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If the phone is in your name you should be able to request records, set the account up online. You would not need need a POA for that. Something is not right here at all.
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I think I might tell Mum that I had to change the phone number because I had taken an abusive phone call and don't ant her disturbed by them. Trouble is while phone calls register outgoing in the UK they don't register incoming. Scammers are clever, they use things like I am a paralegal to give some form of credibility to their actions, which undermines the really good work that 99.9999% of paralegals do. There is of course always on bad apple in the mix. I would involve social services and explain the situation. Get a specialist in elderly care to talk to your Mum - not the least because Medicaid will want to know who the money went to in the event she needs to access it. Remember there is a spend down period which will be looked at and if your Mum can't explain it she could be in for a really rough time.

You have to understand she feels frightened, possibly stupid and certainly won't want you to know that she has been duped, plus, if it is a scammer then she will also have been pushed very hard into the 'I don't have to tell you anything' realm. Try saying I know you don't have to tell me anything and I understand that but I am worried about you Mum, I love you and I have real concerns about this money. You sold your condo but don't have anything to show for it and those sort of gifts(if they were gifts) have to be reported to the IRS so I need to know sweetheart so I can make sure you stay within the law.

Something like that might work - play on the mother son bond
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Im sorry to say that there has been a misunderstanding here.When i was talking about a sale my mom made of her property ,I found out through a neighbor about it.So I immediately (at that time my mom had a poa who turned out to be a liar but helped her sell that property) called that woman who named herself as my mom's poa at the time and asked her(my mom's poa at the time) as to" why was I not notified of this transaction that took place",and that woman(not my mom) firmly responded to me saying "I don't have to tell you a thing" this poa took advantage of my mom's inability to understand the laws! My mom trusted this woman because she was smart and knew the laws,but turned out to be a con she could get her hands on part of that money from the sale.My question is...this woman being really smart wth the law and with that suaveness deceived my can I get this woman to talk about what she did for my mom???She probably knows who scammed my mom out of thousands.I have a recorded phone message she left me once,saying that she doesn't know as to who scammed my mom,when she told another neighbor that she does know who it can I get this woman to talk????
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You need to get financial guardianship over your mother. If she agrees then it won't be painful and expensive. If not, you will have to take her to court. Once this is done then you can close all of your mom's accounts and file a guardianship order so noone can buy her property without going through you. I'm dealing with this right now. The scammers told my mom she has an inheritance but the government needs to be paid taxes and fees first. The scammers are still trying to get my mom to send them money, even though they know I have a tight reign on things. See NYS Article 81
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I strongly agree with the idea of becoming financial guardian over your mom because it sounds to me like she needs a guardian.
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the attorneys here in this state recommend that I set up a trust for my mom and then she will make me the trustee,that way with her property ,she won't lose her homestead exemption,but what if down the way she is pressured by someone or scammer to "revoke me"as her trustee??This attorney tells me that he will make it so that that doesn't happen or would be difficult to revoke me.But the attorney in the state that my mom lives tells me that it would be better to just have the deeds changed to my name to protect my mom from scammers threatening her to sign over her property,although with doing this she would lose her homestead exemption and I would pay a higher tax.I want to protect what my mom still has,so which would be the better way to protect my mom's interests??Can someone please give me advice?? And as far as the phone that's in my name,I think it's those scammers..maybe organized dark scammers,that might have threatened my mom to never change that landline number;If i disconnect it,they might do something to her...what can I do??This worries me a lot ..
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having guardianship over my mom takes time,and I don't think I have too much time to make sure my mom doesn't get scammed again.Under pressure from probably a scammer,she sold a property without telling me,and when she deposited that check from the sale to her bank account,whithin two months she wrote checks to herself to make withdrawls and went to nothing.....
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If she is under threat or feels under threat of physical violence and from your comments she seems to then contact the police. Their job to defend and protect.

I would also get POA and protect her account by freezing withdrawals so only you can make them on her behalf. Take her check book from her and say you will look after it. Ask the bank NOT to issue a new one.

If not then file for guardianship. Could she come and stop with you while you sort this out? Seems to me like she should not be left to her own devices any more
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But it's a fact..that the local police only want to see blood to deal with a situation.Ive already dealt with the DA's office on that state but because there's no proof,they closed the case.That'd why I'm going about it in these ways-to protect what my mom still has.These scammers seem to be dark and organized and they know very well how to stay low key.Any suggestions would be appreciated.My mom is an elderly woman that has really worked hard for what she has and now has nothing due to these perpetrators......
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Fraud is a federal offence isn't it?

