
Hello everyone,

My mother in law’s elderly boyfriend recently swapped out his current car lease for a new one in September.

For starters, I really don’t think it was a good idea for a 91-year-old man to start a new lease, but that’s not really the focal point here.

Last week, he told my mother-in-law that he didn’t remember how to get to the corner grocery store. This is somewhere they’ve gone hundreds of times in their relationship and is literally a half mile away. He has admitted to himself he can no longer drive...a month after he started the lease.

A couple of things here of note: the guys at this dealership totally effed him over with the price of the car to begin with, so they wouldn’t give two hoots about hoodwinking an old man with cognitive issues into signing a very bad deal. Not to mention he thought it was up in September not realizing he had a full year left on his current lease. Again, he has a memory issues and cognitive decline going on.

Here is the crux of it all and thanks for reading so far.

I want to know if there are any legal grounds for terminating the lease due to a dementia or even an Alzheimer’s diagnosis if it can be proven he was suffering at the time he signed this contract. Otherwise, he is stuck with a lease that no one in their right mind would buy him out of.

Thanks, all.

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JoAnn29 is right. OP has not posted since October 15.
Helpful Answer (1)

Ask an attorney.

Did the dealer know about or should the dealer have known about the "possible" dementia?

Has there been a physician's diagnosis? If not, how could a car dealer make one? That's not the responsibility of the dealer unless it was perfectly "obvious" that the person had diminished capacity and was unable to sign or make an agreement, in which case, except for the fact your guy has the car, there is no agreement.

Does your in-law's friend have much to leave in an estate? Can he afford the payments?

THIS is why dementia sufferers need a guardian or someone with a solid POA.

Call an elder-law attorney. If there is a way to return the car with notice of the reason, an attorney should know it:

National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys
NAELA Council of Advanced Practitioners
1577 Spring Hill Rd., Suite 310
Vienna, VA 22182 

Recommended in Colorado:

M. Carl Glatstein
Glatstein & O'Brien LLP
2696 S. Colorado Boulevard, Suite 350
Denver, Colorado 80222
(303) 757-4342 
Fax: (303) 757-4570
Ainsle Rittich, Legal Assistant
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OP has not responded since Oct 15
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Several years back, I had a similar experience regarding my aunt. I contacted our local Department of Elder Affairs and everything magically resolved within a week.
Helpful Answer (2)
blueberrybelle Nov 2019
In what state are you residing?
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My brother (diagnosed schizophrenia) bought a used truck two months before he died this year. Whoever he bought the darn truck from imo is despicable that he gave my brother a bad deal, but unfortunately my brother signed the contract. We knew (he & I) my brother was going to need a new vehicle and for months I told my brother not to make any deal without me there.

I read the entire contract as I was looking for a reason to reverse their contract.

I did not find any reason.

In reality those salesmen generally don’t discriminate on who they rip off. If a 70 y/o man drives his own vehicle to the dealer to get a vehicle (my brother) the salesmen isn’t going to administer a competency exam. They are hoping to sell a car.

I gave the truck back to the bank. Not worth the fight in any court. My brother could determine good from bad, etc at the time he signed the contract. I just realistically looked at the entire issue and was it worth the fight & decided not to pursue anything from the dealer.

Matter of fact, after the sale the contract goes to the finance department for processing. The salesman is essentially out of the equation.

Now of course they are attempting to get the money from “his estate “ (had none) & me as his sister. I didn’t and won’t pay them squat.

Choose your battles- this one may not be worth it as it will take lots of time & money. I let it go (although it pained me immensely). Jmho
Helpful Answer (4)
blueberrybelle Nov 2019

You, his sister, is not liable unless you also signed the contract.
Go to the head guy there - tell him/her about how he was flummoxed by a salesperson in his department - see what happens but if nothing then go to the local TV station as they are on the outlook for this type of problem .... that could solve everything

FYI - a man we play bridge with bought his car outright as he was 86 & was worried what would happen if he couldn't pass his next driver's exam [here everyone over 80 does an exam every 2 years] & he didn't want the burden of a car he couldn't drive but had a lease on so he could sell one if he bought it

