
After testing positive for covid, My 86 year old mother was transferred from hospital to Skilled Nursing Facility-for rehab.

30 days later, SNF called: mom was being taken to hospital for a chest x-ray because she had a bad cough and trouble breathing.

Turns out she was in severe respiratory distress and had to be intubated.

She had a fever, low blood/oxygen level and had aspirated vomit into her lungs.

All caused by a severe UTI. She died at the hospital on hospice a week later.

From the beginning, I told the staff at the hospital and SNF (including the social worker, floor supervisor and physical therapist) that before Covid, she and my dad were living at home (with a caregiver). Mom had suffered a stroke in late 2020 but was able to walk with various degrees of assistance.

My siblings and I called both places often concerning moms condition, and always told she was stable.

About two+ weeks later, I spoke with moms care team: she still required maximum assistance and was totally incontinent. The SNF was stopping rehab because she wasn't progressing.

Phone calls with mom were brief. She suffered from dementia but still knew us. I told her she would come home as soon as she was feeling better. She said "that would be nice"

My siblings thought a SNF was the best place for her. I wanted to bring her home but couldn't find a caregiver to help me because of moms recent Covid diagnoses.

All the while, We were not permitted to be with her or see her due to strict covid regulations.

Thus, mom was utterly alone-and obviously neglected-for the last month of her life.

I desperately want that SNF held accountable. No-one from there even followed up as to her condition- the social worker thought we were able to bring mom home and had no idea she'd died.

I've already secured moms records from the SNF.

I suppose I'll have to file a lawsuit because I don't have money to pay a lawyer out-of-pocket.

What do I do now?

We live in PA if that matters.


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vivian - at the risk of sounding heartless in your time of grief, I didn't see anything in what you wrote that could be considered neglect, much less gross neglect. Elderly who are incontinent get UTI all the time. My mother who lives at home and is well taken care of still gets UTI, twice in less than one year.

How do you know your mother was "utterly alone and *obviously* neglected?" You weren't there. I am sure she was fed, given drinks, had her diapers changed, given therapy, etc. by some human beings. How was she neglected?

Your mother was 86, lived a long life, got COVID, and complications. then died. It was her time. HER TIME TO GO.

I would not wish for my mother to live to the bitter end of her Alzheimer's. And she is now going through the disgusting end of it, she is fully incontinent. A few times, when I couldn't get the diaper off quick enough, she would dig her fingers into her poop and spread. Disgusting, disgusting!

She would die of shame if she knew what she was doing. In fact, when she still had her mind, said she would rather die than live the way she lives now. If my mother got COVID and died, I would consider that a blessing.

I would advise you to seek grief support. You need it.

Do not file a frivolous lawsuit.
Helpful Answer (10)

I am so sorry for your loss.

You should never have to pay a medimal or personal injury lawyer upfront.

They only take cases they know they can win and will take their cut from the award.

That being said, these cases are often "no-go" because of the age of the person who died and their underlying comorbidities.

An elderly frail person can be stable one day and near death the next.
Helpful Answer (9)

Vivian, any medmal attorney who's good will consider these factors:

What is/are the specific malpractice issues and how did they contribute to your mother's death? 

A factor that used to be relevant was what are the standards of care for similar situations, in that particular geographic area?   That would be complicated by what are the standards during a pandemic?

It's good that you've already obtained medical records.   Years ago when I worked in the medmal field,  the good attorneys had the medical records reviewed by an NP or doctor in the appropriate field.  Whether the attorney took the case and pursued it was dependent on finding concurring opinions and evidence that a case did exist.

Some cases just didn't get past that initial review by other medical practitioners.   

That's what I would recommend (after a good long search for successful medmal attorneys), to determine whether or not a case really exists.   In my experience, good medmal attorneys did not file a suit w/o having expert witnesses already lined up.  

I am sorry for your loss and understand that you feel someone should be held responsible, but suing w/o good strong, provable grounds would only prolong the sadness of her passing, and probably result in nothing, other than perhaps what used to considered nuisance settlements, i.e., the insurance company offers a nominal payment just to dismiss the case.
Helpful Answer (7)

I want to add to my comment above that your understandable anger is quite possibly more likely one of the stages of grief than a legitimate legal case. Who wouldn't be angry if a loved one was seemingly doing well, then suddenly took a turn and died? I know I certainly would be.

