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Good work Smeshque!

I am a loser. Lost 0.4 lb.
A little slow on restarting my activity, walking.
Maybe swimming is a good idea for me.

Congrats Send! It's hard work losing weight. Swimming is a great idea Send. Do it when you can. I look forward to swimming this summer, just not the scorching hot weather.

Today, I had very little carbs from grains and starch. A no carb breakfast, a very low carb lunch, and no carb dinner, except for dessert which was fresh strawberries dipped in sugar. Will try to keep carbs low tomorrow, one day at a time.

I need to fast today or at least semi fast. After a few days being good, eating low carb meals, yesterday I indulged with too much carb food. Feel heavy and don't want to get on the scale for fear of the truth. Haha. So semi-fasting today for me.

Hope everyone is exercising...

Don't beat yourself up PB, it happens. I gave in to 4 rolos today. Otherwise been eating good, and continuing my workout regimen.
scale continues to go down. I even put new batteries in it because I thought it can't be right. I am so grateful I believe the ashwagandha and turmeric have been beneficial in ridding my stress, which rids cortisol, which rids fat. And has boosted my thyroid which I believe could have been a problem with me for some time. I am feeling so much better and have so much more energy, so I assume it is these things. the only other thing I added was the vibe machine. So maybe a combination of the 3 whatever it is, I will continue what I am doing.It is working.

Keep up the good work!!!

I need someone tell me to get out of this chair NOW. Anybody?

I really can't talk, CW. I'm supposed to be mowing the lawn.

I was following a YouTube video on warm up exercises. And pulled an inner upper muscle. And that was just the warm-up exercise. I'm joining the inactivity crowd below...

Book, my Dad used to remark sadly that one of the signs of aging was "the ever finer line between being warmed up and shagged* out."

* = tired, in this context.

Ha ha - I made myself lie on the floor to do some very neglected core exercises and attempt to straighten my round shoulders and pelvic tilt. All those people giving advice on youtube haven't seemed to take into consideration that a da**ed near 60 year old spine is never going to straighten up no matter how many exercises or maneuvers you perform. Ouch.
I did stroll to Timmie's and back though, and CM you inspired me to pull out my mower and tackle the bits of lawn that had gotten long.
(I'm amused that often the same people who profess to want to die before the become decrepit work so hard to improve their health)

Good thing I stopped by my bed to rest, I can now answer you CWillie.

I forget, what was the question? What i s wrong with your chair?

As for forcing oneself onto t h e floor, most of us just wait for when we will be falling there anyway.

I went birding today, which is more more stealthily creeping through the woodland trails than brisk exercise, nevertheless my hips are feeling it as it added a couple of miles to my daily step count. It was quiet on the trail but I spotted some warblers, red bellied woodpeckers and maybe a wood thrush (darn thing wouldn't sit still).

My favorite exercise is swimming.
Although there is a community pool where I live, it is unheated, frquented by toddlers in diapers. So, for only $5, there is a huge olympic sized heated pool at the city's sports complex.
When I find my swimsuit, I will be going.
Towel, swimsuit, swim shoes, bag.

Send - common. You get yourself another swimsuit Costco has them in the warehouses and online, cheap and good quality. No excuse.

I hope everyone is keeping active as possible.

Just finished 15 minutes of aerobics exercise, and 5 minutes of hand weight.

I indulged a little too much over the weekend, so need to work it off before it takes permanent residence somewhere on my tummy.

Plus the weather is warming up soon. I plan on using the pool at least twice a week and need not scare the kids when I'm in my bathing suit.

How are you all doing with your exercise?

Good work polarbear! Here's a quote for the day

Success Is The Sum Of Small Efforts, Repeated Day In And Day Out

Good Job Polar Bear. Keep at it.

And with Cwillie as a Cheerleader, how can one not do well?

Just did some push-ups after a few weeks of only walking. I'm going to keep at it! As a macho yet funny and self-aware male trainer at a gym I used to frequent before caregiving would always say in late spring: summer is coming, time to get the guns [arm muscles] going!

