My understanding is that SS doesn't "distribute partial month checks" and that all the money has to be returned to SS, so that my mother can then begin receiving widow's benefits. Can anyone clarify or shed some light? I know the gooberment has info on their website, but does anyone have any real life experience?
If you are an adult with your own children & have been basically living on your parents income, you now will need to either get a job or see if you qualify for some sort of governmental assistance. This is why it is really important that
IF you are providing caregiving that you need to have your folks pay you legitimately through a personal services contract so that you have income which you can save some$ for the future and also build your own SS work base credits for when you yourself retire.
Also I'd like to correct something I posted back in 2012, the death benefit of $255 is only available to the surging spouse. Not to family. Another good reason why to do talk about doing a preneed with a FH.
Likewise in birth; if you were born on the 31st of December, they consider you alive during the entire year of your birth.........for tax puposes, not for the S.S.
No mention of why in the letter announcing that just a proclomation that they bwere keeping my money, equal to her check !!!
Anyone recognize this socialist policy??
And, can you choose which spouse to have income calculated upon, as long as you were married the qualifying years ?