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Get an appointment with a urologist that specializes in female issues.

My mom had this issue and the urologist was able to manage and stop the infections.
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Partner went through that last spring through summer, multiple infections, superbug uti's, sepsis, revolving door hospital stays, where he PICKED UP the super bug. So many antibiotics it was scary. Cathed etc.

The upside ...we won the battle. The culprit in my book-DIAPERS-they are just EVIL and are collectors of kooties esp with the elder doesn't shower every day or two. GET RID OF THEM and have the accidents without the bugs being given a nice dark moist environment to grow in.

Push the water, push the cranberry juice and Orange juice. Also garlic and honey are natural antibiotics, try to get some of both into her diet daily. CLEANLINESS, ditch the diapers, maybe try a panty pad/thick kotex instead. Or even a puppy piddle pad on the bed that can be more easily changed with COTTON undies. DO NOT do the low dose or any dose antibiotic because of resistance. Your doc is right on that one.
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Hygiene and hydration are both important- how often does mom receive help in changing her brief ?

my mom had many recurring UTIs at her memory care and was hospitalized with sepsis- she made a slow recovery and is now immobile- since then, we use a lanolin based protectant and she takes an OTC cranberry, d-mannose and probiotic supplement daily
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I read that an increase in orange juice consumption and water would help prevent uti. The acid in the OJ if supposed to kill the bad bacteria and the water flushes stuff out.
Sadly I never got a chance to try it on the wife.
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Have or would you consider other natural remedies? After 9 courses of antibiotics including cipro, cefpodoxime and fosfomycin, delirium and severe constipation ensued and I knew this absolutely could not continue without severe consequences. I searched and prayed and finally found and decided to give natural remedies such as herbs and essential oils including sage and thyme a chance. Along with drinking at least 64 oz of water daily, so far the sage capsules and castor oil packs with sage essential oil seems to be very effective at keeping at bay and eliminating the UTI, based on more normal behavior, regular urination after drinking 16 oz of water and based on urine dipstick test negative for nitrites and leukocytes. This has been nothing short of a miracle as I'm sure you can imagine.
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My mom had a MRSA UTI once. I asked her doctor if I should tell her that. " Good lord, no!" he said. It cleared up fairly easily.
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I've never heard of that, but, it sounds serious. I hope she's feeling better.

I do get how you are trying to avoid having your mother taken to the ER, catheter, strange people, pain, etc. My LO would get so scared when take there from her MC. She didn't understand and would cry aloud and keep repeating, I'm scared! I'm scared! It was like torture to her. After several of these visits for this and a couple other things, her doctor suggested that she be evaluated for Hospice. She was and they now treat her with antibiotics when she has symptoms. The hospice nurse sees her once a week. (She can do the test, if necessar). Plus, she has a Hospice aid several days a week, so, with this additional attention, she hasn't had any more UTIs. But, if she does, she won't have to go anywhere for tests, but, she will be treated.

There is supposed to be a way to test the urine from the patient by using their diaper, but, I'm not sure how that works.

Also, my mom has a terrible time with recurring UTIs. She finally saw a Urologist who said that he would put her on a daily antibiotic, but, you have to accept the risks. If you accept the risks, it might be something to consider, considering that she has this terminal illness (dementia).
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Annie48 Mar 2019
Thanks Sunnygirl; didn’t think of hospice evaluation cause she is normally pretty mobile. Hoping this will turn around once meds kick in. She was only diagnosed 6 years ago and is only 75. Doctors tell me she is in pretty good health save for the brain. This disease is so horrible; hoping she will bounce back soon and we can get out of this recurring cycle. Lots of great advice on this site; invaluable and so comforting to hear others experiences. Especially when your family/friends don’t know how or want to deal with the daily struggles.
Bypass, the primary doc if you can and go to a urologist. That is their specialty.

UTI’s happen to all ages but very bad with the elderly as you know.