How are the exercises going? I still carry on the same routine. scale has gone down more.

I hope you all are keeping active any way you can. Lots of little bits equal a lot. So a few minutes here and there add up.

Best wishes everyone, it is not an easy task. But we can do it.

smeshque - that's wonderful that you keep losing weight. Keep up the good work. I'm still exercising but weight has not come down. Need to renew my effort. Glad you touch base because I was getting a little lazy.

Hi! I’m getting back in the game! Starting next week, I plan to walk three days a week while my husband is at dialysis.

Julia- Were you able to start walking?

PB- were your efforts renewed?

Just checking in and on.

I use to jog, I loved jogging. But the years i have spent laboring on the farm and in construction with DH, and maybe the years of jogging have taken a toll on my knees. Just that they have some aches and pains every once in a while. But I have been thinking as soon as the wheat comes down, I am going to see about starting to jog again. It will be on dirt instead of concrete, which is what I use to run on. So the dirt will be less hard on my knees. I mean I still run short distance like from location A to location B and so on. But to run for the sake of running, I use to love it. And I think it would do me good. Or at least if I cannot anymore I can get it out of my head and move on to something else.
We will see. I have still been having good progress, I hope you all do too. It is rough but we can do all things.....

Worked so hard cleaning, not really exercise, but I kept moving! Then, I was very hungry, but ate well. So, I am still an exercise buddy, committing to activity.

Hoping everyone can find some enjoyable activity. I am replacing the word exercise, for activity. My weight has not go n e up.

Good to hear of everyone's successes, or for just staying with it.

Smeshque, sounds good!

Smeshque, I did start walking! 15 minutes exploring around the new dialysis clinic. What I found surprised me: a beautiful small lake that has a paved trail and benches in the shade! I’ll be headed there for my walks next week!

My left shoulder joint has been hurting a lot the last few days and has been out of commission since. I think I really overdid the stretching and strengthening exercises. The urgent care doc said it probably was inflammation. I need to go see my regular doc so she can order an MRI to check for damages. Hopefully I can get an appointment tomorrow. So, I haven't been exercised. I probably can do some light exercise with my other arm and legs.

meshsque - do you have some knee braces? Those would protect your knees when you jog.

My DH used to run 5K, 10K, 15K races, 1/2 and full marathons. His knees are now paying the price. I also used to jog but knees are no longer able to take the excessive pounding. So I only jog in place for 5 to 10 minutes the most because not exercising and putting weight on the knees also cause the knees to wear out and go weak.

Julia- glad you found a nice lake to do your walking. It makes the time go by faster when you have something nice to look at.

Send - cleaning is exercise, too, and you kill two birds with one stone.

Thank you for all the inspiration, finding this thread at the top of my news feed gave me the push I needed to get out of my chair and out the door. I went for a walk/run today, the first time I've run at all since... I dunno, last summer I guess. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to run at all even with the walks in between, but I could!

Good job, CWillie! I was thinking of going for a run, too. The weather is just so beautiful, it makes me want to get outside.

How is everyone else doing? Polar bear, how’s your shoulder? I hope it’s feeling better.

Thanks for asking Julia. I really overdid my arm exercise and didn't do warm up. I woke up and literally could not lift my left arm. The doc said my tendon was inflamed. I am now on anti-inflammatory med and doing physical therapy. Arm is much better now, no more pain but doesn't have the full range of motion yet and is still weak.

I'm taking it easy right now and only doing the stretching exercises that the PT guy showed me.

How are you all doing with your exercises?

How is everyone doing?
PB- how is the arm?
Julia- been walking?
CW- getting anymore walk/runs in?

I carry on. Hoping everyone is keeping moving


I've been trying to get out on the trails a few times a week, plus I've done a couple of days of floor exercises and free weights. One of my challenges is my back wants to scream at me when I'm on the floor so half my workout is just working on straightening my spine.

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