How do you spell 'bastard' ... Basically A Selfish Toad And Really Dumb .... if the shoe fits ...??? - good luck
Helpful Answer (0)

IMHO, an elder law attorney should handle this. Car salesmen can be sometimes fast-talking people and this is how they potentially swindled the elderly boy friend into a "deal." Not to mention that he shouldn't be behind the wheel of a motor vehicle!!!
Helpful Answer (3)
AT1234 Oct 2019
I agree with this, if we had hit any resistance that would’ve been my next stop.
IF you are authorized, take action now. We didn’t need an attorney we went to bank, the dealership, police station and adult protective services, in that order. Within 3 weeks the “deal” had been undone.
Helpful Answer (5)
Houseplant102 Oct 2019
That is really a good point - go to Adult Protective Services.
oops sorry just re read - a MIL’s partner - kinda difficult to represent unless been given written authority to and since has dementia he can’t do that legally if not already been done
Helpful Answer (1)

Write to the company detailing issue, that the original lease had a further year, age of father, and using words like vulnerable, distress, dementia, etc. Send a copy to company and a copy to his bank. I did this re my father being conned re online pills and after finding him distressed, having hidden it for 6 months from me. Despite requesting they stop they continued to send and charge him. I did a letter to them and a copy to his bank. The bank refunded all charges right back to the start. I made sure I was around to refuse to accept the next parcel.

They might contest dementia if father still driving so you would need to resolve that.

Good luck - hope they lose - there’s way too many preying on the elderly
Helpful Answer (2)

He will need to get a medical diagnosis of dementia established. Then, take a copy of the medical paperwork as well as mom's boyfriend to see the manager at the car dealership. Explain that boyfriend can no longer drive since his dementia impairs his ability to remember where he is going. Ask the dealership to void the contract. Offer to have boyfriend pay for the portion of the contract he used the car. If you have a problem with dealership, contact Better Business Bureau and a lawyer. Only mentally competent people can sign contracts.
Helpful Answer (4)

Do you have any legal authority to represent this man? Do you have Power of Attorney over his affairs? It would be best if the person with POA pursued this on his behalf as that person would not be denied. IE "Your just the daughter of his girlfiend you have no authority to challenge this".

The way a lease works the car is actually purchased from the dealer by the lease company. Even if the lease entity is the auto manufacture. THese people are difficult to deal with.

First call the dealership ask to speak to the General Manager or owner if it is a small dealer. ONLY speak to one of these 2 people. Plead your case. If you do not get satis faction I suggest you call your states attorney consumer protection unit or the Secretary of State consumer protection unit and plead your case. You can also contact the local TV station consumer reporter. THey love these stories. You can also consult with an attorney that has a Senior citzen practice.
Helpful Answer (1)
worriedinCali Oct 2019
OP has absolutely zero authority.
Maybe call APS? Adult Protective Service, for elder abuse/fraud.

And as far as complaining loudly as SFdaughter, recommends, YES, what a great idea, and clearly state painting a picture of the very real possibility of a car wreck with multiple fatalities and it coming out in the news on TV and newspaper about a demented 90+ yr. old having been leased a vehicle from SUCH AND SUCH dealership........ saying (to the dealership), WOW, what great publicity you would get !!!!!!

Oh and in my local area, there is a TV station that helps people resolve issues... it's Better Call Behnken. Maybe there is some type of service in the OP's area which could help with that.
Helpful Answer (4)

My, whether dementia is involved or not, you can almost always get out of a bad situation if you're persistent and seem sure of yourself. It doesn't hurt to be right. Just be very clear that this new lease will not be paid, and you are willing to complain loudly in public, and don't give up. It won't take long. Complaining works.
Helpful Answer (5)

Does this man have any family? They should be the ones tackling this issue. As nice as he may be and however much you like him, you really have no legal standing. If there is no one, you could try to get POA or guardianship (may be too early for that), if you really care about him and want to take on this burden.

As for the lease, check this out:

Just stopping payment or attempting to return it isn't likely to work. They can repo the car AND still send it off to collections. Ruining his credit isn't the big issue, it is the hassle that will ensue. Given how car dealers work, there isn't a lot of hope for getting out of this lease. He had no Dx, no one was in control, etc., so how are they to know? There are plenty of 90+ drivers who are still competent AND still okay with driving. Funny thing - my license is up for renewal and they are requiring me to come in (usually the first 5 year renewal can be done online, but not for me! I am only 66!) Apparently the old thoughts stick around - anyone over 60 is a danger?

