
We longtimers have had a year, plus to get accustomed to the changes with his website. Now that it has been up for more than a year now what do you like, not like?

For the new posters, there is an article (AC - Aging Care posted a reply earlier) that lists acronyms. It would be helpful if AC had that article link at the top of every page as this comes up frequently. The link is:

There is often complaints that newer users do not know the commonly used acronyms. When someone sets up a new profile, I would hope that AC (AgingCare) sends a welcome email containing the link to the acronym article. It would save plenty of frustration for the newcomers.

So I will post it here;

I find the reply function, still, very irritating, still. Unless one checks replies it is often difficult to follow a conversation. It also opens up an opportunity for undesirable arguing, correcting and rudeness.

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Same issue here.
I can no longer post on the threads.

Cannot post?

Earlybird, same issue here. I can no longer post to many threads, people. My feelings are hurt.
Testing. See if this works....

I tried to post a new question 3 times. It bounced back as if I was logged out. But, I was logged in, I am sure.

It was about Father's Day, coming up this Sunday, June 21st. Anyone honoring their father?

Ignoring the dust up here yesterday, I hope the case manager's note about burnout means she's moving it up the chain that these people really need some outside assistance. It's so difficult that the MIL is allowed to refuse outside assistance and drop the burden of care on family. It'll be hard the husband to admit the level of care is more than they can provide. Hopefully, the CM will realize this and help him get help without him feeling like he's failed his mom.

"If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs & blaming it on you......."

If by Rudyard Kipling

Good poem, check it out.

Aging Care, I have a problem with my reply after spending time on the thread and ready to push the reply button, all of a sudden my reply disappears and then I get frustrated. I usually do not rewrite it.

That is not all there was. Just because you didn't see it doesn't mean it didn't happen.

Elaine, exactly. What I saw was a poster named hdzana calling Cali a 'fu*king b*tch', that's what I saw. And her being told that there is no COST to getting answers here on the forum.

As per our policy, personal attacks are always removed, as they were last evening. Additionally, users who intend to disrupt the forum, or post duplicitously are removed from the forum. As with any public forum, personal opinions will vary. We ask that users respect the differences of opinion and ultimately interact with intent to help the original poster. 
No user account, other than the official AgingCare moderator account, is compensated for their posts or otherwise employed by AgingCare.
If you have additional questions please contact me directly rather than distracting from the intent of the forum.

I'd like to be able to see when the member joined, when I read their post.

I am barely on here anymore because I just have gotten tired of all the ugliness and the she said- he said crap. Furthermore, God forbid if you should correct someone for giving out 'Wrong Information' or just having a different option from some people. Not only do you get hammer on the public forum but you could get slam with nasty pm's.

Some on this site act like their in middle school!

I was taught "if you have nothing nice to say then say nothing at all."

So, if you can't post nice and helpful comment then maybe you shouldn't post!!!

If you're one who is offended by this post then maybe you should stop and ask yourself why!!

Peace Out!!!

So what has happened to hdzana?

I find it disturbing and discriminatory that anyone that defends themselves against a mean mouthed poster, no names required, seems to disappear from the forum. . How is the line drawn? What, when someone obviously doesn't speak English as a 1st language and cannot articulate well they get run off? This is not the first poster that has been run off by this treatment from the instigator.

I know that I am not the only one that finds this disturbing.

Maybe she works for ac and is paid to start problems with people that are obviously overwhelmed and drowning in their situations to run them off. I think that it is a shame that so many people have been run off because someone doesn't like their method of venting. No mercy or grace is extended to the people that need it the most.

Maybe no one should be referred to this site when they call their local counsel on aging for help. It doesn't live up to what it is advertised as.

Not sure why everyone’s got their panties in a bunch over what Cali said.

"People, people who need people, are the luckiest people in the world!"

Or not?........................

See hdzana, it will always be someone else that is responsible. Just ignore her.

Cali, don't pretend like you are trying to help her. Obviously she is struggling and yet you get up and ugly about her trying to find out how to get the help she came here for. Your attitude is offensive under the best of circumstances and then you go after someone that is obviously struggling, you really think that you don't deserve being called out.

She’s clearly in crisis hense her behavior today and it’s a shame some are coming for me instead of trying to get hdzana the help she is crying out for, just saying.

Yes report away! Hdzana slung the first insult so don’t get it twisted, she made a similar in Spanish first. I don’t care if my comment is removed, it got the job done ;)

Send, cali said that to hdzana. So be sure and report her okay!

Edit: send I see that you edited your post to a laughing emoji. I think that we should all report the ugliness spewed just so she can get the job done.

Seriously cali, no one answered her actual question.

Hdzana you have received lots of answers to your question.......I guess you are another unsatisfied customer. Sorry our free advice wasn’t good enough for you. No one Here is charging you either.

Another issue with each post to a thread appearing in my newsfeed, this morning the first page of my newsfeed was 95% from one thread. I did unfollow there might be future posts to that thread that might be different from what was already posted. But, very doubtful.

On the first page of my feed it would be helpful to see what has been said on other threads of interest. I will have to unfollow more new threads in order to access other followed thread.

There used to be data in the newsfeed that actually provided an idea how many additional posts had appeared since I last commented. If I was I interested then I could go read. Now I have to search multiple pages to find comments to other threads of interest.

Another thought on that is the other people thAt have posted to a thread see the same thing in their newsfeed encouraging additional posts and maybe even instigating disagreement and general nastiness between posters. Some just cannot walk away when someone says something they don't like or disagree with.

I would like to see the time that a post was written as I have had trouble figuring out which post was before or after a post! Does that make sense??!!

I like the new feed, although instead of repeating the posting for every "like", I would be happy to be able to click on the count and see a list of everyone.

Yes! One thing I have noticed is that I now am shown everyone who "likes" a post instead of just the last person - I can remember people asking about that possibility.

I have to say I'm disappointed in the site beyond the forum, there are (almost) never any new articles addressing new information, just a constant update of the date stamp on old articles making them appear new or updated - the special covid 19 section is pretty lame. There are other caregiver sites out there that are doing much better in that department.

Anyone notice the change to your newsfeed? Before any of the changes the newsfeed would give us an idea of how many responses had been posted to a thread we are following. Now it seems the newsfeed include every response to a thread rather than every fifth new comment or some different measure.

I had more than two pages of new comments in my newsfeed last night. Overwhelming! I do not choose to follow the threads I am following that closely. But having the number of new posts to a thread was helpful. I never figured out exactly how that worked. Maybe it just took us to a random place within reason because it sure wasn't from the last time I posted.

I do not like, not one little bit, all new posts in my newsfeed. Anyone else?

I would like..
1) I sometimes hit post and there is a duplicate I would like to be able to delete one of them.
2)I would also like if old posts could be closed for comments. If it is relevant to someone new a new question can be asked and the old post that is archived could still be read.

I second that Polarbear & TNtechie!!!

Dear Admin - Is there anyway we can have a mute button to turn off posts from certain posters or trolls that we don't want to read? Please please please...

Life on AC will be a bit more peaceful and we can get along better.

There needs to be an option to report a posting and not just a comment so when we see clearly troll postings like the following we can report it.

Some threads are like the Ever ready battery. They just keep going and going! Others, just stop.

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