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Dark chocolate which I indulge in regularly in small amounts.

You couldn't pay me to eat most candy, but I do miss licorice - twizzlers, all sorts. They are not too sweet. Can't eat them due to allergies.

Turkey is another favourite and I will probably roast some pieces today.

Happy Easter everyone.


My mother was somehow related to the Heidi candy company. Like a cousin second cousin or something by marriage . They made jujyfruits and red hot dollars, and chocolate babies.


Twizzlers are good. I haven’t had them in years.

I remember riding my bicycle to the store to buy ‘penny’ candies. I got a quarter for my allowance every week and I thought that I was rich going into the store to buy four or five candies and a drink!


Can you visit the Peeps factory? Do they do field trips?

When my oldest daughter was living in Alabama, we visited and went to the Mercedes Benz factory! It’s huge. We wore comfy shoes for the day.

I used to eat peeps as a kid before I moved from Long Island to PA . ( Moved to PA when I was 40.)

I grew up and eat dark chocolate now.
My real weakness though is twizzlers all year long. It’s a Hershey product , and Hershey is in PA too .


🤣, it wasn’t! I got really upset and freaked out. I panicked and got upset with my friend next door. He gave it right back to me by saying, “Hey, you invited me over!” We stayed friends. I apologized to him for screaming at him. 😊

“Black and white hair started flying all over.”

that doesn’t sound very bunny at all. i mean, funny.

Do you eat them, Way? They are cute!

The guy that I was dating when I was a teenager gave me a real bunny for Easter! We went to a hardware store for him to buy something. I spotted this beautiful solid black Dutch bunny. They stay miniature sized. He was adorable.

My boyfriend lured me away from him in the store. The next day he showed up at my house with him. We would walk this bunny along Bayou St. John and the lakefront on a leash. Hahaha 🤣

My good friend next door always wanted everything that I had. When I got a puppy he called the family and got one of my dog’s siblings. So, naturally he went out and got a bunny too. His was solid white though.

I thought it would be a good idea for our bunnies to visit. Nope! It wasn’t a good idea. When he brought his bunny over they started fighting. Black and white hair started flying all over. I got upset and told him to take his bunny home.

My bunny screeched! I didn’t even know that bunnies could make noises. Anyway, our bunnies were never together after their brawl.

As an adult, I don’t like when bunnies or chicks are sold at Easter. I gave my bunny a good home but they shouldn’t be marketed as a novelty. I don’t think that is done much anymore. I hope not.

cat and need,
i’d really love to join you at need’s place for peeps, dark chocolate Easter bunnies, carrot cake, honey baked ham and sweet potatoes.

but i’ll be having another grilled cheese at Way2tired’s place.


The peeps factory is not far from my house .

So, we know that Alva’s favorite candy at this time of year is Peep’s. What is yours?

I have to go with chocolate, preferably dark chocolate. I do like chocolate and peanut butter (Reese’s) eggs!

I always loved seeing the beautiful sugar egg in my basket! I never wanted to eat it. It was too pretty to eat!

Eh, the jelly beans were left in my basket, except for the licorice ones. Didn’t like the heavenly hash bars, pecan eggs, definitely hate the cream filled eggs. I went for the chocolate eggs and my bunny!


Sure, I can serve Peeps too. I do love candy.

I make peppermint bark for Christmas. I have not mastered fudge. My grandmother made delicious fudge and my grandfather made the best pralines and peanut brittle.

So, twice a year I will indulge in candy.

Oh wait, I adore Halloween! I buy candy then too, the mini chocolate bars!

If stale peeps are on the menu I will come. But not the fresh ones. They are best when they go all stale and chewy.
I hope that everyone has a wonderful day, however they celebrate, and even if they don't .


Come on over! I will share my chocolate bunny with you too! 😊

Need,Im coming to your house for dinner ♡

Need, He is Risen indeed! ❤️

Happy Easter Everyone! He is Risen!

Dark chocolate Easter bunnies!

Carrot cake!

Honey Baked Ham!

Sweet potatoes!

Roasted Green Beans!

Easter Dinner with my family!

Anyone notice that I placed the chocolate bunny first on my list? Well, right after Jesus.

oh my goodness, i'm a puddle of tears right now (good tears). i love watching inspirational movies or documentaries. just saw a great documentary, and i'm crying all over the place. inspiring.



I would love to be a stand up comedian! A lot of them have gone on to have successful sitcoms!

If I could be anything, I'd be a comedian, and still making shows at 122.
Imagine being 122, and still being able to make people crack up. For now, since I'm not that funny, I'll go along with the other plan: start a new hobby; discover a new country; invent a new recipe; get lots of puppies. Step 1, new hobby here I come.


My husband’s great grandmother was a tiny little woman who had an amazing outlook on life.

I loved hearing her speak in French. She was so cute!

She had a blast celebrating her 100th birthday! Her only living sibling, who was 97 was at the party. She outlived several of her 12 children.

She named her children after her favorite characters in the books that she loved to read. I don’t know when she had time to read with 12 children!

She was a fabulous cook and loved entertaining! We made sure that she had the best birthday ever. We rented a hall and hired caterers and a band. Everyone showed up to celebrate her big day!

We had a trivia board that had fun facts such as, “Which came first, granny or the zipper?” Granny did!

Her picture was in the local newspaper. Her funeral was held at the same church that she was baptized in.

"She danced along with the band playing for her 100th birthday party!"

Amazing, and so wonderful!


Hey, if you’re healthy, I suppose you could do whatever you wanted!

Dick Van Dyke is still dancing at his age! Look how long Betty White went on acting in her television shows.

Betty made it to just under 100. Dick is 97. George Burns made it to 100.

My mom died at 95. There were times I thought she would live to be 100!

My great aunts died in their late 90’s and still volunteered in their communities. Mom’s brother lived to be 96. So, I have longevity in my family. Still don’t think I want to live that long!

My husband’s great grandmother lived to be just shy of 102! She had all of her faculties. She danced along with the band playing for her 100th birthday party!

Me neither.
I wonder what my plans would be between ages 110-122?
Still 12 years to go.

Maybe I'd start a new hobby. Discover a new country. Invent a new recipe. Get lots of puppies.

Hm. Maybe I shouldn't wait till 110; start now.


I can’t even imagine being that old!!!

I like interesting facts.
Here's one:

Oldest person ever:
Jeanne Calment (1875-1997)
122 years old!
Mentally sharp until the end
Enjoying life until the end


Coffee addict here too! Love my cup of Joe anytime, make that 2, 3 or 4 cups! LOL 😆

Watching The Chosen and drinking coffee

Need: Thank you; I missed that about Lea's treatment.

I also don;t dress up much anymore, but I do dress in actual clothes,, if I have on yoga pants or legging I wear a longer top,, no ripped jeans,, don;t go out in sweatpants unless they are the "dressy" kind,, in fact I tossed all my ratty ones. My two peeves are people in public in pajama pants,, and men in sweatpants,, the grey kind with the elastic around the bottom. Just Yuck.

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