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5,000?! That is long winded but very impressive!😮😉

Hall walking again today. I did get it done.

The kettlebell I keep under the deck was cold and wet from the cold, rainy weather we’ve been having here in CA but I still did my 20 swings each arm. Want to start walking more again too.

Walked the hall again today. Maybe will go outside tomorrow, temp is to get to the 50's.

I really do want to start exercising. I think about it. I plan for it. But then there is the chocolate donut that calls to me. About the only exercising I get in is stairs. There are 14 stairs to get to the upstairs condos where I live, so I climb the stairs. Can do 3 sets now. Up and down, up and down, up and down. Should at least try to do it twice a day, but feel proud of myself for doing it once. With Sciatica and Neuropathy, it's a wonder I can do it at all, but proud of myself when I accomplish the 3 sets.

Helen if you plan for it you can fit in extra steps in all kinds of ways - it's surprising how many you can get in while you wait for the microwave to to warm your coffee or lunch, and I always add extra steps by going the long way through my basement whenever I need something downstairs. I think all those experts who advise so many steps or minutes of exercise mean well but they can be discouraging to people who can't make those standards, just remember every little bit counts!
(and enjoy that donut 🍩)

Finally, in the mid 40's low wind speed, outside for my steps, though it was smoky! Just to the west of here about 80 miles wind speeds are 80-100 mph. Crazy grass fires burning very fast! Smoky here, but can sure see the smoke all around the area. Whole towns are evacuated. Three hundred homes burnt already! The fire just started about noon. Hospital is on fire.

Brand new Marriott hotel is a complete loss.

That's awful Glad. We lost a small town here in British Columbia due to horrible fires. In fact we've had very extreme weather patterns here this year. Record breaking heat in the summer, flooding in the fall due to endless rain and now a deep freeze and snow so far this winter.

Climate change is real.

I do side bends, leg lifts and tummy exercises while waiting for the kettle to boil or the microwave to ding. If I'm watching t.v. I'll do exercises during the commercial breaks.

But yes, doughnuts do drown out my I've got to exercise thoughts quite often. :)

I talked to sister for 54 minutes this morning so I've got 5000 steps logged🤣

Lol @ Willie!

Well, met virtually with trainer/coach/pt yesterday. Went through the different exercises I will be doing, about 15 different ones. I was a bit sore today. Then he sent the first full workout for today. I went through it, finished it, and now even my fingers are sore.😦😦

I am in terrible shape. Will now check into silver sneakers through a part b supplement. Leaning towards UHC through AARP. Theirs is not silver sneakers but called Renew Active. There is only two gyms in town one takes silver sneakers, the other takes SS and Renew. The one that takes both is the only one with a pool.

Will think about it a bit longer.

I don't want to walk today so I googled outdoor exercises for seniors. From WebMD

biking... uhm, it's winter
golf - see above
swimming - yeah, the pool's covered in ice
gardening.... Uhm..
tennis.... but...
water aerobics.... IT'S WINTER!!

tai chi and yoga, playing with children 🙄

I specified for seniors in my search because otherwise I get results like running a marathon

CW, you just need a long hallway. Mine is 45 steps round trip. This afternoon I could have walked outside but I have this post cancer program I am doing. So this afternoon it is stretching and other exercises, including the sumo squat.😮 Very aptly named you can imagine what it is.😉

CW, have you seen eldergym?

Why did you search for outside CW? Snowshoeing, cross country skiing? Snowshoeing is great exercise if you have enough snow.

Get a stability ball and a couple of weights.

Or you may be able to walk a circle in your house, which is what I do, throwing in some stairs periodically. You can add in squats, modified plank, some pulling exercises with an elastic band, wall push up starts that push up type of exercise gently.

Remember the XBX Canadian Airforce exercises? I used to do them. They can all be done inside with no equipment, I was thinking of starting them again - gently, You can download a PDF document of them

Yeah well, despite my reluctance I forced myself out the door.

There are 23 steps from my front bedroom wall to the other bedroom wall at the back of the house, then back, back again only this time through dining room, then downstairs and twice back and forth down there, then upstairs - repeat. This is how I get my 250 steps each hour, and on days I can't go out if I concentrate on 1000 steps each hour I can hit my 10,000 step target. It gets old.
Plus... going outside is good for my mental health. But this time of year the trail is a treacherous rutted icy pathway and I end up walking main street from end to end (small town, so that's slightly more than 1.25 miles each way).

I have snowshoed other years but we've had a mild winter, so I can't do that. I haven't been able to cross country ski since I broke my ankle 30 yrs ago.

I am going to think about it some more.

I bought a cheap stepup bench from Walmart. Doing 10 on each side is great for balance and mobility.

Hi I am driving batty.I am here for you and yes I would love to help you. Please let's help and support each other and be here for each other ok? I am into walking, in the house and indoors, kick boxing, pilates,karate, yoga and meditation. Lets get started ok?😀

It's a beautiful sunny morning here today, I know it was supposed to get cold last night but it's 11:00 now, it can't be that bad, right?
Checks thermometer... -18°C (around 0°F)
Hm, maybe I'll walk inside today.

My exercise was nearly impossible to do when both my parents were alive. I have recently committed to myself for my sanity. I love Leslie Sansone videos. You can find many on YouTube for free and I downloaded the app last week which has tons of walks. It is in home walking and takes very little space. Add in some upper body free weight exercises and you would be surprised how effective it is

Thanks for that Grandmaofeight, I just did her 12 minute 1 mile routine, that was a fun change!

I might try that 12 minute/1 mile this afternoon. Looks a bit too energetic for me. I did my 1.5 mile inside hall walk this morning. It was 18 degrees outside.

Well I made six minutes, might try another six minutes later. And amazing, I have a Withings Move watch that counts steps and such. 1.3 miles is about 3,000 steps. This 6 minutes was about 445 steps, not very close to 750 for about a half of a mile.

Ended up with 3 miles today, did not do another six minutes of 12 minute mile.
But 3 miles is twice of what I usually do. See what happens tomorrow.

Glad if you are like me you'll do nothing tomorrow. :)

I always push myself too hard one day and then pay for it the next day and then don't do anything for the rest of the week.

But you aren't like me Glad so don't worry.

I think I will be fine tomorrow. What is really surprising me is how this watch helps to motivate me. Maybe 5 miles tomorrow? Just kidding.😉🌝

I did a google search for 15 minute walking workout videos - there are a lot of them so I think I'll try some out to add variety to my routine.

Exercised too late last night, I think. I had a terrible night.
I was still walking an hour before I went to bed.

Today got another three miles, exhausted stopped by about 4. Hoping fora good night's sleep.😴😴

Glad, pace yourself. Don't overdo it. You are doing great. You put me to shame. Since the weather's been crappy and workout room is closed due to covid I've done nothing.

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