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LL thanks for posting your answer. It's a great question from PeggySue and I was waiting to see what you'd say. Blessings to you!

Thank you Peggysue, for that sweet comment. I would take the Opdivo and Yervoy treatments again, knowing what I know now, because the alternative was death....and I'm happy to be alive too, albeit disabled. My body does not react well to drugs or therapies, however, and being in a compromised state already, the thought of taking an immunosuppressive drug to treat the Uveitis sounds crazy. And counterintuitive to the immunotherapy I took to extend my life! I'm still waiting to hear from the Uveitis specialist. It's a very tough condition to get rid of. I have nothing but praise for Kaiser, really, because they've handled my care very well and saved my life. And Chucks life 3x. If that's not a testament to good care, Idk what is! 😂🤣😁

I see the Opthamologist again next week and the PET scan is April 3. Praying the cancer is still undetectable.

Thanks to everyone for the kind words of support which I very much appreciate.

Hi Lea. If you’d known about the side effects, would you have gone through the treatment? Because I for one am glad you’re here with us.

I sense your frustration over being a “Guinea pig” but Kaiser is definitely investing its best people on you. (It’s not like we have had any attention more than telehealth and nurse practitioners on our plan lol.) I would personally give them a chance as the alternative is inevitably dim. Either the uvalitis is resolved or you eventually go blind from its effects coupled with the untreated cateract s and glaucoma.

A cookie from his pocket, just wow. No wonder you traded him in on a new model! Hoping you soon have another upswing and the vision improves

Sending positive thoughts your way, Lea.

Here to support you in any way possible Lea.

Big hugs Lea! So sorry you are having setbacks.💝

Lea: Hugs and prayers coming your way.💛

Oh, wow, Lea, I am so sorry that there's more piled on your plate to deal with.
Anything with vision scares me so much. I hope they find an answer to this one. Am relieved Dr C. will work with the eye-guy.

I can't help but think that the vision is making an enormous difference in the dizziness, don't you.
So sorry to hear you aren't able to get out to those sales you so love.
I can't believe that Chuck is s/p two years now.
I remember that journey so well.

I'm so glad that you updated us today as I have been wondering how things are going for you and was going to message you this afternoon.
I hate that you've taken some steps backwards and I pray that that will only be temporary, as you deserve some positive news already.
I'm glad that you have your grandson to bring you joy. That is the gift of being a grandmother right?
It's hard to believe that it's been 2 years already since Chuck's transplant. I'm glad that he is doing well.
Now we just have to get you doing well. I'm continuing to pray for your complete healing.

Wow, Lea!

You have a lot going on in your life right now. Well, actually you have had a lot going on for quite a while but at times it seems to amp up quite a bit!

I’m really sorry that you’re dealing with all of this stuff.

What a blessing that Chuck is doing well. Your grandson sounds absolutely precious!

Wow! Your ex is going through his own tribulations right now, huh? Investing is always a gamble. You win some and lose some. He lost big time!

Will be thinking of you and hoping that all of these issues will be resolved soon. Enough of this, right?

I certainly can’t blame you for being frustrated and discouraged. I wish that I could say something to help but you know that I am not the Pollyanna type. You have every right to feel as you do.

It takes time to process everything and even more time to implement a plan. Hopefully, your doctor will figure out the best way to deal with these problems.

Sending much love, support and prayers your way today and always!

Just an update since it's been awhile. I tested negative for all the diseases that could've caused Uveitis in my eyes. Shocking. Not. It came from the immunotherapy and it's not clearing up, even with the new dosing of eye drops. In fact, now my right eye is seriously inflamed because I was taken down to 1 drop a day 🙄. The Opthamologist referred me to a Rheumatologist to see what immunosuppressive drug I can take to treat this condition. He'd work with Dr C on the matter. Me, I'm 100% leery of now taking a drug to suppress my immune system when it's nearly killed me to ramp UP my immune system to kill off the cancer. I'll go see the dude, but it's doubtful I'll agree to be a guinea pig AGAIN here! The steroid drops have already caused cataracts and will likely cause glaucoma too......but I can be treated for glaucoma. I can't get the cataracts removed, or get glasses, until the Uveitis clears up. So my vision is very blurry for the point I can't see anything but a big BLUR! I feel frustrated and sad about this, tbh.

The dizziness is a lot worse lately, too. Idk if the bad vision is a factor or what. But I'm back to using my cane in the house and not going out to sales. Which is depressing after being more mobile the past couple months.

Chuck's 2 year liver transplant anniversary is coming up next month, so there's a LOAD of tests ordered by the Mayo Clinic he has to undergo. He's doing fine, though, thank God.

My grandson turned 3 on March 4th and had a blast eating his birthday cake. His grandfather, my ex, gave him a cookie from his pocket for a gift! He's flat broke now after losing all his money investing in a pot farm. You can't make this chit up. He was feeling SO sorry for himself that he left the party mid way, after staring at me and then asking why my eyelashes are white? 🙄 It's mascara, bud, how do you like it?

I hope everyone is doing well. Sending you XOXOXOXO's

Geaton, my mother was a Christian Scientist but she still went to the dentist,eye doctors and had cataract surgery. She also had both hips and I knee replaced,however she tried to pray about that but had surgery when she could barely walk. Towards the end she took all sorts of medicine yet she always had her CS books near her.

LL, happy for your good news of getting in to see the ophthalmologist, finally. If anyone out there thinks there isn't good reason to always see a specialist, your story is certainly proof enough.

