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My grandson is doing great NHWM, thanks for asking. He's in a preschool that's learning driven, and structured, so he's thriving. He'll be 3 in a few weeks. He's just as cute as a button too. Very headstrong and easily bored, which is why he loves preschool.


How is your precious grandson doing these days? How old is he now?

A little late to the discussion but I wanted to jump in with something about destination weddings. If you are going to do it, this is the way to do it.

A couple we know planned the once-in-a-lifetime trip to Italy to explore their roots and see the country. They have three daughters, not sure how many grandkids, but they all went. Each daughter (one married, one single, one with a significant other -- you see where this is going, right?) were tasked with planning one destination in Italy. Well the one daughter planned a destination that involved a cruise ship from Italy to Greece and once they arrived in Greece, it was, "Surprise, we're getting married!" They had everything in place and the wedding happened within hours. Total surprise (and delight) to everyone, including all of us that were following their trip on Facebook.

Thanks overwhelmed! I appreciate your kind words AND that I'm still alive and kickin to be here to participate in A.C.! 😁

I'm not sure of the exact date last February when you told us of your diagnosis, but I do know it was about a year ago -- and here you are continuing to give great advice and help so many people!! Hurray, Lea! You are loved 😍

Ok Lea - November. You have lots of time. Lucky you with full brows Mine were never very full and now they are white in top of that. Dying them doesn't do a whole lot,

I hear you about the dye jobs not lasting as well as they used to. Advice from my dd was to get a streaked effect so it looked more natural, which I have done for a number of years now. I get dark blonde (my original colour) low lights put in and they "tone" the white to a lighter blonde. Then I'm good for 5 weeks and use a root touch up spray until I get it done again. I've let it go so long this time that lots of white is showing and I am not bothering with the spray.

Need and Joann - that streak sounds very attractive. I went white after I had my last child when I was 41. My white hair takes dye very well so that's not a problem for me, It's a lovely white and I have had comments to that effect from several hairdressers. Part of me wants to leave it white, but I know when I am not feeling well (which happens too often) the white drains me and the colour lifts me, So I am looking for a new hairdresser to give me the works. It's half way down my back and I wear it up mostly which is real easy. One day I'll get it cut off and stop the dye jobs - when I am ready.😊


I think white hair is beautiful! My
mom and grandma had gorgeous white hair. Mom’s hair stylist used her as a hair model for his salon.

My hair is silver like my dad’s was but I am hoping that it will turn white like mom’s was. She started off with silver and then it turned white.

White hair is hard to dye. And the roots are more pronounced. I started seeing white in my 30s. 40s I was salt and pepper (liked that) by 60 I was white. I didn't want the maintenance so I never died my hair. Now I am 74 everyone seems to be letting their hair go white that r my age. I still have my dark brown eyebrows and lashes but I see white creeping in. Can only pluk so much.

My DD is 46 and I see a lot of white in between dye jobs. Told her to let it grow out but she won't. My DH did not show any gray till almost 60. At 77 still has some brown. My youngest has his coloring so hopes it's a while before she shows gray.


It’s interesting how people have difficulty with hair color not working in certain areas.

One of my daughter’s teachers had black hair with a silver streak running through it. It was strikingly beautiful. I thought she did it on purpose. She told me that section of her hair wouldn’t hold the dye.

Golden, the wedding isn't until November so I have plenty of time to make the bouquet.

My brows are still full, so I just use a brow powder to darken them. The lashes I have to ignore for the eye condition I suffer from. My hair color lasts a shorter and shorter amount of time lately as the white hair bleeds thru sooner 🙄

Good morning. Lea. Hope you are going to have a good day, How long to you have to make the bouquet? I forget the wedding date.

Great info. about eye brows and lashes. My biggest need right now is to get my hair coloured. though with more and more white showing I fit in here with all these seniors very well. But the colour gives me a boost on days when I am pale. I must get my eye brows tatted again I tried it some years ago but they didn't last and when I questioned the shape the gal just said to pencil it in.. Well, If I have to do that I may as well not bother.

Have a good day everyone!

