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Twizard.....those are a lot of my thoughts as well.....I will write what I had thought of last night in my next post.
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I want him to write this up for both of us to signing front of a notary and have notarized:

I Ryan of Chestnut St, hired Elle of Saint Clair Rd. in April 2014 as a nanny only. Ms. Elle is not currently, and never has been a "live in" nanny. Ms Elle is not held responsible for loss or damage to any personal or real property by an act of God, in the commission of a crime, or an accident. Ms. Elle is not held responsible for any bodily injury up to and including death, by an act of God, in the commission of a crime, or an accident, to my mother, Mrs Mom, my son Matty, my son Shawn nor to anyone else on my property. These terms and conditions apply should my family reside, whether temporarily or permanently at my mothers home, located at blah blah.

I worded it this way, due to him telling that psych doctor that I am live in and I went to work yesterday and the back door was unlocked. I also worded it this way because I want proof that I was hired as a nanny only. When he files for taxes, he will take out soc sec, medicare, UNEMPLOYMENT, federal and state. I won't confront him about my wages until after I get my W2, so if he says no he will not pay me fairly, I can then have justifiable reason to quit, as he kept piling on my duties without raising my pay. I will have something written in there too about permission to use his car and that I am covered under his insurance. Lmk if there is anything else I need to consider. Thank you!!!
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Well its emailed to we wait and see what he says, lol
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I haven't had a chance to read all the comments, but I would quit. Give 2 weeks of notice.

Trying to go to a dynamic with a contract and invoice after the casual verbal agreement situation might not be possible.
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Also, did anybody suggest that you should make an anonymous call to Adult Protection about the grandma? Because you should. This guy sounds like he isn't going to deal with anything he just isn't totally forced to deal with outside the office. That lady needs a social worker to ensure she is safe and cared for.
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If it starts to get nasry, I will be making a call.... And to child protective services as well.
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Your boss is taking advantage of you BIG TIME. What's worse is that he KNOWS it, has known it from the beginning, AND still piles more on because YOU let him do it, because HE knows that you are emotionally hooked in to his family. You need to sit down and have a serious talk with YOURSELF. If you want to keep working for him you need to come up with some ground rules, boundaries as to what you will and won't do - your responsibilities - AND do some research to see what others who are doing all the work you do are making $$. To me it sounds as if you are more of a domestic - which means he should probably be taking out Social Security, etc. for you. You then need to sit down with HIM and have a serious talk about what you will and won't do. YOu could RUN that place if he would let you - meaning - you figure out what you are there to do and tell him you will hire and over see other folks - pool maintenance company; dog walker (whatever), etc., that will make both his life, household, and make your work there easier and more predictable. It sounds like even though he is taking advantage of you, that you DO hold all the cards here - I do believe that HE needs you more than you need him, because you could get another gig with less stress in a heartbeat, while he'd be hard pressed to replace you. I do believe though that especially with your health concerns you truly have to be prepared to WALK should he NOT agree to do things your way. Good luck!
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Let us know if he signs that. But my guess is he can't. He would be admitting to making false statements to the agency.
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It sounds like he is on board with getting this document signed and notarized. He seemed a little pissed at first but appears to have calmed down some.
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He was a bit pissed at me this morning anyways....I left a message that his sons antidepressant was out(I called it in over a week ago cause it was all most out) and he didn't pick it up. He is on it for GAD(the son with aspergers) and I said it had tone picked up today, because youncant just cold Turkey off of an antidepressant.
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Its signed and notarized. I have to stop a d sign at the notary tomorrow. step done! I'm proud of me! 😊
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Ash... that's why I read that some individual private pay caregiver gets the insurance. I didn't realize it was a liability insurance. Elle, I'd be very careful. Please weigh the pros and cons of this job.
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I am also checking into liability insurance for myself. Bookluvr....right now, I am biding my time until I get my W2, so that unemployment is taken out. After that I will be having a serious discussion with my boss regarding my ever increasing duties and never increasing my pay. If he refuses to increase my pay, I will be giving two weeks notice and then will be able to collect unemployment. I have also just applied to two positions last night on as a nanny. Each position only had one child, and no house cleaning duties. I am also applying for obamacare, so I can see real doctors, outside of the VA. Dealing with the VA is frustrating, to say the least. Thank you for your thoughts!
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Find another job now. NOW!
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I am looking. Believe me, lol I've been looking for awhile now. I am VERY rural. Jobs are hard to come by here. I am very limited as to what kind of job I can do, due to my health issues. I MUST be able to rest often. I cannot work at a nursing home, due to having to lift. My back and neck couldn't handle it. I can't work at a job where I have to sit for very long, stand for very long or walk for very long. Fibro makes my life a living h*ll. I am barely able to work, but I still must work. Its just the way it is for now. 😢
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Ellelenn, I've not really been keeping up with this post, sorry. BUT, something just jumped out at me. Four hours ago you posted that you are biding your time until you get your W2. It's the middle of February, it's my understanding that it is Federal Law that W2's and the like are to be sent out by the end of January. If you haven't received it yet, he is in violation of Federal Law. Please check into this. Call IRS for assistance if you must.

