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My father is in an ALF. My sister is the one who lives local. Before he went there, she had a really hard time saying 'no'. He wants to see her everyday, which is unreasonable considering all the others duties she has. However, since he entered the ALF, she has been able to just turn off her phone in the evening at times. He's well taken care of there and she knows she needs the break. Entering the ALF helped her feel less guilty about it. Best wishes to you.
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Well, like I said, I'm an only child, dad died in 2009 I& mom's 93 & in a nursing home. I've stayed close geographically my whole life to my parents so I had a very close relationship w/my Dad & now mom is my only parent remaining. I see her 3 times/wk. She just has mild dementia but it is VERY exhausting to go to the same facility to see the same person & talk about the SAME things! She used to be so social but because the other residents don't talk since they have more advanced dementia &/or AD she doesn't like to go to bingo, eat in the dining room, etc. It kills me that she's in there but it was & still is necessary. she stopped bathing in 2009 & probably before that! After dad died she managed alonefor 1 1/2 yrs until she got sick (dehydrated)& we had to call 911 - but if you read my profile all this is in there. The point is I am VERY exhausted from the 3 times/wk visits but since she's aware of everything I want to do right by her, you know? That's why I've been reaching out/talking about this - I never considered myself a "caregiver" since she's in a n.h. but even so, I AM her caregiver. not sure if I answered this question or just repeated my own story but I hope it helps.
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Like you I am an only child and I cared for both of my parents when they were ill. However, I had a loving relationship with both parents who would do anything for me. I understand that all only children don't share that type of a relationship and it appears from the tone of your posting you may not have such a situation during your childhood. However, if you can't visit your mother without being resentful,please don't visit her. It isn't good for your mother and it isn't good for you. Perhaps a cousin or other relative who has a better relationship with your mother can step up.

There are 3 types of only children: those that are loved and adored by their parents, those that are resented by their parents and those although surprised by parenthood adjust and love their children. All only children are not the same.
Just try to do what is best for you and your mother. Clearly visiting her isn't the correct path for you.
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Your home is supposed to be your sanctuary - do not let your mom come and live with you.
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You better be careful girl or you will lose your health and family over this. I KNOW it is hard - I am living it too.
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I too am an only child caring for my divorced dad who has no friends. Thankfully his controlling attitude has calmed down a bit because I refuse to put up with it anymore. I even heard the "but I took care of you when you were a baby in the hospital" crap. My marriage was suffering big time and I put the brakes on that. Get people to help you if you can - it is not up to your mom anymore - it doesn't matter if she will/won't accept the help - she will and that is final. See that she gets the care she needs and is ok but YOU don't have to be the one there EVERY SINGLE TIME. She will get used to it; if she bitches, just leave. Yes just leave her to stew in her own juices. You can't ruin your family life and future over this. Yes continue to help her, but enlist resources to assist you when you can't or are at your wits ends. If she has the resources she must pay for it too or you know what it won't get done. You will start to feel better after you do because I certainly did. """It is very gracious of you mom to let me borrow your car until mine is fixed and I thank you for that but I cannot drive you today because of "insert reason here" and I will show my gratitude to you for this and all of your sacrifices/gifts to me by arranging help with "so and so" to transport you and help you with your appointment."""
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Alexandrakl, My mom also wants to ride only in her car.... what is that? I finally convinced her that she is not really saving me gas $$, because I drive 45 minutest to her house and back in my car, but she keeps thinking it's better in her car. Some how I have to figure out what's best for both of us and how to be the strong, rational one .... because sometimes "her car" is just confusing the sensitive issues.
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Picture, I do appreciate your input. She refuses Hospice help. Too convinced it is ONLY end of life care, and refuses it because she is clinging to false hope she is going to recover. She has approximately 4-6 months according to a 3 consulted radiation onocologist who is a close family friend. It would take a great burden off me if she would accept the extra help.
Transportation she insists. Must be in her car. She went by ambulette for 4 days and I heard nothing but bitching . I am currently driving her car only because my van requires $700 in repairs and cannot be done until first part of Oct. She holds that over my head as well as " all I did for you"...
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Emjo, I have BPD as well and trying very hard to fix myself, it sucks, I hate it. The whole thing is damaging my family. Her being here has set off more problems for me. Seeing my pysch with my spouse today AFTER I take mother to radiation. She gets only radiation. There are no other options for her cancer.

