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This is a question that comes up a lot and the people of the forum have a lot of different opinions, I'm linking a site search so you can browse through their answers
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White vinegar, 1 cup as a pre wash works wonders for urine of any kind.
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Research "Nok-Out" and "Sniper." These products might help.
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KisaVal - I had to wash my mother's urine soaked clothes many times. What I did was I washed the clothes as I normally washed other clothes. However, instead of using the dryer, I dried her wet clothes in the sun for at least a day. The sun removed all trace of odor. If you have a patio or backyard where you can hang clothes to dry, you can try this method.
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poodledoodle Apr 2022
You’re a very kind daughter. And I bet, a great friend too. They go hand in hand.

I try to be a good nephew. I care for my uncle.
I add white vinegar in the bleach dispenser and wash with detergent and fabric softener as normal. This removes urine odor and many mild stains.
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I've never used anything but detergent when washing, but I'm finding that some of the sweat shirts I bought a few years ago stain easily and the stains are hard to remove, even just slight discoloration from skin contact.

I'd like to try vinegar.   What kind do you use?  Plain vinegar?  Distilled white vinegar (which I use to clear drains)?   Thanks for any responses, and I apologise for raising this on someone else's thread, but it seems there are definitely some experienced vinegar users here!
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SuellenA Apr 2022
White vinegar is the one you should use. To my understanding distilled or plain doesn't matter too much. I've used it for years and years instead of fabric softener.
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To remove odors, I've washed, and/or rinsed with vinegar. I've also soaked items in vinegar & water before washing.

If you wash with vinegar, don't add detergent: 1 C. vinegar to the washing machine, & go through the whole cycle. You can wash with detergent afterwards.

The link below talks about using vinegar for smelly diapers - but it's good for just about any clothing. It also explains the chemistry of why it works & why vinegar plus detergent in the wash doesn't work.

good luck!
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I add a cup of vinegar in the wash and also put it in where the fabric softener goes, so that it will be added to the rinse. It was the only thing that seemed to work pretty good. The store bought antibacterial products just didn't cut that urine odor completely out.
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You could try a couple of cups of vinegar in the soaking. Some people say there are products out there for just this purpose.

Especially with polyester, a dryer will bring the smell back up. I allowed the laundry to do Moms clothes because whatever they used got those smells out. Ask the laundress what she uses.
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