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A lot of elderly people I know are obsessed with their bowels and bladder, it's probably related to health concerns.
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My mother's doctor prescribed liquid Lactoluse and that worked for her! She did not like prunes.
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I wish my mother would let me know sooner when she is not having regular movements. She became seriously constipated at one point and, after trips to first urgent care, then the ER (because the pain kept increasing), her dr (a wonderful, patient, geriatrician) came to her house and had to manually assist. Everyone else recommended laxatives but they weren’t working. A few weeks ago my mother finally admitted she was having problems again though fortunately she was finally able to pass it without help, just a lot of pain. She didn’t want to call her dr about it because she was embarrassed about the last time! Again the laxatives didn’t seem to do much, even miralax. If she wouldn’t wait for a number of days I could try to get her to take precautions. I am working on trying to get her to drink enough for starters. She says that she always has a glass of water near her, and that may be, but I very seldom see her actually drink it.
She has been alternating between constipation and fecal incontinance, and I think she may be overcompensating for each, causing the swings. Her dr and I are trying to find a nice middle ground.
Just a comment on the suggestion to try taking vitamin C, my mother has a free style libre sensor and vitamin C can throw off the readings. If I remember right 500 mgs is the maximum you can take and that includes from all sources, not just supplements.
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Daphne131 Feb 2023
Forget the expensive laxatives givrn in a negative medicinal way everyone. Herbal “Smooth move” type teas at night do the same but better with less fuss, more positive mentally, and calm and give peace to patient before bed. And teas are less expensive and a treat before bed.
You don’t really say the issue, but my mom would sit regardless she went yesterday…

for those saying what’s the harm… my mom ended up with a prolapsed rectum.. hours on the commode…the dr would tell her not to sit , she never listened…
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Try a big glass of water with Metamucil EVERY day. Works like a charm. Laxatives & stool softeners can make the stool too soft for the body to "get the urge" and then constipation starts. Then it's a vicious circle - stool softeners, laxatives, diarrhea, etc. Just give him more fiber (Metamucil) with water. Must have water. See if that won't correct the problem. MIL sang the praises of Metamucil every day after suffering for years with constipation.
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Daphne131 Feb 2023
Or a cup of hot “Smooth Move” herbal tea in evening thst is a calming, positive, warming and better and less expensive alternative to avoid the medical nature of constipation and achieve more positive mental state.
He seems to be acting out with feces perhaps to communicate bc he lacks the verbal communication skills. This could be it.

Perhaps he’s trying to communicate the constipation meds are not liked by him or he needs them depending on situation.

So if he needs constipation meds give him a tea instead. It’s not as horrid tasting. Herbal “Smooth Move” teas are warm, soothing and work better then some anti constipation meds given before bedtime.

Perhaps my recommendation isn’t related but it remains true to make an experience less medical. And teas are less expensive then laxative meds.
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lealonnie1 Feb 2023
"Herbal Smooth Move" teas main ingredient is SENNA which is a stimulant laxative! Cloaking a stimulant laxative in a "soothing tea" is still a stimulant laxative only recommended for occasional use. It's no better, but in fact worse, than taking Milk of Magnesia Miralax or anything else. It's all a marketing gimmick apparently lots of people fall for.
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