I also use dialectical behavioral therapy to work on myself. I am sure this is inherited from her, but she would never admit she has it.
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Hi All, I am in the same situation and as I read all of these kind, thoughtful and heartbreaking posts, I keep thinking we have to be careful that we don't lose our own lives in the process of trying to do the right thing. I like the reference to boundaries and I know it's nearly impossible, because with deteriorating old age, there is no schedule that can be set... also things are said by parents that come out of fear, but they are endlessly powerful to the recipient anyway... no matter why they are said. I'm going to meet with a therapist for the first time today for myself (I checked in with my insurance company and didn't realize I have that benefit. The insurance monthly premium is ridiculously expensive and it occurred to me that I should use the benefits if they can keep me from being fully institutionalized for my craziness). It will give me nearly an hour to speak about my heartbreaking circumstances with my mom, without burdening my family and friends. Not sure what she will say, but it's the one thing I'm doing for myself today. So, although I can not do anything about my mothers random demands, all of which I want to respond to and satisfy, I'm going to try to do one good and healthy thing for myself every day. Not having done that yet... I'm not sure how it will work, but just want you all to know... you have inspired me to come to this idea. Thank you for sharing your stories, because they are so closely related to mine... and help me to not feel ... badly (cranky, selfish, like my life is falling apart while at the same time I can't seem to save my mom's life...). I hope you find one good thing to do for yourself too.
Helpful Answer (7)

Hospice will come out and help with your mom(s). This is no end of life care, this care for when the person reaches a certain criteria. They sent a nurse, social worker, occupational therapist, and a volunteer. They provided all the disposable diapers, gave her showers, sat and spent time with her, and helped feed her. Every person came out once a week. The nurse kept a log of her. It was WONDERFUL!! Call Hospice, have them come out and evaluate her. It was the Assisted living home where she was at that told me about this, I was so thankful and I was trying to do it all.
Also, I was VERY vigilant on raising a big stink when I found any problem to my mom. These people shook, when I came to visit, I went straight to the nurse station, the manager at the home, to any person in charge. I questioned all the staff who dealt with my mom. Yep, it is a full time job, don't let them get away with anything. My mom could barely drink her water. Uh, where is the straw??? Over and over I had to demand it, they are so understaffed at these places, but that is not my fault. I want a straw for my mom. They get UTI way to easy, they get dehydrated
Helpful Answer (2)

After joining this website, I am still struck by how many people -- mostly women -- are in the same situation. I have ready many books on emotional manipulation, and I still find it hard to set boundaries. Parents seem to have the ability to get us to do so many things that are not really good for us. My own mother (whom I see daily), continually says that I owe her for all the times she drove me in childhood. I have a son, and I expect no such thing from him. It's hard to determine where to draw the line, I think, because we love our parents and want to help them. But if you are feeling the way you do, you are probably going beyond what is reasonable. I have one question (and I pose this to myself often) -- Do you feel gratification from helping/visiting your Mother? I often feel depleted, exhausted, overwhelmed with demands that never seem to end. I now to errands/chores for Mom two afternoons a week. I feel good about these boundaries, and she seems ok with it, too. So setting boundaries isn't all that bad! I hope you can find some peace, so that you can enjoy your own life. She is being cared for where she is.
Helpful Answer (5)

I used to see my mom every day too but had to stop. I was losing it. It was affecting my health and well being. My whole family was affected. I was resentful that they did not want to help take the burden off me after saying they would take turns visiting. I think I was angry about the illness and the fact that my great life was now in turmoil. I am still angry as my mom is near the end of her life. It is a hard reality that no one wants to face. Stop beating yourself up about it. Visit on your terms and leave feeling good about it. That is the only way it will work. I had a great relationship with my mom. I miss her terribly. She does not know me but there is still something there when I stroke her hair or face. I want to blame somebody but there isn't anyone. It is what it is. Hugs.
Helpful Answer (4)

I'm not the only child..(two other siblings) and I too feel guilty if I don't go see/check on mom at least every 3 days. Now she is in another NH that is almost 20 miles from me one way. Other siblings have never been to visit or call or care about her at all in the past 6 years. It has always been left up to me as the middle child...i think there is something about the "middle" child that makes us such people pleasers. Mom is also narcissistic and negative....was like that when we were little kids too. But since I was dx with PTSD and Panic Disorder two years ago and no income as of August, I can't go see her as often as she would like. I'm the only person she still recognizes..she's in last stage. Each time I do go visit her, she is always WET with urine..socks soaking wet and shoes as well. I go clean her up as soon as I get there which takes a LOT out of me. She is SO hard to handle. I tell the NH ppl that "I cleaned up mom again as soon as I got here" each time but it's still the same the next time. At first, I got mad because it's THEIR job to do that, not mine. But...they just don't pay any attention to her. I even thought about moving her back in with me due to their neglect of her but after bringing her home with me for 2 days (just a trial run to see if I could take it), I realized that I can NOT take her to live with me anymore. My health and sanity are more important to me. She has had a long 76 now and only worked 14 years of her life. I've worked for 40 years and have taken care of her for almost 25..while she was living on her own or with me or in NH. I don't feel so bad now about not being able to go there and visit/check on her/clean her up when I can afford gas. She will finish her life there. I'm used up.
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I apologize for the misunderstanding on the time. I do NOT travel 4 hours a day to see here. Her home is 2.5 hours away, the nursing facility I have her in is a 2 minute car ride.
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Alexandra, I have my 93y.o. mom in a nursing home too - been there since July 2011 - no real dementia to speak of, some memory loss but due to illness she entered a "rehab ctr" She refused to bathe while living alone at home after dad died - she even stopped bathing I think before he died in 2009 - but yes I'm frustrated, angry, scared, but more importantly I love her with all my heart! But I also feel extremely guilty that she's there! Mom would like to see me three times a week, of course if she saw me daily she'd love it - but I can't see her every day - it IS exhausting!!! Please talk to me by e-mail if you want - I thought I was the only one with these feelings about having my mom in a nursing home - I'm her only child.
Helpful Answer (2)

