
Hello everyone. I'm in great pain here in Texas. My kids called me frantically crying mama hurry and get home the apps man and 3 constables are here to take granny away. I asked what and why and a.p.s. worker Ron said, "well Kim you can't help your mom, maybe we can." He went and got a court order to remove my sweet loving mama. She has dementia but still is together. I got home and she was in her bed saying, no she wasn't going. So they ask me help to her get in ambulance. I said I can't. Why is she going? Because of dementia and her not taking her high blood pressure meds. They took her to a terrible nursing home far away from me, 20 miles called WEST AIDE CAMPUS OF CARE ON La. Vegas drive. It rates 2 in Texas for nurses and nursing homes. I want my mother. She got a guardian named Marlo. This old evil file crooked lying ** lies under oath. The judge asked her were there restrictions with me and visits? She said no. Few hours after court I go try to see my mom and the staff says no you can't. You have to call the guardian. I said no, I just left court. So I called and she said I have to sign an agreement or I can't see my mother. I was so hurt she just lies in court. I sign it and I can only see my mother 1 day a week for 1 hour. All her friends and family can't see her. So she constantly lies to me. I have to have supervised visit. I asked why, she said everyone has them. I have no background of any violence on my record...none. She said it would be over in a year and I could take her home none of THIS has happend. Now she said my visits are terminated cause the nurses and stuff lied and said last weeknd on my visit I tried to take her. That was a lie, God's my witness. She said, did I have someone supervising me. I said yes the whole hour I was there. She said THE whole time. I repeated she said her supervisor Dominica will call me Friday to see about this. She decided since she heard my side, but had gave a decision before talking to me. I'm so tired of her trying to separate me from my mother. She loves to see my kids and I every week. Y'all she lights up and laughs and hugs me. She don't talk to no one there. When we come I bring her favorite mr. goodbar, and blue bell vanilla ice cream, clothes, and her wig. All her thousands are at the nursing home in her account but the guardian won't allow her to get her hair done, so I'm constantly buying wigs. Expensive! They don't wash her hair or brush her teeth. I ask can I and they won't allow me. I need a lawyer. I'm waiting on her to call me back. Please advise, please I pray god helps me. I miss my mother so badly.

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The referral place didn't help much y'all.the attorney Ashley told me she didn't have experience with these cases with probate court n guardianship..what. I I'm back to square one..
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I sure will I will post soon as I get info from the aclu .thank you all so much I called and it stated to go online fill out complaint
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Please let us know how you get on! We learn from each other here.
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Oh wow thank you both so much for this great information... I will be calling these numbers and following up with these information. I know something will turn out right thanks y'all
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Low cost legal services in Texas:

Can’t Afford a Lawyer?
The State Bar does not provide direct legal services, represent individuals in legal matters, maintain a list of pro bono attorneys, or match individuals with pro bono attorneys. Please understand that funding for legal services is extremely limited and as a result, programs must turn away many with serious legal needs. At most, the State Bar can offer you referrals to low-cost civil legal services agencies in your area. For a listing of legal service providers by county, see the Referral Directory for Low-Income Texans.
If you do not qualify for legal aid, contact the Lawyer Referral Information Service at 1-800-252-9690. Through the Lawyer Referral Information Service, a person may have a thirty-minute consultation with an attorney for $20. At the end of the consultation, the attorney and individual may discuss possible representation and price structure. Please understand that the Lawyer Referral Information Service is not a pro bono or reduced-fee program

OTHER HELPFUL RESOURCES, a website for low-income Texans with free information and family law, protective order, and other self-help legal forms, a free online legal advice website that allows low-income Texans to post questions about their civil legal issues and receive answers from volunteer Texas attorneys.

Texas Lawyers for Texas Veterans, a new State Bar of Texas project helping low-income military veterans with legal issues.

Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas, which serves the Dallas/ Ft. Worth area and NorthWest Texas.

Lone Star Legal Aid, which serves the Houston area and East Texas.

Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, which serves the Austin/ San Antonio area, El Paso area, and South Texas.

Texas Legal, a statewide, nonprofit legal benefit plan founded by the State Bar of Texas and the Texas State Legislature as an effort to better meet the legal needs of Texans.
Helpful Answer (3)

Yes, you need a lawyer, and maybe contact the ACLU concerning your 14th Amendment rights to association with your family of origin. This includes her entire family.

Go online and read of APS and CPS abuses, as this story is being repeated throughout the U.S. and the World. The corrupt system allows the social worker free reign without due process, pre-empting the judges orders even, and yes, lying. Follow the money-they get paid to do this and take away your rights, as well as your Mother's.
Your rights can be restored. Cooperate with any visits they will allow you, as you get a lawyer. Meet with others in this same situation, contacting online supports, tell your story.
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