Geaton, I tried professional lash extensions for the first time last summer for a special weekend. My issue with eyelash extensions is that they need to be touched up monthly, and they ruin natural lashes. I wasn't aware that I couldn't simply discontinue monthly fills to let them grow out without weeks of twisty lashes and them pulling out.

They were undoubtedly gorgeous, but unless I wanted to pay $80/month for fills, then I had to let them slowly fall off; and as they grew out, the weight on the end of the lash would twist natural lashes, and trying to brush them straight with a spoolie pulls the natural lash off. My hairdresser had eyelash extensions for a long time and had the same experience. So now I get the falsies on a band, or you can buy the smaller pieces/clusters of lashes that you dip in removable eyelash glue and add to your natural lash line.

The bond/glue that permanent extensions use won't come off without professional treatment, and even then, I suspect it's going to damage lashes. Some people love them and find the monthly service worth it.

I've had my brows powder tattooed and it was expensive but awesome if you get the right tech. She worked with me to get a more "natural" color (more ash to go with my silver hair) so that I didn't look like Joan Crawford). But she told me it needs to be retouched every 3-ish years and this is true.

Eyelashes: consider eyelash extensions.

I happened to see the comments about lashes and brows.

Brow tattooing: I had makeup-tattoo powder brows done a couple of years ago (not microblading, which just didn't take for me even after getting the procedure a couple of times). I'd had them done 20 years ago in my 20s, and the tech just followed my natural brow lines. Well, my brows are asymmetrical. Having them done again and adjusted for perfect symmetry to sit at exactly the same height and be exactly the same shape did wonders for my face. I had them done slightly wider/outside my natural brows for a thicker look, which helps with a more youthful look. I'm very happy with them. I should've done them this way years ago; it's so flattering.

Natural falsies eyelashes: I'm going to put a link here to ones sold on Amazon that are truly natural looking. The band is clear, which helps the natural look. They require a glue process, but with a lot of practice and trial and error, I've learned to apply them. I found YouTube tutorials helpful. I only wear them for special occasions, but they are SO flattering and have a natural-but-better effect.

I like all this girl talk! Hope everyone feels beautiful at their special occasions coming up.

NHWM, I could look through that Etsy wedding shop for hours. There is so much variety in the offerings, from jewelry to shoes and unique jewel bouquets.

Lea, I love that dress you linked. It's different and gorgeous.

I would love to read through all the posts and see all of your different links, descriptions, and ideas, but sigh... no more time. What a fun discussion!

Lea - My eyebrows don't take dye well either, so pencil and such is what I use. So glad you are finally getting into the opthamologist for the iritis.

Hey frump away if that's what works for you. 😆 I have had to buy a couple of long sleeved nighties as my shoulders and arms are getting cold at night. Trying to find any I like is a challenge.Most of them make me look like I am 11 months pregnant. And at my age!!! lol

You are going to knock 'em out at dd's wedding! 😮

way - eyebrow pencil is a must and first thing I reach for. Fake eyelashes sound great.

new link worked . It’s gorgeous !! I can’t believe the reasonable price for that amount of detailed bling .

Eyebrow pencil works wonders . It takes off 5 years at least . I always had skimpy eyelashes . Getting worse . I will for the first time wear fake at my daughter’s wedding . I am going to get my makeup done professionally for the first and probably only time and ask the makeup artist to just make my lashes look “ normal”. My daughter says they have many different fake to choose from .
I figured why not . I won’t ever have another reason to get my makeup done up for me by a professional . It will be fun.

I do get my hair and brows dyed Golden, but the brows won't take the dye!!! My lashes I'm leaving alone due to the Iritis condition which will not go away. Feb 14th I see the Opthamologist finally. I'm leaning INTO my super frumpy nightclothes, I love them! No satin and lace for moi 😂🤣😁😎😆

Bit I DO intend to sparkle on DDs day and leave the fugly home.

Yes NHWM, I'll leave my African bone necklaces and long peasant blouses home for THIS event 🤣


You are funny! I am giggling at your comment about being a “Boho hippie queen.”

Be true to yourself and celebrate this joyful occasion with your family! You know that everyone is thrilled that you are able to be there as the beautiful mother of the bride.

