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Are you out walking?

Dancing in the kitchen while making coffee.

Everybody else but me.......
Throw on some clothes and walk out the door. Enuff exercise? Some can do more.

Start slower, exercise 3x per week.

Julia, I believe being on a roller coaster burns calories and is some exertion. :) Don't beat yourself up, just reset and try again after you had some rest tomorrow.

Hello, Sendhelp. Thanks for the note. Saturday we spent in the hospital, so I played catch-up yesterday with everything. Life’s a roller coaster. I certainly got my exercise hauling him in and out of bed. Will try to exercise today, between work and the doctor’s appointment. Sigh. It’s early, I’m awake, but I don’t feel like doing anything!

Will you be exercising every day?
How did you do today?

You are so very welcome CWillie!
I knew that being such a good example would motivate others!

Did you get one of those robot vacumn cleaners too?

I actually did better when I was a hands on caregiver because I had motivation - I needed to burn off stress and aggression and I needed to be able to haul mom off the floor if necessary. Today I did my little on line exercise routine because you guys made me feel ashamed to keep doing nothing, so thanks for the inspiration.

From the internet:
"Laughing intensely for an hour can burn as many calories as lifting weight for 30 minutes, scientists have found. Laughter gives the body a "mini aerobic workout", they believe. It causes the heart to beat faster, sending larger amounts of blood around the body."

Then I read, (still in bed...) a person can die from laughter.

I watched my bird perform his daily calisthenics, flying in circles, flying out to the livingroom, hanging upside down from the ceiling fan......

Thanks Polarbear.....I will watch that too!

Send - you're too funny. I need one of those vacuums, too. But the Zumba video I exercised to this morning is this one.

Isn't "Zumba" that robot vacumn cleaner you just sit and watch clean your floors?

I am back. After a few days of not exercising and just eating too much (you know...feed the cold, starve the flu kind of thing. haha,) I felt heavy. So, this morning, i did 10 minutes of Zumba. Got my body warmed up and more invigorating, and now I am ready to start my day.

I agree that setting goal helps, My goal for this week is do 5 minutes of hand weight exercise M,W, and F. Do 2 sets of 5 push ups T,TH, and S, in addition to my usual 5-10 minutes daily exercise.

What's your goal this week?

OK, I literally put away the mediocre cookies I was munching on WAY too late at night right now, and did 10 girl push-ups.

I have been faithful with doing squats everyday, and today when I went on a brisk walk with an incline, I really felt some more power in my step. Didn't feel so tired going up the hill.

Progress! Keep going, everyone!

Such a great idea. Count me in!

My weight is back to where it should be (took 3 years). But I am woefully deconditioned.

When the Aging Parent Sh*t hit the fan (with a side order of escalating in-law insanity), I willfully and head-on abandoned my serious fitness routine — and serious fitness! — in favor of caregiving, stress-eating, moping and inner rage.

And what felt like the world’s longest estate process.

Took way too long to feel human again. Now that I do, I am not interested in a lot of my former active routines. Hmpf!

That rattled me a bit. Just what I needed — one more thing to mourn. 😐

So. Easing into new routines. Been pretty faithful to a nearby yoga studio. I also squeeze in some Pilates.

Next up: I will add body-weight exercises.

I’m more nutrition-focused than I used to be (even at my old peak fitness). Someday my blood pressure will thank me. I hope!

Joined a health support group at work. Something I never would have done in the past. But the new me needs new tricks.

Here’s to more.

And.....counting the minutes until Daylight Savings Time. The longer days are such a boost. BRING IT.

So I walked a mile, had a coffee, and then walked another mile back home - does that count? I'm gonna say yes because the alternative would have been to have my coffee at home while sitting in front of the computer.

Ive been avoiding everyone because i havent been as faithful to excersise as i should. I mean i run around here all day doing for everyone else and im not taking the time for me and what i need. Today i took a 30 minute walk. I just needed to get out of here. Im going to do it again later this afternoon too. Im already feeling the need for escape and if walking is what it is im going to do it. I hope it makes me a better caregiver. Because i dont feel like a very good one sometimes. Especially when i leave the clothes in the dryer and take a nap instead knowing my father is missing his favorite sweatshirt thats in the dryer. Oops.

