
My cousin who lives close by my aunt in the same state recently sent me a few pictures of aunt standing up without her walker. She had knee surgery earlier this year, which made her unable to stand or walk on her own. So when I saw the pictures of her standing on her own, I was overjoyed. I haven't spoken to my aunt in a while, nor have I visited. I believe she's still upset at me that I gave up POA. My cousin said she receives all the the clothes and care packages I sent her and she appreciates it. It would be nice to hear that from aunt, but I think she's still miffed at me. Anyway, I do not regret my decision to step down, as it was best for me, living far away and being taken advantage of. Aunt is getting the care she needs at home, and cousin is checking on her when she can.Also, my phone has stopped blowing up from family since I stepped down.I just wanted to share the little visual I saw with my aunt standing on her own. It was like a miracle.

Great news TN! 😊
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to lealonnie1

I'm very happy that you made the right decision. But maybe stop expecting your Aunt to act grateful for your gifts. If you're expecting a show of gratitude then it's really not a gift because it has strings attached. Maybe the final step is to stop sending her gifts. Why would you continue to send gifts to an ingrate? Please ponder this. You're not responsible for her happiness.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Geaton777
Tiredniece23 Sep 18, 2024
You have a point with that. However, I wasn't expecting her to show gratitude. I'm just stating it would be nice if she picked up the phone when I called to say hi or have my cousin return my call. I just want to say hi, and see how she's doing, but she never answers. No strings. My friend suggested the same to maybe stop sending her packages.
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Great news and thanks for the update. Am certain you have mixed feelings, but know that your logic will keep your head in the right place. And you are sending packages. She's a lucky gal, actually, that this caused no rift that's permanent. Hope things continue to go well for all concerned.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to AlvaDeer

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