If he has family, is there someone who would be willing to take over the lease and car? If not, the two options I can see from reading the above link is 1) attempt early termination (it will cost him, if it is even an option) or 2) attempt a lease takeover.

If he has no family, you can attempt to help him through this. What is his take on it all? If he has no issue continuing to pay but shouldn't be driving, focus on stopping the driving and perhaps MIL or someone can do the driving while the lease is still in place. He would still have to pay for it and have it maintained. Never really understood leasing - seems expensive, mileage is limited, you end up with nothing at the end of the lease!

I detest any car buying - with very few exceptions the whole process is distasteful! It isn't always the salesperson who is the dick. Others in the process can be jerks as well. The high pressure sales are nasty. When trying to find a car for my then 17yo son, we went together to find a good used one, preferably within a certain $ amount. I told the young sales guy we wanted a 4WD (for winter issues), don't care so much what it looks like so long as it runs good and is within X amount. He says he knows just the car and went off to move it up for us and presented us with an RX7!!! A co-worker told me we should have bought it as it was a unique 4WD RX7!!! Of course my son's eyes lit up, but NFW! I had to co-sign and told him NO. The sales pitch included Oh look it has passive restraints! Yeah, right. It likely would have been wrapped around a tree within the first week! When son tried to plead and I asked about having 12" snow while he's at work, he says I can pick him up. WHAT? I do that now, so why don't we just save the $ and not buy anything!! What an idiot salesman! Of all the places we went, HE was the one who kept calling us. No way would I buy anything from THAT clown!
Helpful Answer (5)

If he has had a diagnosis of Dementia or Alzheimer’s from a psychologist or psychiatrist you can legally cancel the contract. A diagnosis by the family Dr. probably won't work. Good luck and put on your best poker face.
Helpful Answer (2)
blueberrybelle Nov 2019
A diagnosis isn't going to help. How did the dealer know?
Think twice about just turning the car in if he has any assets - - if he does, or gets monthly benefits beyond his Social Security, the leasing company could go after him for default payment...

Since he is 91, does he look 91 - - is it obvious that he's quite elderly ??? Regardless of his mental state, although certainly memory impairment would be suspected, if he had a year to go on his prior lease, it would have been FRAUDULENT for the leasing company to not be clear about that and to press for a new lease (something they are in the business to do). That might be one point of law.

But the other point of law may be to contact Adult Protective Services because there's a lot of ELDER FINANCIAL ABUSE going on and it seems like you could make a case for the leasing company to have known better to not take advantage of him.
Helpful Answer (5)

My SIL had this happen with her DH. She called the Dealership and told them, "Good luck getting him to pay for that car." - Long-story-short, they came and picked up the car.

Talk to the dealership owner and tell them that there is no chance of this lease being paid for and they should listen.
Helpful Answer (4)

go in person to car dealership & talk to owner. Tell him situation & you want new lease torn up ...& say he’s a danger on road because of cognitive issues. Call any others like lending company to have it voided. Good luck & hugs 🤗
Helpful Answer (2)

Whomever this company is ought to be ashamed of themselves recommiting a 91yr old person to a car lease.

Why does your mother even still have a drivers license?

Whos letting a 91yr old person drive whether theyre capable or not?
Helpful Answer (1)
disgustedtoo Oct 2019
It isn't OP's mother. It is MIL's BF. MIL is 78.

Being 91 is NOT the criteria. There are those who are that old and older who can still drive safely, and there are those who can't. Some 20-60 yos can't drive worth crap, yet they get no flak.
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I was at a car dealer a few months ago and was appalled that the salesman pointed to a car on the lot and told me they just got the little red sports car that was sitting there back because a 90 year old man with dementia came in to buy it. "What were we supposed to do?" he said to me, with his hands up. They sold it to him and then his family came back really mad to return it. I thought, seriously?? What are you supposed to do? I know what I was going to do, not buy a car there!

