
My GP has referred me to a geropsychiatric doctor to get meds for dementia-related behaviors. Seroquel has proven ineffective. However, she only does telehealth. Even Zoom would be out of the question for him. I can't imagine how she could assess my barely vocal husband over the phone. All the information would have to come from me. Has anyone else had experience of this?

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That sounds like exactly how every doctors appointment has been with my mom for years. Even when she was vocal, the doctors would talk to me and mom would just be sitting there. That's in person. This zoom call doesn't sound that different.
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Reply to needtowashhair

I have an appointment next week for a Telemed appointment for my Dh aunt with her geriatrician. Works well for all concerned. She is bedbound, mostly silent yet animated when she realizes it is her doctor on my iPad. I take all her vitals and have her weight and any changes since the last visit on hand. Aunt is in a NH.
I think doctors who are good at their job can see the amount of cognition the patient has in the moment.
Regarding meds, they usually know what has worked for others given the symptoms you will provide.
I personally prefer it. I’m not so exhausted with the trip in to the doctor and have an easier time covering all the issues I have jotted down. Your husband will most likely present in a condition more representative as he is in his daily life rather than stressed with the ordeal of getting out.
Give it a chance and good luck.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to 97yroldmom

We used remote appointments with Mom's PCP the last several years of her life. She was bedbound and could not talk. It was really helpful as we could not get her out of the house.
Mom's caregivers and I did the talking.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to brandee

At some point all of the information DOES come from you.
You would be beside your husband.
This may be an easy simple thing and I would TRY it. But if you are hoping for a thorough neuro-psyc exam for diagnosis I would think that is better done in person.

Not certain what the goal is here.
I would tell the doctor you would like a phone consult as you are currently doing most of the responding for your hubby, and ask these questions of the doc.
I sure wish you luck. I am afraid this is more and more the way of the future.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to AlvaDeer

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