One thing to keep in mind about medical malpractice or negligence is that medial personnel are allowed to be human and make mistakes. If they weren't allowed infallibility, no one would ever go into medicine. I'm not an attorney, but your description of what happened to your mother just doesn't rise to the level of gross negligence and only human error at worst.
Helpful Answer (7)

I'm so sorry for your loss, but I doubt you have a case for the reasons others have mentioned here.

Another fallacy is that it won't cost you anything until you get a payout. That's not true, because if the case actually went to lawsuit stage, you have to pay for depositions, court reporters to take and transcribe those depositions (around $200/hour), experts ($400-$600/hour, including when they're being deposed then again if it goes to trial), and endless other items like court fees.

We were involved in a lawsuit several years ago and spent $50,000 to win $97,000, and the lawyer got $46,000. You can do the math to see how that worked out for us. That took three years of our lives, and after "winning," we didn't feel any better about our situation.

It isn't worth it, and you'll need to find a way to let it go and remember your mother in a positive light.
Helpful Answer (5)

There is no medical malpractice case here. Your mother died of covid and complications of a severe illness. Even if there WERE medical malpractice, the fact is that no money is granted in the death of an elder, only in the case of a young person who has a huge salary and needs on going care because of malpractice. In the case of a malpractice case Lawyers take these on contingency, meaning you do not put in any money of your own. This is also a good way to tell if you have a case. You should feel free to see as many lawyers as you want for medical malpractice, until you understand that , as poor Handel on the Law says "you have absolutely no case".
I am so sorry for your loss. There are currently millions in our country with stories similar to your own. The loss of a loved one is terribly painful.
As a nurse I can assure you that a patient can go from OK to dying in moments. Not hours. But MOMENTS. You have no indicated that this facility did anything wrong. When your Mother's breathing went very wrong they sent her to the ER. That is the advice for ever single person in our country suffering from covid. And people often go bad weeks and months from diagnosis, esp. with the complications of age.
There is likely to be no way I can convince you that nothing but a virus is responsible here for your Mom's death. See as many lawyers as you want to to convince yourself, but never let a crook convince you that if you invest your own money you could win a case such as this.
Again, I am so incredibly sorry. This is so sad and so common now, and as you can see from pictures around the world, it is still going on. Keep yourself well and safe and get the vaccine.
Helpful Answer (5)

So sorry for your loss.

Not sure if u have a case. Mom was put in the NH be because of COVID which causes respiratory problems. UTIs are hard to detect in the elderly because they have no symptoms like itching or burning. They usually get Dementia like symptoms so if already suffering from Dementia hard to tell there too. So the question is, was it neglect or COVID complications.
Helpful Answer (3)

Lets say it was UTI. Did the hospital run a Urine test when she was there? If they did, was she given antibiotics? When they transferred her to the NH was this info sent along. If so, then the NH maybe responsible to retest her. On the whole though, urine test may not be automatic. Having COVID may have masked any symptoms she may have had.

Just a thought.
Helpful Answer (3)

Try having a consultation with a personal injury law firm who offers representation on nursing home injury and neglect cases. You will not have to pay any lawyer up front. They get paid if they take your case and damages are paid out. So it costs you nothing. You might get lucky and they'll take your case.
More times than not they'll investigate a case and end up not taking it because there's nothing they can do for you.
I spoke to three different law firms about the extreme neglect, financial abuse and fraud, and the very serious injury my parent suffered (a spinal cord injury) while in the care of a certain nursing home.
All three law firms investigated and none took my case.
If the nursing home meets the "industry standards of care" that protects them from being sued. These are the words of all three law firms I spoke with. The standards are pretty low when it comes to the industry. Nursing homes also know how to cover their own asses right and proper too. They are not above using their staff to lie on an incident report. They are not above committing fraud and financial abuse either. Nursing homes rarely get in trouble or are held accountable for anything. All three of the law firms I spoke with told me this. Even the one that is nationally known and specializes in nursing home cases in all 50 states.
I wish you all the best and I hope you find a law firm who will investigate your case and take it.
Helpful Answer (2)

IF there is a valid case that a lawyer can "win" there is usually no cost to you in advance. the lawyer or the firm will take % of any settlement.
Make an appointment and bring all the paperwork you have and let them look it over.
You should also obtain all the records from the hospital.
Helpful Answer (2)

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