(((((((alex))))))) -are you sayng that you have to take her for daily chemo treatments for the next 2.5 weeks?
If so, is there other transportation that could be arranged on some of those days? This is very hard on your and your family.
My mother is borderline personality disorder, narcissistic and very demanding too, but I have learned - out of the necessity of looking after myself - to say no to her, to ignore many things, and to detach from the resulting anger.and criticism. As you probably realise, you will never please her, and you cannot make her happy Nor can you take away from the pain of her situation. Having cancer is nasty, and any one who gets it has to deal with that, and I am sure it is very difficult - but no one can do it for us or take away the anxiety, sense of loss or physical discomforts.
Boundaries are needed when dealing with this kind of person. Yes, anger is normal. You are being expected, by your mother, to do too much, and you are expecting yourself to do too much. Can you cut yourself some slack, and attend to your own needs and those of your children? Your needs and your children's needs are at least as important as your mother's needs - even if she has a terminal illness.

You say you have to go every day. Apart from the transportation to chemo -why do you have to go every day? Because she gets mad if you don't? My mother is 5 hrs drive away, and I go when I can, which is n ot as often as she would like. She is 100, and in an ALF and well cared for there, even if she complains all the time. It is several months since I last saw her though we are in communication pretty well daily.
If you need permission not to go every day, I will give it to you. My daughter has two children and lives a few blocks away, but I have never expected that kind of thing from her, nor would I even if I were ill. She has her own life to live and her own respoonsibilities.. We do not see one another daily - but when it suits both of us. She has helped me a few times and I have done the same for her and her family.
Try to achieve a betterr balance in your life, but don't expect your mother to like it. That you are getting resentful says to me that you are being used - that is no good for you, or for your mum either. It is enabling unhealthy behaviour in her.
Good luck in establishing some boundaries. (((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))
Helpful Answer (6)

My heart goes out to you and understand your dilemma. As stated above, loving with detachment is needed for you and your family. Unfortunately, we cannot be all things to all people. And when the parent is difficult and narcissistic; it is all the more stressful. Narcissistic people know what they are doing; so if you can try to let go - it will help you. You are a wonderful daughter and doing so much.

I had dealt with the 4 hour commute previously - and this is draining in so many ways. I can relate to the people pleasing as well. Think it is too much for you to go every day - somethings got to give and it can't be you. Just taking care of her medical visits is enough as it is. You are only one person and your plate is full. Hugs across the miles and blessings to you.
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Here's a link to the threads here on having a narcissistic parent.
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Wow, a four hour round trip every day, plus the time you actually spend there! That's a lot of time, energy, and expense plus wear and tear on the car! I guess you come home everyday drained after being with your mom? No wonder you feel angry. What impact is this having on your marriage and family?

I understand the battle about people pleasing for my mother raised me to please her and please others but not focus on pleasing myself. It is part of the reason that I'm on disability.

I'm glad to hear that you are working hard to take back your power and that is hard work after years of "training" to the contrary.

I think your moral obligation is that she is safe and cared for which your mother is. If she resents you having a life and a family, then those are her feelings, not yours to deal with. Try not to absorb her emotions into yours. I know it is tough, but some degree of loving with detachment is needed for your own self protection. There are several threads here about narcissism and I think one of them is about having a narcissistic parent.
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Cmag, it is out of moral obligation. She is miserable. I have to take her to radiation therapy for the next 2.5 weeks. She does not live up here, she lives 2 hours away. Came here to get out of power outtages and I wound up.having her hospitalized because she appeared very ill. I was correct and that was July 6.
She is bored out of her mind and highly demanding. I am used to appeasing her and everyone else. I am a people pleaser, but have been working hard on taking back MY power.
It would be worse if she was in my house. Yes she is incredibly narcisisstic. She does not have a clue.
I am trying hard to balance my life.
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Your resentment is normal!

Why do you have to go to the nursing home every day? Is it out of Fear of making your mother angry, a feeling of Obligation, or you will feel Guilty if you don't? Sounds like emotional blackmail at work to me and it has you lost in some deep F.O.G. Your mother is narcissistic and her personality can't be fixed or controlled. You didn't make her this way, but you can chose a healthier path for yourself by setting boundaries and sticking to them.

From what I've read of other posts of yours on other threads, it is harming your life, your family and you. That is not fair to you or to them.
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