
Hi I'm a friendly poet who moved in with a 70 year old man right across the street from my grandparents house where I was also living for over 5 years. I asked the older man if I could be his live-in maid and cook because a relative I was living with was driving me crazy. Well I've lived here for about 8 months now and I don't get paid any money from him and I don't have any job outside the home. He says my free room and bored is all I get and he should charge me for using the washing machine. He was buying groceries the first 4 or 5 months. Oh also my boyfriend is living here too and he helps with chores and errands. He was actually homeless, so he never asks for anything and is very kind and appreciative. Ok I had to get on food stamps a couple months ago cause the old man my landlord stopped buying food and drinks for the house. And he's being scammed by women online and he's always broke. Help!!!

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I'm sorry if you are serious. This forum though is mainly for people who what to discuss caregiving issues for elders and support those involved in caregiving or those that need care, not a support group for those on the edge of homelessness. There may be other forums out there that are better suited for you. Also, those that have judged or mocked you may not have the full picture of you and your situation, but more significantly many don't understand the impact mental illness or mental disorders, or personality disorders can significantly hinder or limit the ability to obtain decent wage-earning jobs over the course of a lifetime. People tend to view it as just laziness and are unaware that holding down meaningful employment for these people is very difficult and for some impossible. I'm not necessarily saying you fit into this category, but if you do, I'm sorry and I hope you get the help you need. If I were you I would do the best you can to get along with the people in your life if you currently have housing. Do what you have to do to stay housed. Shelters are generally not a good place to be in. Try to make amends with the people in your life. But again we do not have the full picture of what is really going on and this forum is likely not suited to you. I do wish you well.
Helpful Answer (2)

It all sounds like poor, hungry, self-pitying, lazy, and much too easily ‘hurt’. Mental illness and disability can be very easy self-justifying words to throw around with no details. What do you do with your time besides write poetry?
Helpful Answer (2)

If you are serious, yes, you should move back with your grandmother until you can support yourself somehow, through disability insurance or a job. If you plan to be a caregiver to someone, you must get the particulars in writing before moving in and move out when it turns out it is not what you thought you were getting into. Cooking is not being a chef. If you are actually a chef, with the proper accreditation, there are tons of jobs out there for that right now. Mental illness doesn't stop you from doing what you are doing now for this man, so perhaps it will not be in the way of a real job with real money? Being in the workforce and self sufficient is very life expanding and will offer you a good future. It might be good if both you and your boyfriend can get your own selves settled before trying to live together again. Also, I hope you are sharing your poetry somehow with the world through being involved with something like poetry night at art centers or somewhere.
Helpful Answer (1)

Every. Single. Business. Has. A. Help. Wanted. Sign. In. The. Window.

What should you do?

Go get a job, both you and the kind appreciative boyfriend, and quit mooching off of others.

Neither of you are entitled to anything free in life, not even food stamps which I'M PAYING FOR btw and which you did not "have to get on" had you gotten a JOB like a useful member of society.


Go peddle this nonsense elsewhere. This is a forum for caregivers to elderly loved ones who are tired and worn out, and in no mood for B.S.
Helpful Answer (4)
Becky04489 Apr 2022
This whole story is a bunch of garbage. A mentally ill, chef and poet. I hate to think these people are getting SS and food stamps on the taxpayers money.
I'm pretty sure this is a troll everybody. Please don't feed the trolls...
Helpful Answer (3)
lealonnie1 Apr 2022
Here is the message I just got from the OP:
my boyfriend is disabled and can't work he has a Appointment in may for social security my landlord is dependent on my food stamps he won't buy himself food and there is a law that a live in maid should be paid I'm serious google it I'm also a chef here. I have not asked the man for any money I have even bought him medicine and saved his life three times when he had strokes. I have a mental illness I'm getting on social security this month. You hurt my feelings! Bye
"Poet" is not a job. Stick to it as a hobby until you're wealthy enough to be a lady of leisure who can pen lines while eating bonbons. I have a relative who fancies herself a poet and can do so because she's retired now and has more money than God. She has a paid writing coach and enough angst to be the best poet in the world, but she's only been published twice -- for no pay. Follow her example.

You've been taking advantage of an old man who took advantage of you more. Score: Old Guy - 1 You - 0

IF this is a real question, then I'd advise you to grow up, go to a shelter, and get your act together. You aren't special, and you need to make a living like anyone else. If your BF isn't on board, ditch him.
Helpful Answer (4)

Here we go again...
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Jesus also helps those who help themselves.

You asked this man to be a live-in why should he pay you. You really are renting a room and doing around the house is payment. Then u have the nerve to move a boyfriend in who has no job. I bet your grands were driving you crazy because they were telling u to get a job. No child of mine out of high school lives in my house without having a job or they are in college. Once 18, they are responsible for themselves. Helping hand yes, supporting them completely no.

This man owes you nothing.
Helpful Answer (3)
PoorHungry Apr 2022
I don't ask the man for money
See 1 more reply
It sounds like it's long overdue that you and your boyfriend grow up and quite trying to mooch off of people, and get jobs and get a place of your own. Lord have mercy, just about every establishment in every town is hiring, so there should not be any excuses as to why you both can't get one.
Again, it's just a matter of growing up and deciding once and for all that you want better for your life and want to be in charge of your own destiny. You can do whatever you set your mind to.
And since you mentioned the name of Jesus, the Bible teaches us in Philippians 4:13, that we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength. So you may want to start leaning on His strength to get you on the right path of life. I can't think of a better Person than Jesus, to help you now. He's better than any government handout, that's for sure.
God bless you.
Helpful Answer (3)
PoorHungry Apr 2022
Thanks sweetie I'm moving in with my grandma and I'm going to pay her rent and buy us food and my boyfriend is going to a shelter after he gets his disability he's disabled and so am I I think this was the kindest response I got god bless you
Mutual grifter situation.
Helpful Answer (4)

You and your boyfriend need to move out and get jobs and a place on your own.
Helpful Answer (9)

Go to a shelter with your boyfriend. Your current living situation is unhealthy for everyone involved. Start learning some skills so you can obtain employment and a place to live on your own.
Helpful Answer (9)

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