My m.i.l. is in a nursing home. I do her laundry because the facility's laundering beats up her clothing and loses things. We visit once a week, so things pile up and sit in the hamper. I have been setting the washer on pre-soak, heavy soil, extra-rinse. I use medium warm water (setting 4 out of 5). I use Tide Free and Gentle He. I have tried both washing soda and borax. But the odor remains.
This also works really well on dog pads.
Hope this helps.
I like OdorBan not only does it remove urine odor in laundry but diluted in different concentrations it is an air freshener, deodorizer, sanitizer. It is enzyme based so it does not just mask or cover odors. It works on hard surfaces as well as soft.
I'm not a 'measurer' - throw in about 3/4 of a cup. REMEMBER -NEVER mix with bleach!