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Hi all - I'm still here, exercising, but also eating...a bit more than I should.

OK. Next week's commitment is to eat 1 carb-less meal each day.

CW- Send is right, you are in no way a slug! You inspire all of us.
Send- Great Job you are doing more and all. Don't get discouraged over the technical junk. You will get it figured out.

I have continued my 2-3 hour cycling at night. I am really going to try and begin my workout video starting Monday. I am hopeful. I think I will have to get up earlier to have time. Hard because sleep is a luxury for me. But I might have to bump my wake time to 5:30 in order to get my workout in. I get a good work out with the wood cutting and splitting, but that will soon be replaced with all the gardening. Which I hope is considered working out, because it sure feels like it. My life is odd. :)

PB- Doing Ok?
Julie- Doing ok?

Keep up the good work everyone, Rising up to the challenge of our selves.

It is you who suggested there are videos online that are less strenuous! I was encouraged by that! And anyone who can get out and walk through snowy ice to get a coffee has my respect.
You are not a slug!
Imo, people are encouraged by your life overall, not a few days of having a bad mood.
Just ignore that tomorrow is Sunday and skip the beating yourself up for not attending church. Go out for some Sunday coffee!

Sorry Send, I have been a slug so have avoided this thread because I would have been sowing dissent rather than encouragement.
And I don't know what a data point is either🤔

Have been leaving home more often, and spring has arrived.
In keeping with my plan to move more, eat less: I joined a go to meetings weight loss program.
The technology has me stumped, and depending on hubs to set me up will not be sustainable.
Those smart phones and Google are way too smart for me. My bird Tweety could hunt and peck better than I can. What (enter swear word here) is a data point?
Please do not answer.....asked hubs to stop speaking to me like that, lol.

Maybe if I do not eat until I can arrange the points on the electronic device, I really will lose weight......And my mind, thank you very much.

"Let's count! One, two, Three!" (Learned online bird videos)....Mango the budgie repeats counting).

Are we supposed to weigh it too? Weigh in, weigh the food? Where is the scale?
Is it online too?

Keep posting buddies, or I will not be able to find this thread!

I used to do deadlifts and rows to ensure I had the muscle to get mom off the floor.

I find it terribly discouraging that almost all the people making videos and giving advice on the web make recommendations well beyond my capabilities. I will never press 100 lbs(or more) or run a 13 minute mile.

OMG! JuliaRose. You have to pull a 220 lb. person. My mom is around 120 and the last time she fainted, and had to pull her onto her bed. It was hard and my back hurt from the strain. Glad your arm muscles are getting stronger.

Been doing my exercise daily. Pushups are a tiny bit easier. I can feel my arms are getting stronger, too.

Next week, I'll focus on my kicks and punches. Self defense exercise.

How is everyone doing? Are you keeping up with your exercises?

My biceps have been getting an intense workout pulling my hubby up the bed several times a day. It's gotten easier using a slide sheet, but he is still 220 lbs. The day before yesterday was intense because I didn't have an aide to help, but I managed to move him with the Hoyer life, shower him, get him dried, dressed and arranged in bed, and then kept him from working his way off the bottom of the bed. Boy! My biceps were bulging and shaking by the morning!

GingerMay, I was shocked to hear of Luke Perry’s death, too! I grew up with my older sister watching 90210! He looks like he might have smoked, so maybe that played a role in his health. But, I’m glad you were inspired to stand up and move more throughout the day!

Yes ladies. And I think for us caregivers who live under significant pressure, are tired, many times nervous, etc., it is very easy to unconsciously stop breathing properly. If the consequences are so evident when exercising I can only imagine what that does to our body long term. Simple, yet so important: breathing!

Yes, Rosses,
Just breathe! A real benefit, I agree.

I have caught myself almost holding my breath as I fell asleep. Not really holding my breath, but not breathing in enough. Deep breaths, wakes up your brain, so you can sleep! Really....sounds the opposite or strange, I know.

Aging has had me wondering how many times I have had a condition and it just went away:
Could not use my arm strength to lift myself out of bathtub.
Rt. hip was painful for years.
Diagnosed plantar fasciatiis/heel spur.
TMJ adjusted once by dentist.
These and other conditions just resolved and went away with only a little time and help.
Written to encourage others who may think it will always be this way, and this is the end.

Keep exercising, keep living your life!

Thank you for this "buddies" thread! A real positive help for worn out caregivers.
I am grateful.

Well for this week I was stunned to read of a stroke leading to the death of Luke Perry at 52. Eeek! I work on computer all day mostly sitting. I've been deliberately getting up each hour and walking around. Not that it's a workout, but just integrating some prevention measures.

There was so much intense lightening, just overhead, got my heartrate up without exercise. Worked on chores all day, not " real" exercise, but yes, moved around more.

