
My sister is 76 years old. She’s had a long-term lung health issue and suffers from dementia. April 16 she broke the top of her femur. They repaired it with a pin, six weeks later a new pin was necessary finally came a hip replacement. Her dementia stops her from using the call button or turning on the TV even. The nursing staff do not know her cause they moved her from rehab to full nursing and her family has not been in since she’s been there some 10 days now? For the last four weeks she stopped eating and she’s lost maybe 30 pounds how can I advocate. Any suggestions? She may be given up, feeling lost in the abandon for sure. Her beautiful eyes are becoming hollow. She complains about feeling nauseous feeling nauseous and I wonder if anybody’s acting on that maybe it’s a drug interaction or something, but they won’t talk to me. I’m not on the list. Also, her kids have ghosted me and everyone else.

Her children have "ghosted" you, you say. You are sister to this lovely woman. What circumstances have led to her kids "ghosting you" because this, of course, is abnormal behavior; it seldom happens without reason. We cannot know what led to "bad feelings, between your sister's children and you unless you tell us. Again, this doesn't happen without a reason.

If your sister has told YOU that she is nauseated, then she has/can have told the staff at her facility which is caring for her. She has been through three surgeries. She has lung problems. She has dementia. She will not have gone through three surgeries requiring general anesthesia without serious repercussions.

The family has made a decision not to share medical information with you. That is up to them. Again, I cannot help but think there is some reason for this other than that they are ALL simply EVIL.

Were this me, and I was visiting, I would simply put on the call light and say:
"Hi, I am my Sis's little sister. I notice she seems just so much more vacant, and I can see there's a weight loss. I hope you know she cannot herself know how to use her call light. Please check on her. It hurts me to see her looking so fragile. I know you are unable to share info with me, but I am just so concerned".
I was an RN. I can tell you that I FOUND WAYS to speak with family who was not badgering, and who clearly were distraught and concerned. Especially about my checking on their loved one, about whether they were stable, or whether family is correct to be concerned, she's having a hard time. So throw yourself upon their mercy.

Now as to the family:
Throw yourself upon THEIR mercy as well:
tell them.....
"I know there is water under the bridge with all of us and I am so very sorry for my part in it. I am so concerned about my sis and the fact I don't now anything is making me just so worried. She looks to have lost weight; I worry if they will know she has to be checked. She tells me she is feeling so sick to her stomach; do you suppose that's medications? Any reassurance or updates you can give me would lead me to bless your name till the day I die. I am so very worried, and can do no more than throw my hopes upon your mercy".

That's it. That is all the power you have. It isn't much. But it is all you have.
I am so sorry and wish you and Sis the best.
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