I was just on a thread from someone whose wife doesn't believe in western medicine (but is now showing signs of dementia). I wonder if people who believe this also never go to an optomotrist or ophthalmologist for their vision. Do they never get an eye exam? Never had an eye injury? Never get cataract surgery? Isn't this "western medicine" too...?

Cares4them, thank you so much for your kind words, I really appreciate them. I've been cancer free for the past year, thank God, and hoping for more clear PET scans to come.

Hey Lea. I know I’ve said this before, but the federal government plus all states are against nationwide distribution of delta 9 thc. 5cbd could get shut down not only by them or anti pot states, but pro pot states like Cali who have a vested interest in keeping the pot revenue in state.

I wouldn’t risk getting on a watchlist.

Goodmorning! I joined this am and just read your story and wow!!!
I'm sending prayers, positive energy and wanted to let you know that you are not alone. I'm praying that you and your family will come thru this healthy, restored and stronger than ever. May God bless you all

RD. is the website I've ordered gummies from before my dizziness took over. The gummies they offer help a lot with pain. They are Full Spectrum 25mg CBD and 5mg THC Daily Buzz gummies. I'd eat 1/2 to start to see how they react. They take 60-90 minutes to TAKE EFFECT.

Lea, I thought I recall awhile back you mentioning using a CBD product that had THC in it that you ordered from a company that had 5 something in it. Was that for pain? I am having alot of pain in my operated foot and thought that might help if you could provide me with the information. Thanks

Need you were very fortunate. No, no one suggested that. I changed ophthalmologists and the next set of glasses was an improvement but I still have a bit of double vision. I also have intermittent blurriness from CFS/FM which to date it unfixable.

Good morning, Lea. Have a glittering good day. ❇❇❇


My ophthalmologist was fabulous. She worked her magic on my eyes!

My husband didn’t have the same results as I had. He needs glasses to read. She told me that I was the exception to receive 20/20 vision.

I experienced slight blurring after the surgery, which is completely normal. It cleared up though.

I was told by my doctor that they can do a laser treatment to tweak the surgery if needed. Was that available for you?

"At least I'm in the right hands now." Amen to that - so important. Now you know what is going on.

Prayers for successful treatment and then successful cataract surgery. Mine was not an unqualified success. I got double vision in my good eye - 2 sets of red lights at traffic lights etc. but as long as I knew it was red I could respond appropriately. That has largely faded over time, but I did see more clearly right away - all 2 sets of everything were clearer than one set was before. lol

I guess the results of all these tests will bring some good news!

Oh, gosh! I hate that we are so at mercy of providers who may or may not be doing the right thing! 🤦🏻‍♀️

I’m so sorry that this is still another thing to deal with! 😠

Praying that your eyes resolve, and that you can get those cataracts done before the wedding. 💒


Wait until you have the cataract surgery. You will be so glad that you got it. It was the easiest and fastest surgery that I have ever had!

Oh my gosh! The difference in my eyesight was amazing after the surgery. I don’t even need glasses to read. I am unusual though because most people still need reading glasses. And colors are so vibrant after the surgery. It’s fantastic!

Shortly after my surgery, I was driving and I saw a tiny lizard on the car ahead of me while parked at a red light. I got so excited that I called my husband to tell him. His response was, “Honey, I am really busy at work today. That’s great that you can see better but seriously, I don’t have time to talk about a tiny lizard right now!” LOL 😆

So I finally had my Opthamologist appointment yesterday after waiting for 9 weeks. My eye condition going on since May is Uveitis and could be going on for a very long time to come. This likely came from immunotherapy but could come from another immune disease or tuberculosis so I had to give 7 vials of blood to test for the various diseases. She said treatment for melanoma is THE worst for side effects out of ALL the cancer treatments out there. She had a kind of Oh Well, Tough Break attitude about it.

The steroid drops were not monitored/dosedcorrectly by the optometrist and now I have a mild cataract in my right eye and a much thicker one in my left. They can't be removed until and unless the Uveitis clears up. So I have to use 6 drops in left eye daily and 1 drop in right for 3 weeks and go back to see what the next step is. She said I won't go blind, in spite of my vision being SO bad right now, so that's a relief.

So far, I'm negative for syphilis 🙄 and rheumatoid arthritis. The rest of the tests are still outstanding. Chuck is quite relieved about the syphilis.....

Hoping this eye issue resolves because it contributes to my dizziness quite a bit. At least I'm in the right hands now.

Such a sweet grandma you are!


What a treasure! He will be able to keep that gift for a lifetime! My girls kept some of their favorite books.

Oh yes, your grandson enjoys his cars. Maybe he will own a car dealership when he grows up! 😁

He sounds absolutely precious!

Thanks GG 😁

NHWM...I bought my grandson a very old book of Aesops Fables so beautifully illustrated, it's amazing. It was written in 1919 and my copy was edited in 1937, in perfect untouched condition. A tub of Gears Gears Gears 150 pc building set and a Sesame Street Garage, since hes obsessed with cars and loves SS.

Yes, he loves our dog Honey but has a big Golden Doodle of his own, so he pretty much steers clear of both of them 🤣

Thinking of you, Lea.


That’s a precious age. My girls loved preschool. They do learn a lot and have fun along the way too.

Does he like your little pooch? What are you getting him for his birthday? If I had grandchildren, it would be tough not to spoil them.

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