
We are looking for some in home services and are wondering if health insurance or VA can help with costs. Does it depend on the health insurance or is this something that is typically not covered?

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It may help to know that long hours of in-home care is a lot more expensive than care in a facility, simply because in a facility carers are shared between several people. Most funding for in-home care is for shorter hours, to avoid paying for ‘down-time’.
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Reply to MargaretMcKen

Thought I would add..the VA will now pay a Spouse to care for the Veteran if that help
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Reply to Grandma1954

Since the person is a Veteran the first call you should make is to the VA or to the Veterans Assistance Commission or your State's Department of Veteran's Affairs. with the information on the DD214 they can help determine what benefits the person would qualify for.
You can also contact your local Senior Service Center and see what programs are available.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Grandma1954

Others have posted great answers already. I might add that it depends on location and availability of caregivers, as well. My Dad did qualify through the VA for help in the home two-three times/week for a few hours, then they said well if he's needing this much assistance, then he needs a facility when he/we asked for more hours. In the home care would be ideal yet has it's own downsides; sometimes nobody shows up, and/ or could be untrustworthy.
The real unknown is the length of time your loved one will need assistance, and that level and cost usually increases over time. If it's totally covered by medicaid then I suppose the money/funds would not be an issue, although it depends on location (again), and how many beds earmarked for medicaid they have. Some facilities such as memory care are private-pay only. Please update us and let us know how it's going.
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Reply to gemswinner12
logandubose960 Jul 1, 2024
Va has a home aide program for 65 + Veterans with home health aide. Can be up to 24 hrs a week aide. Free medicine and other health care devices. Can take up to a year to get so start early with Va Dr and social worker. Aid and attendance can take even longer. Good luck
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Reply to Puyallup

dioele: Contact the Council on Aging in your locality. The patient typically pays for their own care. YOU do not use your financials.
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Reply to Llamalover47

We have a wonderful one here called IRIS that is through Medicaid. You or the person who needs assistance can choose who they want as paid caregivers (including family). They also cover things needed in the home not already covered by their medical insurance. It can also cover activities and therapy. Most states have something similar.
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Reply to FamilyNeeded

Health insurance only covers medical issues. Most people pay out of pocket and hire assistance. You can check with your local social services to see if they offer stipends for care but this will be short term. For Vets who saw active service there is also aid and attendence funding. Please please please, do not pay out of pocket because there is no return on investment and it can wipe out your savings and retirement benefits. And please do not quit your job. Please do not take him into your home because it ruins marriages, ruins caregiver health and causes burnout. If your father meets ADLs then he might be able to qualify for in home medicad which varies from state to state. It does not cover full care. Mainly an aid can be sent for a few hours each week on a part time level. If 24 hour care is required then the only Medicaid option is for skilled nursing with 2 to 3 persons to a room. But at least he will be kept safe
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to MACinCT

Hi there, Welcome to the forum.
Call your local area agency on aging and find out what services are available in your FILs area. Ask about vet benefits. There is a program called Aid and Attendance that is available for vets who were in the service during war time if they meet specific requirements.
There is a lengthy application that requires info from his doctor but it’s not too bad. You should be able to find someone to help you complete it w/o charge.

If you click on care topics at the top of this page, you can find veteran benefits under V.

To find the area agency on aging just do a search with your county name, state and you will find it. There is one assigned to each county.

I hope this is helpful.
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Reply to 97yroldmom

You would need to check with your own insurance and with the VA. Things vary a lot with the VA. You can ask for help when you call. Since we are just a group of caregivers with our own insurance we won't have access to that information, and with the VA it will go according to service, according to need, and etc.

These things are mostly personal research and I wish you luck.
Hopefully some who are using the VA will have some information for you.
And do go up to the blue timeline up top, to the far right where you will see the little magnifying glass. Click on that. You can then type in VA benefits and you will see prior questions and answers regarding the VA.
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Reply to AlvaDeer
DKBFritz Jul 1, 2024
The VA aid and attendance program is also based on your total income not your service. I served 22 years active duty (USAF) and another 20 years for the DOD as an Air traffic controller. My wife was a VA nurse and retired from the VA Health system with 20 years. Because of our income, we do no qualify for aid and attendance. she now has dementia and I am her primary care giver without any support from the VA for over a year.
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