Bad with small children too because they don’t understand. Poor kids. When my daughter was two years old she started screaming on the toilet. Scared me so I took her to pediatrician that told me it was normal. Yeah right, normal to scream on the toilet?

Last time I ever took her to that pediatrician. I bypassed him and went directly to a urologist that detected the UTI. Antibiotics were given and in a week’s time it was completely gone and she no longer screamed on the toilet. He said she needed to drink more water and not keep on her wet bathing suit too long.
Helpful Answer (3)
JoAnn29 Mar 2019
Remember colored toilet tissue. Thought it would be nice to put yellow in my bathroom. Then my daughter started having UTIs. Changed her to cotton panties. Still uti. Tried to think what I had done new, Toilet Tissue! Went back to white, no more UTIs. Have u noticed, colored tissue is no longer sold.
Thanks everyone for helpful advice. She is still in hospital 3rd day. Today they told me it is MRSA UTI! She is still very out of it, but is not septic. Hopefully the meds will start turning her around soon. I’m sure between the incontinence briefs, hospital visits, and urine catheters didn’t help.
She never has any symptoms except once her Urine had a stronger odor. 2 days before this crash we were at her primary for bloodwork and she was walking fine and eating well. It is scary how sudden she went from generally ok to totally out of it from Wed afternoon to Friday night.
So stressful to bring her to hospital, but primary doesn’t do catheters, nor the assisted living facility. I just need to switch her primary to different doctor. Read something somewhere about low dose of trimethiprimsulfa (TMS) I know spelling is off. I will try 1 last time with this doctor, but if not helpful need to go to urologist or elsewhere...
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AlvaDeer Mar 2019
Please do try to D Mannose. I suggested and didn't realize how many OTHERS have luck with it. It is cheap and easy to try and so well worth the try. I use Source Naturals, from Amazon at about 30.00 for 100 capsules and take one daily. Honestly I would not be without this as I had so many bladder infections, serious ones that went into the kidney, and not one since on it.
My Mom had chronic UTIs, it was driving her crazy (literally) as well as me.

I found that she was wearing the Depends too long as she stated that it was very difficult for her to get them on and off. Also, she would "see" that they depends was not used and she would reuse them (gross). She also would not drink enough water.

I finally got her to a Urologist. He was able to culture the bacteria causing the issue and prescribe a specific antibiotic to resolve. He also prescribed a preventative low dose antibiotic. The Urologist resolve the UTI and she's only had one recurrence since.

If the Dr won't prescribe the low dose, I'd seek another opinion. I'd also suggest a Urologist.
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These suggestions have been mentioned by others on the forum:

First, don't use cranberry juice it has sugar. I would continue the cranberry tablet and maybe a probiotic. Probiotics are used with antibiotics to prevent yeast infections. Mom used both even after antibiotics were done.

The elderly have a hard time completely voiding. Let Mom sit on toilet a little longer. Have AL change her as soon as possible or ask that she still be taken to the bathroom every two hours.

When in the hospital, make sure a culture is done to make sure what bacteria is causing the problem. Hospitals tend to start with a broad spectrum antibiotic. This was not good for my Mom. She was given one with penicillin and she was sensitive to it. She did a 180. They changed her antibiotic and she perked back up.

Your Mom may be allergic to the brand of pull up you are using. Change brands and see what happens. I personally can't use Kotex products.

And water, make sure she is drinking water.
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Has your mom been seen by a gynecologist/urologist who specializes in urinary issues?

Fit my mom with chronic it is, the solution was a probiotic called rePhresh and a vaginal cream. These docs are called genitourologists, I believe.
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Ask the doctor what their recommendation is for long-term treatment of chronic UTIs. Ask the doctor if they will not prescribe low dose of antibiotics, if they will just prescribe antibiotics when she shows signs of UTI instead of sending to hospital for catheter. The hospital is to be avoided when not necessary, especially with people with dementia.

If the doctor's only answer is to send her to ER each time and then prescribe antibiotics, when clearly this is a chronic issue, find a new doctor.
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