
The answer is "no" unless you take a specific bottle to be tested by an independent lab. Then you'd need to do the same with the very next bottle you purchase (even if it's the same brand). And so on.

I am including 3 links to articles about the problems with putting hope + faith in scientifically unproven, unregulated supplements like CBD oil. Please make sure you speak with your physician before adding it to your diet so they can be aware of any interaction with any other medications you are taking.

FYI people are failing drug tests because not all of the THC is completely removed by the manufacturers! Also, dosages can vary from what the labels indicate. The CBD industry has been called the "Wild West" as tens of thousands of suppliers and sellers jump into the very lucrative fray. It's bad enough that numerous Attorneys General are lobbying for it to be regulated by the FDA.

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Thanks. My daughter is dipping her feet into the CBD water as she waits for our state to get it's approved distributors up and running. She bought her first bottle a few days ago from the privately run pharmacy we've used for the past 7 years. The pharmacist did his own research and chose this particular brand, so we feel pretty confident, but verifiable information is always the best source of education.

Tried it. Did nothing for me but give me diarrhea.Thought I was wrong but when I looked up side effects it is apparently a common one. Was giving it a try for anxiety. Didn't happen to work at all, and at the cost, just as well. Good CNN program on last Sunday tells all about the problems with something like this without regulations. That of course holds true for ALL supplements, just so everyone knows that. Many are in fact dangerous in large quantities.
There is independent lab testing and a reputable dispensary is your best way to try this stuff; some people have had good results with it.
The worst thing about CBD in MY book is that it can have a profound affect on other medications you take, making them work BETTER. Now some might say that is good, but it isn't. Think of thyroid medication. It is fine tuned by your blood work for the dose. And too much of a good thing can be a bad thing.
Thanks for posting some articles for folks to plow on through to get more information. We tend to bite on "trends" without doing due diligence in research.

The public needs to understand that since cannabis has only recently been legalized, very few reliable, scientifically acceptable clinical studies exist for it as of yet.

Kirahfaye, as for the pharmacist doing "his own research": this only means he is picking through the same existing info about it available to everyone else. If he's not actually visiting the manufacturing plants to see if it is being made in a sterile environment, or if he hasn't paid for his own independent testing of specific brands, his knowledge is probably no better than another else's. Maybe he's looking up the independent research that's been done by investigative reporting. Sorry, it's still caveat emptor at this point...just a total crapshoot. In a few years more will be proven and known, except for the long-term impact of taking it. No one will know that until we are in the "long term". How many years has aspirin been in existence? 40? How much time passed before they realized you shouldn't give it to kids with fevers/Reyes Syndrome? As early as 1965, it was suggested that the syndrome could be caused by hypersensitivity to salicylates. This view was generally accepted by the late 1980s. In 1986, the FDA placed a warning on all OTC aspirin-containing products, and a warning remains on aspirin products today. So, 20 years? I don't want to be a guinea pig.

My daughter uses it for anxiety. Alva is correct by saying it isn’t cheap. She says it’s helpful.

She has ADD so she takes meds for that and she went to her psychiatrist to make sure she could mix them.

The psychiatrist told her that it was fine to use CBD with her ADD meds and that some of his patients did well on CBD oil and others saw no real difference.

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