Right heres a list of things you can do:

Report Frauds and Scams

There are many different types of fraud and each may be reported differently. First, report the fraud to your local police department. You may also contact your state regulators (for example, consumer protection office) to report fraud. Violations of federal laws should be reported to the federal agency responsible for enforcement. While federal agencies are rarely able to act on behalf of individuals, they use complaints to record patterns of abuse which allow an agency to take action against a company or industry. If you suspect fraud, take these steps:

Contact the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) or use the Online Complaint Assistant to report most types frauds.
Report fraud that used the U.S. Mail to the U.S. Postal Inspection Service.
File complaints about Internet-based frauds to the Internet Crime Complaint Center.
Contact the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to report instances of Medicare fraud.
Report Medicaid fraud to your state's Medicaid program office. Use the Fraud and Abuse Reporting Directory (PDF, Download Adobe Reader) to find the contact information for your office.
File a complaint about e-commerce (business or trade that takes place on the Internet) across international borders to Report other fraudulent business practices to the Department of Commerce's International Trade Administration.
Report immigration fraud, the illegal use of documents or illegal actions to get around U.S. immigration laws, to the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
Report suspected census related frauds, where scammers act like they are collecting your personal information for the government, to the Census Bureau.
If you are the victim of moving fraud, you have two options. If you are moving within the same state, file a complaint with your state utility commission. If your move is interstate, you can file your complaint with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.
Report investing frauds to the Securities and Exchange Commission or your state's securities regulator.
Contact the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau about credit and loan related frauds. The agency can also help you with frauds related to money transfers, credit reports, and other financial services.
File a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission for telephone related frauds, such as mysterious charges on your bill (cramming), an illegal switch of your service (slamming), or telemarketing.
Visit for information on which agencies you should report banking, credit card, housing, and other financial frauds to.
Report Social Security related frauds with the Social Security Administration's Inspector General or using their online fraud reporting form.
Report misuse of federal funds to Government Accountability Office through the FraudNet form.
Email if you have received fake emails or phone calls that were supposedly from
Helpful Answer (3)

You live in a different state? Does mom live alone? Is that safe?

If you think these scammed are part of a syndicate, I would go to the US attorney, not the local DA.
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I think I would also talk to the local journalist who covers consumer affairs, both print and TV. Perhaps they've got other stories like this and can help.
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Thanks a lot really appreciate it...but you made too much of a broad array of things.I'm just dealing with the fact that my mom has seriously been scammed,and possible these dark organized scammers might still have my mom under threat to not tell me anything;That's what I need to know whee to go far as these issues relating to serios scams against the elderly .The family is fas away and I'm her only son and I'm trying to do whatever I can to see how I can protect my mom from future organized crime scams.Oh my God,I hope I can help her.She never told me that this happened,and now Im bearing this heavy burden of doing what I can.And thank you for your suggestions...and future suggestions,which i desperately need...
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I don't know what you mean by " dark scammers".

I don't know what you mean by saying we've made too much of a broad array of things.

It's starting to sound to me as though all you really want is for your mom to tell you this directly. Does she have dementia? Has she been to the doctor recently? How about taking her to her doctor and starting a conversation about this scam with the doctor. " you know doc, I've been hearing a lot about people taking advantage of elders in this area, getting them to sell property and give them money. Have you heard about that? "

YOU could Stat an indirect conversation like that with a third party, with your mom present, and it might jiggle things a bit.
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Im out of this thread can't help more than I have - scamming is illegal immoral and unethical - you have a duty to report it - end of as far as I am concerned.
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Perhaps your kom owed money and sold the properties to pay off a legitimate debt. The money is gone. Family should helpbher make a plan to protect what assets she has left.

Not sure why you won't follow advice here.
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Put it on Facebook -- google all the aliases and subsidiaries; contact the SEC -- put it on Twitter -- file a police report; how awful!
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I do....taking all the suggestions in mind.I just don't want to aggressively approach my mom about the scammers other than the way i approached her in the beginning .First I want to secure and protect the little assets she still has,but I do need for someone to talk to her...someone official who knows how to deal with issues like these with the elderly.I don't want to mess things up by being too aggressive with my mom.She won't go to the doctor with me.The only reason I'm not living near her is because my work is here in another state.But thanks for the suggestions.really looking into having all this possible exposed to the new media so they might be able to help me.I also have to be careful.
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badalou,so there is a difference between the local DA and the US attorney??this looks like something I would take into account......a woman who desperately wanted to be my mom's poa then,steals from my mom's credit card,then a woman at my mom's former place of work swindles my mom of thousands....and supposedly this former poa of my mom knows who that woman who swindled my mom at her work is......seems like I need federal help.....seriously...
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veryconcerned, the local District Attorney is a county branch for the state attorney general. The US attorney is federal and would be of assistance only if the scam crossed state lines, as in email or US mail. It sounds like the perpetrator is totally local, so you want the DA.
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I believe that fraud on this scale is a federal crime. Also, since you are getting no movement from the local DA, it occurs to me that if this is an organized syndicate, the DA and the police might be getting paid off...that's just wild speculation on my part, I know, but I can't imagine that the local DA and police department would be resistant to investigating a crime like this. Did you report this to APS?

