cuz...Thank you for the letter from Heaven.....Mom would not want me to cry again tomarrow like I have today and I know she would want me to keep pressing on.

Letter From Heaven
When tomorrow starts without me,
and I'm not here to see,
if the sun should rise ans find your
eyes, filled with tears for me.

I wish so much you wouldn't cry,
the way you did today,
while thinking of the many things
we didn't get to say.

I know how much you love me,
as much as I love you,
and each time you think of me,
I know you'll miss me too.

When tomorrow starts without me,
don't think we are far apart,
for every time you think of me.
I'm right there in your heart.

If you miss some one in Heaven.

I found this on Face book and thought I would share

I am sorry for your loss G. I can't imagine. It sounds like she was ready to go. Not that you were ready to lose her. Read your memories like pages of a book, and the best ones over and over again, then make new ones. Your Mom is always with you.

Too funny cuz....Thanks for the laugh!

96 on Wednesday. Somehow his B day got timed next to Sing Along With Fred and Catholic Mass at 2 PM? That'll be...interesting. May end up seeing my stupid abuser brother there as well just to add to the fun. This is gonna be a shit week right off for me truly. We went to see the WWII planes at Felts Field. First time I asked to go after waiting and watching for fly overs for years...We get there before it opened...Crowds already swarming the place. Families with little kids, people in shorts old folks being golf carted back and forth form cars to main event...We just turned around and left and I cried all the way home. We just are not the sort of people who do things I guess. Mom has her all day TV and I went back to bed till three. Had I been on my own I would have toughed it out, but I watched and felt Mom get more and more upset and uncomfortable and say stuff like: "Oh My God, it's packed..." Not worth the fallout.
Now I have fart pants 96 birthday to look forward to. He complained about his shoes again so mom had me order him a couple pairs of super grip slippers with velcro on them so he can adjust then...but he won't and he won't ever put his feet UP so the swell and it gives him something more to complain about at $12,000 a month. Cashed out his insurance policy, he has about six months of that he can spend on nursing home care then...I don't know he goes on Medicare and we go live on the streets I guess, maybe not right away...I don't know. I almost don't care.
I am holding out for good news from the agent who asked to see more of my novel. I also bought a lotto ticket. I have to look forward to something. Things could always be worse. Just one day at a time...

Hope everyone is doing OK where ever they are. Jen

My Mom passed away on May 21st. She was shy of 1 month of 90 and had dimentia. Decided to not eat and took couple of months. Down to 71 lbs. she was on morphine and her toes actually were turning black. They gave a little more morphine and passed soon after. It was a blessing as she wanted this. Took her last breath right after I left to get something to eat, telling her I loved her and dad is waiting for you. Kissed her and left. She was cremated as well as my dad 21 yrs ago and their ashes are in my backyard with plaques for each one. When I look out kitchen window I can see them and it makes me feel good. Feels very strange after 69 yrs to have no parents.

Hey there everyone,

Meanwhile, so sorry for your loss. I know you really loved him.

Cuz! Been thinking of you and Mike and happy you got him out fishing.

Jen! can't believe that FP is still hanging in there. How is your mom and how are you doing?

pargirl! mica! ya, anything to do with a toilet is gross even when you scrub it every day.

love the hillbilly joke cuz. I think that's where I'm living now.

Selfish Sib, was good to see you here.

going to go to a yard sale of all things. I thought that when I had to sell everything from my mom's house and my childhood that I would never be able to walk into an antique store or go to a yard sale ever again, it made me so sad.
But today, I am on the hunt for flowerpots haha.

Time does heal. If you let it.

love you guys,


Two hillbillies walk into a restaurant. While having a bite to eat, they talk about their moonshine operation.
Suddenly, a woman at a nearby table, who is eating a sandwich, begins to cough.
After a minute or so, it becomes apparent that she is in real distress. One of the hillbillies looks at her and says, Kin ya swallar?'
The woman shakes her head no. Then he asks, 'Kin ya breathe?'
The woman begins to turn blue, and shakes her head no.
The hillbilly walks over to the woman, lifts up her dress, yanks down her drawers, and quickly gives her right butt cheek a lick with his tongue.
The woman is so shocked that she has a violent spasm, and the obstruction flies out of her mouth.As she begins to breathe again, the Hillbilly walks slowly back to his table. His partner says, 'Ya know, I'd heerd of that there 'Hind Lick Maneuver' but I never seed nobody done it.

Oh quick update on my brother. Since the first of March he has lost almost 50#. He is doing real good except that he now has gout in his right wrist and it hurts to hang on to a fishing rod but I did get him out for the Bass opener today. Pee pill is doing its job I guess. He also had some melanoma cut out of his back. Had two spots and the doctor said they got it all so thats a good thing. Have a happy memorial day. Hugs to all of you caregivers.

meanwhile. So sorry to hear of your lost. Now he is pain free and you still have all the memories. Prayers for both you and the extended families. Hugs your way.

