My mom has history of falling. Like 5-7 times over past 2 years. Never seriously injured, but that now is a great concern. She was in hospital recently, and the social worker came in and said the doctor thought at this point she should go to skilled nursing home. I avoided that for now, and had her go to a rehab-2-home facility. She is doing alot better, but I am extremely concerned. I can't lift her, so if she needs extra support getting up or falls I can't do it. Last time I called the fire dept. The man was very rude, and said they will call DSS if it's 3 calls in a week. Never has it been that often. Every few months. I walked away and had to cry because I felt horrible that I can't get her up and then someone be so mean to just help us out. They weren't putting out a fire at the moment. I called 911 and that's who they sent. Anyhow, this is a horrible decision to have to make, and I don't want to make it. We will have a care plan meeting when she gets discharged from the rehab, and I plan to take her to weekly physical therapy. Any tips, advice, suggestions, or just words of support would help alot now!! Thanks, and have blessed new week! God bless.
My dad, my mother, and my grandmother all had enough money for such a rainy day and so does my wife and I. The biggest thing that helped my mom and helps my dad is having had and having long term care insurance which my wife and I plan to get one day.
The doctor is NOT going to tell you it is time. That is not how it works. The doctor will look at her, see if she needs this or that medication, and --until you complain loudly and even if you do--send her home. The doctor doesn't live with her and therefore doesn't know how she REALLY is.
Here is the thing: you actually have to pull up your big girl panties, assess the situation, and make decisions. Not necessarily alone... Get true professionals into the house to give you a recommendation. But in the end, you have to decide what is best for everyone--including your poor husband.
In our case, the Area Agency on Aging came to the home. Funnily enough, my mother organized this herself by calling them to complain about me. They offered to come and she accepted. Amazingly, the woman spent three hours in the home with my mother alone. During that time, my mom left a burner on and invited stranger into the home, and told the stranger all about herself. The nice woman form the AAOA recommended that my mom be "placed."
But it needn't always be such a large step. See if it is possible for your mom to go for respite care for a weekend once a month, or have someone come into the home to stay with her once a month so that you and your husband can take a breather.
Whichever way it goes, I can assure you of this: nothing will happen if you don't make it happen. I couldn't fathom that I would have to make decisions over my mother's head but that is what was needed. She was incapable--and I just had to step up.
Good luck and hugs!
Does anyone live in their own home for that???