
My elderly mom, cared for by caregiver IHSS in home services, can't call APS e because they are tied in to each other. She can't call the welfare to check on either Dept because they are all part of each other. So that leaves my poor mom to be mistreated because they all have each other's backs.

I'm asking a question on the web platform that belongs to them, do you think they know who my mom or I might be? How about the silly worker? The paid caregiver that has stolen my mom's property. My mom is being neglected, isolated, betrayed by the city, abused and forgotten. Her state of mind has also been put to sleep with meds to the point she is unaware she's even being put to sleep. So please, tell me what should be done? Not even the police will help my mom, they just listen to my sister, the sticky hands caregiver the county hired. I took in the notorized signed paper about the pills to the police, but the commander threw it back and told me it was probably fake. He barely looked at it, and the IHSS/APS, well it was "oh my." It was 30 minutes till closing time, and to look for the file make a copy, address whomever, yadda yadda yadda. Tt was just too much I suppose, so they asked me to bring it back. IHSS do not care, APS does not care, the Ceres Police definitely don't care. I was told by the police if I try to see my mom I'd go to jail. Try hearing those words about 10 times. It was around her birthday and Mother's Day. I begged to just visit my mom. Yes I'm hurt, it's my mom, I just want to see my mom and make sure she's ok. Undue influence and mental abuse are damaging. It takes a long time to heal and fix. If you are elderly, think about it, my mom did so much for all of us and then none of us visit? Why doesn't anyone go visit? Because they're not allowed! I bet that has to put my mom's mind in a deep depression. Maybe verbal abuse to blend in with mental abuse? I don't know, but taking away her phone is another form of abuse, ISOLATION, biggest one to make a mind deteriorate. Anyway I'm up for advice good advice my mom's 79, time is really ticking. 😞

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I do not knownl (or ask) your health conditions, but do you have a Case Manager or a Social Service that helps you? Or your own Doctor? A Professional to talk to about your situatuon & stress?
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Reply to Beatty

First, this forum is not part of Medicaid or APS. As long as you keep ur personal info private, none of us know who you are.

Mom is not a prisoner. The aide nor Medicaid cannot keep family from seeing Mom if she wants to see them. Medicaid is just paying for her care. Is the aide from an agency, then report them to the agency. Call your State Ombudsman. Contact your district state senator. Something is not right here. Medicaid and APS are not tied together. Medicaid is a Federal/state program. APS is a County program.

Why cannot you not scoop in and take over Moms care in someway. She could stop the "in home" care.
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Reply to JoAnn29
Isthisrealyreal Jul 4, 2024
The aid is the sister. Family feud.
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What a hot mess!!! All I can think to do is call the police(or have someone you know call them, since you've not had any luck with their help)and have them do a welfare check on your mom.
And if you're not allowed to see your mom, how is it that you know about all that is supposedly going on with her?
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Reply to funkygrandma59

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