Kudos to those who can do an exercise plan with equipment and all. There is no failure, just a plan for you to keep moving forward. You've got this!

Rosses - thanks for sharing. You're right about the conscious breathing. It does help when I remember to do it. Now, I need to remember to do it each time I exercise.

I would like to share something I’ve learned to do through exercising. The first few weeks when I started exercising I ran out of breath as the exercise got more intense plus, something that had already happened to me before, I experienced kind of a change in pressure in my right ear, similar to what I feel sometimes when flying. I got concerned thinking it had to do with blood pressure, but then did some research and realized it had to do with a shortage of the air I was breathing in. I realized that when the exercise got intense I had a tendency not to breathe with the needed frequency. May sound silly but based on what I have read many people have the same problem for not breathing as they should.

So, I have since made a conscious effort to breathe frequently and get enough air in, and voila! Problem solved. Not only did the uncomfortable sensation in my ear stopped but I literally don’t run out of breath anymore no matter how intense ithe exercise is, and after 35 minutes on the elliptical and 40 on the treadmill I sweat and I feel the goodness of the exercise in my body, yet I literally don’t run out of breath.

I believe the importance of learning and remembering how to breathe under any circumstances is key, so something I learned thanks to exercising I’m now trying to apply in life in general.

Thought it was a good learning to pass along.

Great job, PolarBear, Barb and Sendhelp!

Today, the caregiver we hired pushed me out the door to go to the gym because I was an emotional wreck. I only had 15 minutes there because of the traffic and rush to get back before he left for the day, but I did a mile on the elliptical!

Went outside, 20 minutes, sunny with fog and traffic. Phew, back home now.

19 minutes on the treadmill!

Hello online exercise buddies

A new week is here. What's your exercise goal for this week?

Mine is 2 sets of 10 squats each day besides the usual 5-10 minutes daily exercise,

Have fun walking, dancing, bicycling, chopping wood, etc. whatever exercise form you do.

I also walked today! First I stretched with the Lazy Dancer routine and then went out for a leisurely walk. It was sunny with a blue sky. Smelled like spring is coming!

Yes, CWillie! The day was beautiful. And I also drank too much coffee. Wishing there was something to drink that would oppose the caffeine effects, take away the rapid heartbeat.

As far as motivation.....of course I had to do the walking or would feel like I let my exercise buddies down.

15 minutes of fresh air on a pretty day, what more motivation do you need?

I think I'd better advantage of the sunny weather and go out for some fresh air too, I was running errands today and am having caffeine jitters because I went overboard and bough a large coffee while I was out.

Walked for 15 min. There was No One at all on the street. Need to work on thinking some positive thoughts to make this a better experience.

Who's next?

Today is such a pretty day already, and I do have every intention of walking outside. There is a project dH and I are finishing outside, which will require of me to take tylenol or aleve, so I will.
I know that if I can keep up enough activity, even just walking, there will come a time that I can do this and it will come easier to me, and I will have a life, a better life.
Even though going to bed early at 9, and waking at 3 a.m. netted only 6 hours of sleep, I still think I can, I think I can, I think I can. These adjustments on behalf of dH and his changing schedule, and the tweety bird's changing schedule are not making things easier, my schedule is nowhere to be seen. Pay bills.

Rosses- I agree with you about push ups. It's the up part that gets me, too. ;D

I just did my 5 minutes of morning exercise. Today is my weigh-in day, but I don't feel like facing discouraging news. I don't feel any lighter. Clothes no looser, but no tighter either. At least that's good.

So, I'll put off till the end of next month.

Anyone exercising today?

Good for you Polarbear! I have to say push ups are my weakness...I will definitely do the ‘push’, the problem is to achieve the ‘up’! 😆

Just did my hand weight exercise for 5 minutes, and 2 sets of 5 push ups. I was supposed to do the hand weight yesterday and the push ups today per my goal this week, but forgot yesterday. So I did both today. I could feel my arms getting weak after the exercise.

Told my husband: "I'm building up my arm muscles."

My husband: " OK. Arnold."


Thank you, everyone. Yes, I’m sure roller coaster rides burn calories. But they also raise blood pressure! Lol. I did do a Lazy Dancer ballet stretch/dance yesterday, and that was a nice distraction. Felt good.

Cwillie, I have a great mental image of you hustling down the street to the coffee shop bundled up for the weather!

Sendhelp, dancing in the kitchen, singing in the shower, laughing, playing piano ... Go for it! They all burn calories!

Polarbear, glad you’re back into the swing of things!

Yup, I made a coffee run today Send. Winter has returned here so I have been hibernating for the last couple of days, but on the plus side I walked much faster than normal today so I could get in out of the cold😉

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