I have a relative with Fibromyalgia, and I totally understand how your life is affected.
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Txcamper.....I'm very much aware of that. Lol If he gets in trouble for not having my W2 to me by now, that's his problem, not mine. And thank you. Fibro is hell to live with, but right now they aren't even sure if that is all I am dealing with. Waiting on test results for Lyme's, lupus, RA and possible MS. There is inflammation on my brain, along with white spots, and I've been having ministrokes. They don't know why. Thank you, again. 😊
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Have you checked into disability? I have no idea how you do all of this with all of your health issues! The VA will be much better than Obama least that is my experience with my dad.
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did he pay you by check or cash?
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The VA health care sucks. That has been my experience.
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Always checks and I keep impeccable records
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Noor75:He doesn't even want to pay me fairly..... So he definitely won't allow me to hire for a pool person a dog walker etc. They have money and this is how they KEEP their money. Hire the fewest people and pay them the cheapest wages as possible. We will be having a lengthy discussion as soon as I get my W2,which I am making him taken unemployment out of, and since he signed the form stating that i was hired as a nanny, I have proof that I was not hired as a live in and not hired as an elderly care provider, so if I have to quit because he won't raise my wages to a more appropriate level, I can give two weeks notice and then file for unemployment, because he continued increasing my duties while not increasing my pay.
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Oh, in addition to my previous question (does he pay you by check or cash), I have another question. Were W-2s provided the other 3 years you said you have been doing this?
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Last year I just clened a couple of houses. Didn't even make enough to have to file. I was burned out from the prior years. Prior to that I was not given w2s and filed as self employed and paid my own taxes. Said I would never do that again. When I interviewed i asked my current boss if he was going to claim child care, he said he would likely file, so figured I would get a W2. I had to ask him a few weeks ago for it, and he said he would get it to me.
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If I had to stay the night at work while he was gone, due to bad weather (snow storms and ice storms) is that considered working? He has paid me my regular rate for those times but has not paid me OT rate for those times. Thank you!
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I suppose the VA is different in various areas. Here they have been wonderful for dad. Not only his physicians but social workers. He lives in a veteran nursing home and we are amazed at the respect for veterans and the place is amazingly clean. Mom lives in a private nursing home and there is no comparison. My brother lives in another state on 100% disability....agent Orange in Viet nam....he also has wonderful care as does his wife.
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Oliver is there a reason Mom can't be in the same VA home as Dad?
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They are lucky then. I have beem with the VA (not theVA home)for 4 years now trying to get them to treat my pain (neck fused fdo C5-7 due to my ex husband trying to strangle me and pushing a bound spur into my spinal cord almost strangling me) Post surgery DX of occipital neuralgia(very severe neck headaches and c-facet syndrome), bad back(pinched nerve at L5 with severe sciatia down both legs scoliosis, bone spurs, DDD, arthritis, spinal stenosis, bulging disks, severe muscle spasms etc). Tried spinal lumbar steroid epidural injections and inlaid there in tears it huert so bad. He was bending needles on my back. He finally asked me if I wanted him to stop and I said yes. He didn't get any mediicine in me and told me afterwards that I have the worst back that he has ever seen in someone so you. He said he was going to order a neuro consult. I waited and waited.....nothing. Finally had an appointment with my pcp and told her what he said, so she checked his notes. Guess what he put in there......another round of aqua therapy that didn't work the first two times I did it. I was made to sign a "pain contract" electronically, unread, for the FOUR 5 mg vicodins I was getting per MONTH to treat my pain. In never did receive a copy of it and to this day I have no clue what it says I quit getting the four vicodins a month. But I can have all the antidepressants I want! Lol So no, I really hate being poor and having to go to the VA.
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Bone spur, almost paralyzing me.
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