
I am very worried about my brother. He is taking care of mom and I believe he is back to smoking meth and he is in charge, help!!

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Are you 100% sure he's back to drug use and using mom's funds? If so, contact adult protective agency. Contact senior service center for help in taking over poa or guardianship of you mother. After you get guardianship or poa, evict brother, set up new accounts for her, freeze her credit so he can not open accounts in her name. Inform all healthcare providers that you are now responsible for her care and revoke any "rights" brother had as far as refilling scripts etc. If you are having major concerns have police do a wellness check on her. Explain the situation to them, how do you know she is being fed appropriately or meds given correctly? If you cannot give her daily support or care, she may need to be placed in an appropriate care facility for her own safety and wellbeing. Her protection is of the upmost importance. The courts can get involved and brother may be ordered to pay restitution. This is not something to play with, he has his demons, take care of her, love her by protecting her.

Smoking and possession of meth is a crime. I suspect he has been busted before and maybe on probation? Call the authorities about your suspicion. Do you have proof?

In addition, call Adult Protective Services and tell them the suspected suspicions.

I grew up with a heroin addict, my oldest brother who is now deceased so I have enormous empathy for you.

Please don’t second guess this. Do what you need to do to protect your mom.

Addicts do ANYTHING for a fix! Some are able eventually to stay in recovery. Some like my brother, die.

I am so sorry that your family is going through this. Was terribly confusing for me as a child to grow up with an addict, no support groups then. It’s hard for the addict and hard for the family. Your mother is your priority though. You must make sure she is safe. Hopefully your brother will accept help for his problem.

Let us know how it goes. PM me if you need to. Been there. It’s hard.

Call your local Adult Protective Services and get an Elder Care Lawyer involved.

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