Get in with an Elder Law Attorney now. They will be able to tell you if you have a chance here or not AND get a Power of Attorney while you're there. Good luck!
Helpful Answer (2)

Many good responses here.

My take: Start with the dealership, and work your way from the salesman all the way up to the owner. Dealerships have several levels of management in the sales department, so it will take time and patience (and a lot of repeating yourself) to get through to the top.

The request to annul the contract should be made in writing as well as in person (give a copy of the letter to each person spoken to). Be firm, but pleasant and courteous, and don't mention an attorney or contacting your local news until you get somewhat up the chain. Record each person's name and the time/date you spoke with them.

If you get all the way to the owner and still don't get results, then it's time for that call to the local news station's consumer assistance line. If they can't help, you'll probably end up consulting an attorney. Hopefully it won't get to that stage.

And in the meantime, the aggrieved gentleman should visit a physician and be evaluated for cognitive disorders. A diagnosis, including an opinion of likely date of onset, will be the best evidence for action in his favor.
Helpful Answer (8)

This makes me angry. An honest salesman would be leery about leasing a car to a 91 y/o person. He should not be driving, period. The salesman obviously only cared about his commission.

No advice here. Just supporting your anger towards the dealership.
Helpful Answer (1)

How sad, sorry for that predicament. If the Dr would provide evidence, I believe you could approach manager to annul the lease. If not, I wud ask your local news to investigate it: as a human interest story, so that public pressure (& bad press) may convince dealership to accomadate you. (Be careful not to slander the dealership, cuz u cud be sued for it). Good luck.
Helpful Answer (3)


i am pretty sure the broken lease value will be well into multiple thousands....far beyond anything small claims will handle.

civil court is a long winded process, expensive, and really expensive for the loser...loser pays all costs.

bet they try to settle for anything rather than have their business practices looked at by a court.
Helpful Answer (3)
gdaughter Oct 2019
Yes, good point about the value being beyond small claims...but I wonder how this is from the financial perspective and the amount of funds put out thus far...just don't know...definitely need legal advice...
I actually question if there has to be a ore-existing diagnosis of dementia or Alzheimer's.

I say this because of a case I was involved in concerning a car dealer.

in the court room, it finally came down to whether or not the buyer was capable of understanding the contract at the time it was signed. Because the buyer could be demonstrated to not understand sentences with multiple verbs and nouns...the jury could see the buyer didn't understand the contract. And that is a base requirement for a legal contract...that the buyer be capable of understanding it.

i believe that a lawyer going to court with him could easily demonstrate to a jury that he is not contractually competent.
Helpful Answer (12)

If they get the car back and the keys, there is no need for an attorney, it will just cost money for nothing. No reason to be concerned at age 91.
Helpful Answer (3)
YellowSubmarine Oct 2019
There is something to this. Stop paying the lease. Turn it in. The worst that will happen is they sell the car to fulfill the lease. They may try and collect anything above and beyond what the car sold for, but at 91, guess he’s not worried about his credit rating. Only thing would be if/how it impacted that debt rolled over on his death.
If you can prove that the gentleman was legally incompetent to make a contract through mental incapacity at the time, the contract is void. For a contract to be valid, all parties to it have to be capable of forming the contract.

But I don't know how you can prove it. Any medical records to go on? A lawyer might be interested in the challenge.
Helpful Answer (6)
Swataz Oct 2019
I love the guy, but I am not sure of anything at the moment. He may have had a diagnosis, but as you or others have stated, if it was not before the transaction, his legal footing is almost nil.

I know he is mentally incapacitated and even HE knows it now. Sadly, that probably won't be enough and what's the difference if he loses the money for the lease if the legal fees match that total? LOL
If he has family, they need to now get involved. Hopefully someone has POA. Your MIL is not legally responsible for this BF. She also has no rights in his care unless he gave her POA. Which at her age I would not agree to anyway.
Helpful Answer (4)
Swataz Oct 2019
She is younger, at 78. Not sure if she or anyone else has POA. That needs to be addressed soon, though.
You have to ask yourself if his credit score matters for anything. Just turn the car in.
Helpful Answer (5)
AlvaDeer Oct 2019
Yes. Really. At a certain point it is a good thing to have bad credit~!
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