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I started doing the Asian squat exercise a month ago. It was hard at first but I am getting stronger. I put a reminder on my phone to remind me to do 10 squats every few hours. Some days, I log about 30-60 squats each day. I want to do on average 50 squats a day.

If you're not familiar with Asian squat and its benefits, you can read here. In short, it strengthens leg muscles, hip joints, and knees, improves mobility and flexibility. All very important to prevent fall and breakage in later years.

This needs to be posted here:
Commented 3 hours ago
Jokes needed to lighten our day. Enter at your own risk!

I'm in the fitness protection program I've been hiding from exercise.

Dear InMyShoes,
Maybe someone here can borrow your shoes?

Hi, Glad! No gym, I just do a few reps of this and that each morning with weights or a kettlebell I keep tucked away under the deck in the backyard.

BUT, pre-caregiving back in the day I used to go to a weekly kettlebell class and learned the basics there. That and other various exercise classes I went to over the years has definitely been helpful now.

Snoopy, wonderful!

Do you have a gym membership that fees would be payable by your Medicaid advantage or supplement plan?

Finally looked up new kettlebell exercises to try on YouTube and threw one of them into the mix this morning.

Exercising my way right into Thanksgiving — and beyond! 😉🏋️‍♀️🦃

Yes, Cleveland/buffalo game is moved to detroit.

CW, I got 9,000 yesterday and today. I am working on getting back to it. That is 4 miles inside! It has been way too cold to try to go out!

By doing a walk a home video every couple of hours I've got my minimum 10,000 steps done, that'll have to be good enough for today....🤷‍♀️💪
(I suppose I could just cut back on what I eat but screw that, I want my treats🍫🍬)

No such thing as bad weather, CW, only inappropriate clothing.

[I don't know if that's actually true in Canada, mind.]

It's cold and windy and I do not want to go outside for my walk today. Do. Not. Want. ❄️💨🥶

Thank goodness I am not in northern New York. Five feet of snow in 24 hours?! That lake effect snow is no joke!

Buffalo Bills game moved to Cleveland.

Get your snow shovels out Glad... you'll get lots of free exercise in the fresh air ❄️🤣

Haven't done much at all since covid. Trying to get started again. Part G will pay for a gym membership, must check into that.

Then I found with Advantage Plans you can get a free fitbit every two years. I have Part G supplement that I pay for and not free with that plan that I can find. That seems odd and unfair.

Kudos to all of you! Awesome work!!!

Glad -happy you are feeing better. 😊

I sent myself into PEM -post exertional malaise of CFS/FM - by doing too many squats, so slow and easy does it now. You don't know where the limits are unless you test them.

Yesterday was the first time in a couple weeks I actually felt like getting my 6,000 steps in. Did it again today. The Covid fatigue and malaise is very real. Back to work tomorrow.

I've started doing my walks again now that's it's cooler out. :)

Yay, Cwillie! That is great.

I’m getting my walks in and staying with the kettlebell.

First day of Autumn is Thursday, September 22. Anyone else exercising their way into Fall? 😊🍁🍂

I did the 5K (maybe slightly more, the route was flexible) in 51 minutes, and I don't care that the web says that's a good walking speed 😠🙄.

Terry Fox 5K run today. It's just a show up and do it any way you want to fun run so no pressure, but I'm hoping to be able to run the whole distance!

Oh my, that starts out looking easy but sure goes crazy at around minute 10 - kudos to you for lasting as long as you did 😂

Here we are, I've even bookmarked it -

I confess that I stopped when she announced the half-time break, and I further confess that quite a lot of the 25-30 minutes was spent in hysterics while I tried to follow her boogying right and left and it was all I could do not to fall over - but! Definitely worked up a sweat, and will definitely try again. I like the way she says don't worry about it, just go for it.

I had no idea I'd become so hopelessly uncoordinated, though :(

Now you have me curious and looking for the video CM 🤣. Their videos all seem to be rather long for beginners, 30 and 45 minutes!

I've found that anything led by someone under the age of 40 is invariably going to be too intense no matter how it is labelled, and anything labelled for seniors is going to be incredibly uninspiring. And I don't like videos with a single person demonstrating the moves nearly as much as those with a group, preferably one that has all sizes and abilities taking part. Many of Leslie's videos have groups of uber fit women (perfectly coiffed with expertly applied makeup) and I find myself wanting to reach through the screen and slap them upside the head.... friggin show offs.

I looked for an online dance exercise video and found one linked to the NHS website (?!) - suitable for all abilities, it said. Er...

It was great fun, I loved it, but as they say: "dance like no one can see you."

That second shingles shot threw me for a loop too!

Try to get 6,000 steps a day, four is seven isn't too bad.

I have a gym membership which includes the use of the swimming pool. I try going at least 2 times a week. However, I just picked up another part time job which has kept me busy. But I will go back to the gym tomorrow.

I'm still walking with Leslie and getting my daily steps around the town too, I've even gotten a few more runs in. Good thing too because my diet has gone to xxxx, real food has gone up in price but all the snacks seem to be on sale and despite what I tell myself I can't eat just one.

Any summertime exercisers out there?

Walking around the neighborhood?

Doing a quick plank or a few squats?

A few favorite yoga poses or stretches?

YouTube fitness videos (such as Leslie Sansone Walk at Home videos as mentioned below, or JJ Virgin or Denise Austin, etc.)?

Breathing/relaxation exercises?

I myself am getting back to my morning kettlebell mini-workout after a brief 2nd shingles shot hiatus. Now working up to more reps for each exercise!

I was doing so good with my long walks until all these muscle and joint problems raised their ugly heads. But I'm not going to give up. I'm going to get better and get back out there again as soon as I can.

Good on ya Willie!

Thank you! I could not do even 3 minutes, feeling very weak in the 100 degree heat.
Taking a nap until it cools off more.

Needing more salads, less tamales.

I will save the resource, but if you want to keep talking about the exercise videos again later, that will remind me when I get a news feed notification from the "Exercise Buddies" thread.

Send - look for the beginner playlist, it starts with just 5 minutes and then has a couple of slower paced 15 minute workouts.

Oh here, I'll save you the search and link it

Maybe I will enjoy these videos by Leslie Sansone.
I can do 15 minutes.
Noticed the videos are older, 3 rs., 5 yrs., 7 years.

If my dH will do it with me, maybe he will like it if we play the repetitive e-music he likes.

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