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It’s an ice cream sandwich …chocolate chip cookies with ice cream in the middle.


vent . Did you like it ?

I had soft serve ice cream today that wasn’t that good 😞.

No, no. It’s an ice cream sandwich!! :) And I bought one today.

Way, are chipwiches like potuna sandwiches? You know, prepared tuna, layered on bread with potato chips crunched in between.

Corn on the cob, and veggies prepared fresh from the garden.

The beach and chipwiches .
The two things I give to myself once in a while .

Please everyone , remember to do something for yourself .

I truly miss living near the beach .

My favorite things used to be world peace, no war, protecting the ozone layer…

I have a new favorite thing! Chipwiches!


So glad that your family had a wonderful family dinner. I saw on the dinner thread that you were making lasagna. Yum!

My kids are my favorite .
We had what felt like a normal dinner tonight , laughed a lot . My kids are very funny like DH. I think it helped DH for a while to put his Dad out of his mind .

I think that in this 24/7 world the need to know the day of the week is over rated 😉🤣

During the 4th of July holiday, I am so very grateful to have the freedom to pray.
Prayer changes everything.

Please pray for our leaders, whoever they may be, in Federal, State, and Local
government. Pray that every day they will know their name, and what day of the week it is. 🇺🇸


Those sound fun! 😊

Favorite things:
Sunrises and Sunsets
Riding in a my convertable on summer evenings
Card games with my father
The sound of my children's laughter
A good dinner and wine shared with friends
The wonder of teeny tiny fingers on a newborn
A clean house
Beautiful music

hi need :),

i'm into hug competitions.
and chocolate easter egg eating competitions.
and popcorn eating competitions.

i've had a few setbacks. but i'm gonna make a comeback.
so far i've only won among friends. but i have big plans.

Bundle, Boxing is brutal but this UFC is barbaric! My godson did this as his career.

He started out wrestling at school. He won most matches. He trained to be a UFC fighter. I couldn’t go watch the competitions.

I did go to his high school wrestling matches. He was also a trainer at his gym. The gym sponsored him to do the reality show in Vegas.

He interviewed with thousands of other people and got on the show. I couldn’t watch it!

I’m proud of his wins but it is a dirty fight. Anything goes in UFC! He didn’t win the championship but he had a long run!

Now he trains other people getting into it. You can’t do that kind of intense fighting forever. Eventually, they age out of it.

Football is another sport that is rough!

Bundle, Cinderella Man is a fabulous comeback story about the boxer, James Braddock.

George Forman is another example of a terrific comeback boxer.

Ali, who was formerly Cassius Clay took a few punches too many! His daughter boxed!

Can you tell that my brothers and dad were boxing fans? LOL 😆 It was always on the television at our house.

Will look forward to watching the movie you recommended. I love a great human interests story.

i like movies :).

i hate boxing. but --
i love comeback stories. (and you know, many of us on this forum need a comeback, too. many of us have had setbacks in our own life, as a result of our kindness, helping others).

i watched the boxing movie "bleed for this". impressive comeback.

golden: Yay!

Me too.
It was so smoky, I just went outside only to water plants, my husband stayed inside with AC on, still coughed.
Next week will be cooler and rainy.

Fresh air!!! I am so enjoying waking seeing the curtains billowing, moved gently by the fresh air coming in through the bedroom window. The kitty loves nudging them aside and peering out through the open window, no doubt smelling some interesting scents, and seeing the movement of small creatures in the garden which is now lush green from all the rains

For now we are free of smoke. I am so thankful.

Sung by Lee Greenwood

I Pledge allegiance, to the flag, of the United States of America
And to the Republic, for which it stands, one nation under God
Indivisible, with liberty and justice for all

The pledge of allegiance to the flag,
Is a pledge to the ideals to our Forefathers
The men who fought and died, for the building of this great nation
It's a pledge to fulfill our duties and obligations as citizens of the United States
And to uphold the principles of our constitution.
And last but not least, it's a pledge to maintain the four great freedoms
Cherished by all Americans, freedom of speech, freedom of religion
Freedom for want, and freedom from fear.
I pledge allegiance, to the flag
Of the United States of America.
And to the religion, for which it stands,
One nation under God
With liberty and justice for all

Yay for the needed rain!

Yay for the rain, Golden and Way!

Here too, Way. So thankful.🌧⛈🌧

Its raining in Fort Chip too which should help with that fire and also down where R is. Praise God!!! A bad fire west of where the condo is got out of control again but this should help a lot.

Love Neil Diamond!

One of my favourite things - a wood fire in the fireplace.

Rain , Yay.
it finally rained after about 6 weeks.

So many, many years ago, at the Greek Theater, Neil Diamond in concert.


I am going to watch it.

I wonder what progression will be made in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease. Mom suffered badly at the end of her life with it.

I am grateful to Michael J. Fox for his service in the field of Parkinson’s disease. I’m thoroughly impressed with his attitude and sense of humor. He was young when he was diagnosed.

Send, you have my number! I admit that I absolutely love this dog. I think he looks forward to seeing me too. He gets so excited and then runs over to where I keep his treats! LOL 😆 He always brings a smile to my face.

Good Morning everyone!
My smartwatch says 7 hrs. 33 minutes of sleep last night.
Almost 5 hours of deep sleep!

It makes a difference when pain from fibromyalgia and tendonitis in foot is treated.

I used Aleve and topical Voltaren.

NHWM, You are doing the right thing with your grand dog! I can't help but think that dog is yours anyway! I started thinking that the moment you posted his sweet face as your avatar.

I watched Tony Bennett's last performance.
You can google Neil Diamond's last performance on Youtube.
I liked watching the old guys, someone is older than me with hopes, dreams, and a purpose.

I am doing one of my favorite things right now. I’m watching my daughter’s dog for her today. I have completely fallen in love with his sweet face and disposition.

I would dearly love to get another dog. I can’t bring myself to do it though. I can’t face losing another pet. After my last dog died, I told myself that I would not get another one. I do miss having a pet.

For now, I am content with my granddog! He may be the only grandchild that I will ever have. 🤣

The Never Ending Story

GMORK: Foolish boy. Don’t you know anything about Fantasia? It’s the world of human fantasy. Every part, every creature of it, is a piece of the dreams and hopes of mankind. Therefore, it has no boundaries.
ATREYU: But why is Fantasia dying, then?
GMORK: Because people have begun to lose their hopes and forget their dreams. So the Nothing grows stronger.
ATREYU: What is the Nothing?
GMORK: It’s the emptiness that’s left. It’s like a despair, destroying this world. And I have been trying to help it.
ATREYU: But why?
GMORK: Because people who have no hopes are easy to control. And whoever has control has the power.

Missed that, Send. I think it’s great that he’s still able to perform! It’s an old one, from the late 60’s, Brooklyn Roads was a cool song. “I Am…I Said” was good.

I can’t say that I was ever a huge Diamond fan though. I have very eclectic taste in music so I occasionally listened to him.

Where did you see his performance? PBS?

I was amazed at Tony Bennett’s last performance. His wife has said that he really struggled with his dementia but when he got on stage he did well. Just fascinating how the brain can compartmentalize, isn’t it?

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