Just stay in touch Selfish glad u liked the joke I try to put a smile on everyones face if I can. Hugs your way also.

Funeral service is off. Mom nearly collapsed today. Feet are all swollen, backs killing her. As soon as I canceled everything, she seemed better. Fell asleep for about an hour. I called out of town relatives and explained, most seemed shocked. Mom has always been very strong, they don't realize how frail she has gotten. But, most everyone took it well, and tried to be understanding. Thanks for letting me vent.

I am sorry for your loss meanwhile. And sorry people feel they have to butt in and append what the person who died actually wanted to assuage their own feelings! Don't ask, just do what he would like and remind others of his last wishes. Peace.

Meanwhile.....My sympathies to you. I know how hard it is to lose someone and try to do right by them and their wishes. Tell that cousin to back off and remind mom that this is what he wanted. My dad wants no fuss and I will respect that although I really want something else for this great man. And I totally agree with Many, many thanks to our military families that have lost loved ones for protecting me and mine. God Bless

Grossed out here.... Found out that the water flooding my apartment for the last few months is toilet water.....
It isnt sewage but still Uck!

Meanwhile, so sorry for your loss. It is a process, isn't it? And hard to balance all the physical and emotional aspects of caregiving then letting them go.. Just know you are blessed.

Cuz- love the resurrection joke.
Just wanted to say Happy Memorial Day to everyone. Although I've not been a regular poster as of late, you all helped me immensely when I needed it. And thank you to all our military who have served to keep our country free.


My stepfather passed away Tuesday night. Dear sweet man, more of a real father than my biological one. He would have been 84 in 2 weeks. But, had a bad heart, diabetes, other health problems. He just wanted to be cremated, and no big fuss. Which my mother was fine with, until my cousin started insisting we have a big funeral. Now mom wants to go that route. Cousin lives 10 hours away, She won't be here to help put it on, or heaven forbid pay for any of it. I wouldn't mind doing it for Dad, but it's not for him, it's for all the relatives that feel guilty for not visiting more often.

And they have to run these commercials during dinnertime too.

Bible Knowledge imitating life?

While the minister was presenting a children's Easter sermon,

he asked the children if they knew what the Resurrection was.

Now, asking questions during children's sermons is crucial,
​ but at the same time,
asking children questions in front of a congregation can also be very dangerous.
In response to the question 'what is the resurrection', a little boy [Charlie Baumann] raised his hand.
The minister called on him and the boy said,
​ I know that if you have a resurrection that lasts more than four hours
​ ​ you are supposed to call the doctor.

It took ten minutes for the congregation to settle down enough to continue the service.

10 Fingers

Ole vas vorking at da fish plant up nort in Dulut
vhen he accidentally cut off all ten of his finkers.

He vent to da emergency room in da Clinik; and vhen
he got dar, da Norsky doctor looked at Ole and said,
"Let's have da finkers and I'll see vhat I can do."

Ole said, "I haven't got da finkers."

"Vhat do you mean, you hafen't got da
finkers?" he said. "Lord! It's 2015, and Ive's got microsurgery and all kinds of incredible techniques.
I could hafe put dem back on and made you like new! Vhy didn't you brink da finkers?"

Ole says........

"How da f#c^ vas I suppose to pick dem up?"

I get the same thing. It was years of, Tell me if I am turning into my mother. I mentioned two things in the past 2 years and will just let it go...People don't want to know, they want to get old and pretend they are doing the same things they have always done and don't believe you that they aren't, or they are to embarrassed to admit it. Sometimes it is better to just leave the parsley in the teeth alone.

If you can't "win" why play?
Even when it is saftey or hygiene that not kept track of can lead to injury (bed sores, rashes) what can ya do. An older person often stops seeing cause and effect. As far as my grandfather is concerned his sitting in his own urine and feces was fine, never washing his hands was no big deal, and my mom and I wanting him to keep up with the most basic of personal body care was invasive, petty and never ending.
God I am glad he is the nursing home's problem now...

Oh kelise how awful for you,mom and car seat. Does she wear depends? The indignity of old age.

I think my mother went out today with poop down the back of her pants .
I didn't notice till she was getting out of the car. on the one hand she says tell me if you see something wrong and on the other hand you get accused of picking on her lol

I'd be willing to bet after a while it is just painful blow or don't blow...? Cold meds? like a mucus minimizer?

Well, mom has a cold, and she say's it's too hard to blow her nose. So she just lets it drip. Will be surprised if we don't have to put her in the hospital. Which is a real pain, because she won't stay there by herself. Someone has to stay in the room with her, she won't eat hospital food, have to bring it from home.

Good jokes, sad days, place to vent and termites! This is a great site. Love to all.

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