
My mother has been hospitalized and was referred to a skilled nursing facility for short term rehab. The facility is supposed to offer rehab but does not have speech therapy that she needs, among other issues. I have tried to move her but got denied for reasons that don’t make sense to her case, fall risk (she’s gaining strength still to walk via rehab) and because she pulled out a tube when she was sick in the hospital (she no longer has this tube at all). Is there anything I can do to get her approved, understand why she was denied, or rereview the case? Of course I’m having a hard time getting anyone to call me back about it. All the legal information I can find is about long term care.

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For some patients, it becomes weighting up the pros & cons.

Pros of rehab treatment (physio, speech etc) vs cons of being in another unfamiliar environment, which adds to falls risk. (Especially if the patient has dx delerium from the acute inpatient stay).

A patient should be *set up to succeed* in rehab, with achievable goals. Unfortunately if not able to participate or understand the treatment, some patients may be set up to fail in rehab... NOT saying this is the case, just explaining.

Each fall takes more of their health. A chain of adverse events.

So sometimes home is safer & adding PT or Speech at home can be done instead.

Keep up your good work of advocating for your Mother!

Ask the Manager why rehab is off the plan. Ask for specifics. Ask about alternatives.
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Reply to Beatty

You ‘got denied’ by whom? Who needs to ‘approve’ her? Are you saying that the SNF won’t let you move her somewhere else ie to another facility? (!!!) Where do you want to move her to? Is this about funding? It all sounds very odd, and perhaps that’s one reason why no-one is calling you back.

If you can explain to us, clarifying it and getting feedback might help you to work out what to do.
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Reply to MargaretMcKen

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