I have been assisting my 86 year old father for several years. I am the only child that lives close to him. My sister lives an hour away and my brothers live in other states. He has recently had a health crisis and been in the hospital for a week and a half. There is a possibility he has prostate cancer that has spread to the bone but we have to wait several days for that test. My brother came for a few days and has flown home. My dad's wife takes short visits and my sister comes a couple times a week. There expectation is that someone (me) will be with him most of his day in the hospital. He often cries and it has been scary for him. However, I need to go to work and I have two kids at home (they are in college). I apologize, I'm sure I'm rambling. Im emotionally and physically exhausted. Depending on what happens this week, he will be sent to rehab. Is it wrong for someone not to be with him all the time while he is at hospital and rehab? What do I do when he cries and I know he doesn't want me to go? I am either with him or feel guilty for not being with him. Thanks for any advice.
You're a loving daughter. Now love him enough to let him become all he can.
You pass chores on to the college kids. You make sure the MD treats Dad's depression with medication. You should have no guilt. He is a grown man and does not need you there constantly. In rehab he will have a roommate to talk to.