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Cwillie, because of yours and others advice below, I was able to find an exercise to fit me (as in not be so boring that I quit.)

Today, at my follow-up doctor's visit, the doctor asked me if I'm exercising. Now, this was before he showed me my cholesterol lab result. Not knowing if it was the same, worse or better, I briefly paused and decided to be truthful and yet cover all my bases.

I said timidly, "I have been exercising."
He said, "Good.."
I interrupted quickly because that's not exactly true. "But I'm not consistent. I'm really trying to be consistent."
He didn't respond.
Me with an upbeat positive tone, "But I can tell you this. All the exercising I've been doing these past 3 months is waaaaaaay more than All the past years!"
A small smothered laugh burst from his mouth.

Thanks, everyone who posted here and I gleaned some info from it.

Since my doctor’s appointment 9 days ago, I stopped exercising. I woke up this morning with a stiff neck and shoulders, and headache. All day, it was painful to turn my head. I knew immediately that I needed to go back to exercising....

I did it tonight with my left shoulder popping a few times I stretched my arms upward or wide. My body feels relaxed now. I hope I will continue to be inconsistent, rather than doing nothing at all.

OK, back exercising again! I'm doing the JJ Virgin 4x4 workout on YouTube (15 minutes long) every other day, and a few reps of weights after getting dressed in the morning on the other days to keep the habit going. I was horribly sore at first but now that's gone and I'm even starting to get just a hint of definition going!

Sending encouragement to all other lapsed exercisers to get back in the game! You can do it!

I exercised yesterday! Really need to get back into it. I had 10 minutes before getting ready to leave, so I exercised along with a cardio video on Amazon Prime. It felt good!

I started exercising about a month ago. First I went on a 21 day diet change. Had more energy for exercise. I would love to join you. Bought a Body Gym online. Love it and it is a great workout. Walking around our neighborhood every day.

Welcome, Earlybird! Sounds like you have a good start on exercising. I also like the increased energy I feel when I eat right and exercise regularly. Do you find that you sleep better, too?

Hi Julia,
I find I am sleeping much better. I used to get up frequently in the middle of the night, but much better now. Did some pool exercises yesterday. Plan to work out this morning. Thanks for asking. Have a good day!!

Yay, glad to hear about other folks getting their exercise in!

I'm sleeping much better, too. I also tightened up my diet a bit (cut out all alcohol and now strictly limiting caffeine to one large mug of coffee that must be finished before 10AM) which is helping me wake up much more refreshed with the mental bandwidth to even WANT to exercise!

I started back to exercise in 2008 and started Zumba in 2011. I have kept it up all these years, adding personal strength training one day a week back in 2016. I do 4-5 days a week. I've lost 40 lbs. When the gyms closed earlier this year, I struggled a lot. Zumba online is not the same! I filled in the time with outdoor hikes and walks, picking ones that were 4-5 miles at a time. It felt good to be outdoors again! When the gyms opened up, it has been awesome being back with everyone again although small class sizes are the norm (Zumba used to be 30-40 people -- now limited to 12. We're spaced over 6 feet apart). You have to get there really early to get a space and now, as of last week, we have to wear a mask while exercising which is really bad and really hot. I feel so much better being back to my normal 4-5 days a week. Besides feeling better for ME, the Zumba and strength training continue to keep my body strong. I have seen all those people in my dad's AL all hunched over and hardly being able to walk. I just can't go there. It is a huge motivation for me to keep going.

I'm still walking, walking, walking with the occasional walk/run day thrown in. I have to keep reminding myself that my goal is improved overall daily activity and cardiac health or I would have given up long ago, 6 months has netted me a 4 lb weight loss and I still can't connect all my walk/run intervals together into one big run. I was cheered when I got my 25,000 step award (more or less 11 miles) but of course there is always somebody who boasts about doing much better than that 🙄.

OK, after being sidelined by this 'n' that (severe heat wave, unbreathable air outside due to wildfires, an incredibly ill-timed power outage, an entire day without the sun/ sneak preview of the apocalypse, weird cluster fly infestation out of nowhere, retinal tear scare, keeping parent alive while co-caregiver was on a much-deserved vacay during all of this, etc., etc., etc.), I'm back at it!

Just did my 15 minute YouTube workout (so many workouts on there to choose from; I just keep it simple and do the same JJ Virgin one all the time) and feel great. I know that as I continue to be faithful and intentional with my exercise I WILL:

*have more strength and energy in order to take charge of each day
*have improved metabolic health all day long
*enjoy better mood, morale and motivation
*facilitate deep sleep at night
*improve my life in other ways I am not even aware of
*enjoy nicer-looking arms ;)

Are you a lapsed exerciser? No worries, just get back TO IT!