I get you, Lea. With the sessions I have with CFS/FM I can feel pretty fugly. Then I walk past a mirror and see myself and think - it doesn't show that much so I am going with that. But age shows, especially around my eyes, so when I feel fugly I do my eye exercises and put on some makeup and that's pretty regularly. Without eye brow pencil or some such I don't have eyebrows. I used to have a nice nighty wardrobe b/c I was too d*** tired to get out of bed much but I was darned if I was going to look frumpy in my night clothes. A little satin and lace can go a long way to making a girl feel better.

So paint your eyebrows and lashes. Actually your friendly neighbourhood salon can do that for you - they will dye them!!! Get your hair done. Put on your glam and your bling and go Girl!!! Sparkle!!! 🌟✨🎇💖

Can't wait to see the bouquet when you make it!

Lea, just catching up again! Wonderful news on your doctor visit! Can’t beat that report. And I, as a fellow MOB, looked at the dress, it’s just beautiful! I bought 3 dresses in one swoop for my daughter’s upcoming wedding. I’m happy that I didn’t need a long dress. The wedding isn’t formal, and no one except the bride is wearing a long dress. One dress, she didn’t like, so back it went. I kept the other two, wore one to another dressy wedding a couple of months ago and to hubby’s work holiday party. And the other one was declared winner for her wedding. It’s baby pink crepe with sheer long sleeves, and quite simple. I’m still figuring out what jewelry to put with it. Daughter’s wedding gown is full lace, and gorgeous. The alterations just were completed. It’s all coming together, very exciting time for us both. So glad you’re out and about more and more. And you’ll get there with the hair and makeup, no worries

Try this link Way

The links seem to expire after awhile.

Golden, it's MYSELF I can't trust! After sitting around here for over a year with no makeup, white lashes and brows, hair not done, I feel like a big mess. Wearing a glamourous outfit feels weird, wrong somehow. But I'm blowing my hair out lately and putting on some lip gloss, so I'm getting there. After seeing MILs gown, although plain, it's a gown and I can't be coming in like a Boho hippie queen so......its glam and bling for moi! 🤣😃😂😁

Yes, Chuck too, of course. I'm not surprised he loves it. i think you can trust them all. 😊


I just looked up jewel wedding bouquets.

A woman on Etsy has a shop called, FlorioDesigns. She’s in London and makes jewel bouquets.

Etsy shop owner in California called, FlorisAmorStudio has pretty designs too.

Gosh, this is addictive looking at these jewel bouquets!

The bouquets from CrystalWeddingUK Etsy shop are beautiful! Check out JuliasWeddingSalon, gorgeous jewel bouquets!

Oooooh, a jewel bouquet looks like it will be beautiful but time consuming to make.

Thanks Golden! I'm very happy DD and Chuck both love my dress, which gives me more confidence to shine in it. I'll post a pic of the jewelry bouquet once I make it, too.

glad everyone’s in agreement .
I tried that link last night , it didn’t work . I’ll try again later , but I’m sure it is beautiful .

lea - I am so happy your dd loves that dress. You and the mil will look fine together, I'm sure you will figure out the bridal bouquet and it will be lovely. All of us will want to see a pic of it. From strength to strength...

Hothouse ,

I had my 1/2 carat round diamond reset 3 years ago because my prongs were so worn .
At the time DH offered for me to trade up to a larger diamond . I said NO , then it would not be what he gave me at all ( when we were happy poor college students , lol) . I picked out a similar setting to what I originally had but added a baguette on either side , and I upgraded to platinum ( from white gold) . At least the center stone is original . I sort of look at it as an anniversary ring now also . It was done around our 35th anniversary and I figure the added baguette on each side is for the two kids we have .

Way, My one carat diamond fell out of its setting two years ago. I found it which was unbelievable. Rather than reset it, I gave the stone to my daughter for my only grandson to use for an engagement ring, of course depending on whether fiancée wants a round cut diamond. Who knows. But it’s there for someone to use or sell if need be. I had 46 great years wearing that ring, but wearing it now doesn’t matter to me anymore.

I also have my mothers ring which she reset from the beautiful platinum 1950s setting into a more modern ugly ring. I wish she kept to the original style. Someone would have loved to wear that. But the stones can be reset.

Great to hear about Dr. C and the good news.

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