So this post is not necessarily about exercising because I have kept going with that, but yesterday I made my mom a homemade creamy rice pudding that honestly looked to die for!..So, I gave in and had a bowl, some cinnamon on top and...heaven!!! And actually this whole week hasn’t been the greatest as far as dieting, not huge misbehavior but yes, enough to push me outside my 1200 calories per day I’m trying to keep. So this morning when I weighted myself I was afraid to look, I literally stood there on the “truth will make you free” instrument, aka “scale”, with my eyes closed and bothering God with many: Please, please Lord, no more than a pound or pound and a half extra!...then I finally opened my eyes and I am exactly where I was a week ago. So, now, ungrateful Christian me, instead of being happy because opposite to what I thought I didn’t gain weight, I’m disappointed because I didn’t lose any!! Who understands us human beings (specially us, women!).

So today a whole new week starts for me, next Saturday I will see a decrease change (I hope!), and as far as exercising I have gone religiously except for Thursday because I had errands to run. So I don’t feel guilty in that department. Actually I have increased my cardio time from 35 minutes on the elliptical and between 10 to 15 minutes on the stationary bike, to 20 on the bike. So I’m doing about 55 minutes of cardio plus some weights and abs I try to do daily. I have a LONG way to go to get in the shape I want, but I will get there! right? Yes! (Positive thinking is what we all need! Sometimes all we have when the will is lacking! Lol)

Good luck exercising partners! I feel much better after confessing my rice pudding affair 😆🍚

Good luck, CMCare. It’s not easy breaking bad habits!

I found a nice YouTube website with easy ballet! It’s called Lazy Dancer. I did 20 minutes today.

PS. I got stickers to put in my day calendar on days I work out. They’re sparkling smilie faces!

I hope these answers post and give motivation those that feel below or ground zero and only one last resort for exercising. I’m a member of 2; 24hr gyms. I’m hiring a trainer to get me mentally out out this negative funk. I’ve lost 60lbs of muscle weight due being double dose of 2 people 24/7 caregiver and not from nutrisystem . Some others have it worse; however, how I guess it takes someone else to push you to what you want achieve or personal gain or standards, Now this where I maybe be mistaken by identity or humor, or liar . I never lifted weights in my life, never ran distance, also never took martial arts and working. There is someone with in community that looks like me and I blame it on a twin brother at a grocery store or Reputable establishment . Main thing is be focused and don’t be lazy and sometimes you just may need to pay for others to get back on right track to once was normalcy and confidence

Julie, one thing they mentioned in the class is to have someone supporting our efforts to keep exercising and eating right. This helps us to keep at it. This group here is good.

Another tip is to have small goals each week. Like, this week I'll drink more water. Or do 10 min of walking in the morning etc.

That’s great. Any pearls you could share with us?

Went to a nutrition class on Tues. Very informative and helpful. We spoke about exercise and the barriors. And ways to overcome the barriors and move more.

My biking comes at night when Mom goes to bed and my tasks are done. It is how I wind down, as well as do work on the computer, simultaneously.
Plus I suffer from insomnia. So lots of time at night to accomplish things.

I’m amazed, Smeshque, that you have time for 2-3 hours on the bike! That’s a great workout.
Yes, muscle weighs more than fat, so it can be frustrating at first for those trying to lose weight. My aim is to gain muscle and loosen up my joints. And, I can feel the difference! My quads are still a bit sore today, and I’m feeling more mobile. Yay!

PolarBear, take care of yourself!

Way to go Snoopy!

I did some squats, but too lazy to do any upper body until just now, when I stopped typing this post and did like, five, push ups.

Got to keep going! Don't give up.

PB- sorry everyone is sick there. Try hard not to let it get you. Vitamin C, garlic and Zinc.
Don't be too hard on yourself if you are not feeling up to exercise.
I got in some sit ups today, and my biking.

Kids sick, husband sick, only me trying hard to not catch the bug. I slept in this morning, felt tired and didn't exercise. I'll try to make it up tonight.

JuliaRose, smeshque, anyone exercised today?

Sendhelp, cwillie?



PB- I am no expert it is just what I learned in some research. Hopefully it is true.
That is great that your endurance is building up. Keep it up soon you will be to 100.
It is easier to do them on a bed, more comfortable anyway. I am proud of you, you are doing great.
High five to you.

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