US attorney is part of the Department of Justice. Have you written to you local representatives, city council people, selectmen, whatever they are called in your area?

Why are you being so "careful"?

Being aggressive with your mom won't help; don't nag, let it go with her. Just make sure that you have a police report for this crime, because if she needs Medicaid, you'll need proof that the funds were stolen and not simply gifted away.

What kind of community do you live in where stuff like this is allowed to happen to vulnerable adults, if you don't mind my asking? Seems like there would be good people who would speak up in this kind of situation.
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I want to thank you for all your suggestions,really do,and doing this for my elderly mom.As some of you know,concerning my posts history on this issue,that I was wondering if the scammer was my moms former pa.Turns you that that's not the case.It was this woman my mom knew at her former workplace who turned out to be in dark organized scam groups.I've done all that I could the DA..but the DA says she won't cooperate,had her property changed to my name so these perpetrators don't force my mom to sell her property and then demand cash money from her(like they already did this past february;she sold one of her condos and when later I looked at her account (my name is on the account also),the money from that condo sale went to zero...she was making cash withdrawals in the thousands .Now these scammers are wanting more money from her(her neighbor told me that my mom needed $1000 t borrow from her to pay a bill,but that was a lie,it;s those scammers demanding money again)and WHAT ELSE CAN I DO..PLEASE.....ANYONE WHO CAN SUGGEST IN WHAT TO DO IN THESE CIRCUMSTANCES......IM HER ONLY SON......ITS JUST ME HANDLING ALL THIS........thank you...
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Report the beginning I stated about my mom's former "pa"...I meant former poa..
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Go back and read all of our responses. We've given you all the advice there is to give. Happy New Year.
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my mo lives in a nice's those people she got to know at her former salon she worked at that turned to be organized scammers.....omg...just looked at her bank account .....omg.....sorry to express like that.Im being careful so that these perpetrators don't do anything to my mom physically....althopugh...I think that it has already occurred.She had a neighbor take her to the ER the other day,she told the neighbor she had fallen....but that may be a lie...
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Move. Mom. Out. She is either not safe or thinks she is not safe, and once she does feel safe maybe she can tell more of what is going on. For now, you only know her money disappears. Close all credit accounts to further expenditures, and change banks. You call each company and report unauthorized withdrawals and they freeze everything while they investigate. You go over all the accounts in detail and find the expenditures that are not your mom's and you make print outs for the hard evidence. The credit companies will often reverse charges that are clearly fraudulent. The scammers picked your mom because she is vulnerable. You, hopefully, are not too vulnerable or intimidated to get to the bottom of it; but if you can;t do that, you can get your mom out of the situation.
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What I am saying is your mom is essentially a blackmail victim and can't get herself out of it. If there is no other way to deal with this, she comes to stay with you for a "vacation" and maybe it becomes permanent (you help her sell her house, you change her phone numbers, you prevent this person or people from having any access to her.) Maybe they are threatening her that they will hurt YOU or someone else she cares about, or frame her for some crime. She can say she gave all the money voluntarily and the DAs hands are tied unless she is legally incompetent.
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Come to think of the mention of the ER makes me wonder if your mom really was physically harm and just lied about it to protect whoever did it. As an abuse survivor myself, I can't count how many times I actually lied for my mom just because I was told to say a certain thing. Yes, I was coached to lie to protect her, which also protected me at least for a while. Before things escalate any further, you're definitely want to act fast and start acting now before it's too late just in case someone really good harm her. You really don't want to wait until something else happens, especially knowing that the next thing that happens could actually kill her if she really was assaulted. You really don't want to wait until it's too late because you'll regret it later if you do
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I was just thinking that another thing you can do besides guardianship is to put all of her money into a trust. The trust is actually a contract between the person and the chosen trustee. You can also put all of her property into a trust. What are you everything into a trust and into the name of someone else is also a risk because there's no guarantee the trustee will do the right thing. That's why many people are pulling further and further away from using a trust, so if you ever do decide on a trust, you do so at your own risk. Another thing you may want to consider is going to work on a TV talkshow about the situation. This will help raise public awareness to this type of problem.
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Try your state's attorney general. In my state they have a consumer fraud division that investigates and prosecutes scammers.
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