Hi, my motivation is expecting to live a long life and knowing that staying in good health and keeping my weight down is the best investment in my future. Keeping care of my health will benefit me both physically and mentally.

My gym assigns pool lanes for swimming so I schedule a set time daily. Having a committed time forces me to go, knowing that if I don’t show up I could be depriving someone else of the opportunity for that time slot.

I also am signed up for a weekly Pilates session and Zoom yoga. Knowing I have paid for these classes is motivation to attend, I hate wasting money on unused classes!

Daily walks get me out of the house. I quit wearing my Fitbit because it was becoming a crutch. I have lost 4 lbs not worrying about the number of steps I was lacking.

Lots of videos on YouTube. My daughter does yoga with YouTube because she no longer belongs to a gym.

I think walking is a good all around good exercise.

Good for you staying committed to a routine! Best wishes to you with reaching and maintaining your goals!

I must confess, I have really neglected myself for the last 5 months. But this is the week I get myself back on track, I have been cycling still, but not near as much. I have been walking on a treadmill while watching video lectures. But I have been stress eating carbs(sigh) and chocolate. I am as of now holding myself accountable. Lord willing, I am going to report here everyday to keep myself in check.

I failed to report every night, forgive me.

I will when I can, as I should have said.
I have been doing well without chocolate. Riding my bike a lot, vibing, and doing a lot of walking.
So I am trying to get back on track.

Back exercising finally after, um, the holidays. Put my kettlebell outside where I have now been doing a few modest swings with it in the morning after watering my plants.

Any other 2021 exercisers out there?

Not yet Snoopy!
But good for you to be one of the first!

I was looking for this thread a while ago and couldn't find it, I can't remember what I wanted to say though 🤔.
I am still getting my +10,000 steps in every day and as long as I don't look at all the people posting about their 20K or 30K or more I'm happy with that, anyway I don't think my poor feet could take much more. It sucks that I have to work twice as hard to be half as fit as I was just a few years ago.

Maybe your Fitbit is lying to you.
It may need a new battery......
And you could be more fit than you realize.

I guess I'm doing OK for a 60 year old, it's just that it's really obvious to me how much strength and stamina I've lost (I'd never get mom off the floor if I had to do that now). My fitbit is my conscience, I might not get out of the chair without it and I'd be even worse off. It's laughable that I still get a boost when the stupid thing gives me fireworks or all my daily goals flash green 🙄😂

You at least have kept up with your fitbit, CWillie. It may stop the normal decline of aging. Especially if you can add a bike ride to that in the spring.

Many many years ago, at a cardiologist check-up, the doc said I need to get some stamina.

Never could, and I am here to say, the downward spiral was fast, very fast in 2020.

Going to try the dancing in the kitchen to oldies 3 times a week.

Glad that the exercise buddies are starting up again. When you think of me, you can all say, at least we can do better than her!

Yes, it is a competition! See how good we look going into that coffin. 😰


First Prize goes to all who made it over to this thread today!

More kettlebell swings in this morning and it was a bit easier!

OK, Sendhelp, be sure to report back on which oldies song you danced to! 😊

Here's one for you Send, I'll be dancing along...

In a stroke of genius I’ve put my kettlebell right next to the broom I use each morning to sweep up fallen birdseed and now I’ve been using it every day!

Keep exercising, everybody!

Thanks CWillie....the Kinks...never heard of them, maybe that is a Canada thing? Sorry, I forgot all about exercising because I was walking the hood with missing cat flyers. Found the cat's owner today!

The thing about Oldies is, in my opinion, not what is Old today, but what was an Oldie when we were teenagers.

Here is an example:
Really, really oldies!

Older than old:
Whole Lot of Shakin Goin On
Wake Up Little Suzie
All Shook Up
At The Hop
Peggy Sue
Jailhouse Rock
I'm so young and you're so old, Diana

Danced to music in the morning before dad got out of bad

I think it may be more of a generational thing Send, but the sentiment of the song is just for you!

Snoopy - smart move!

what motivtes? my mantra:
pound pavement not people - have to take care of yourself to be worth anything to anyone else

my goal- be alive and healthy - and run a few times a week

what works for me - honestly i am pretty you considered an online exercise platform - pre-pandemic my favorite time of the day was my 0h dark 30 (5:30am) group workouts at the gym...well those days are gone and i so missed my breakfast club.

so...i got the peloton app, just on my phone but totally fell for the community - they have a facebook group and it was just so inspiring reading everyone's optimistic (mostly) stories and seeing support for each other.

any others out there would love to follow - my handle - yep -MOXYRunner

Went for a twenty minute walk this evening. Fresh air and exercise do wonders for mood and attitude. So glad I got outside rather than do some never ending chore inside.

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