
It could be the Lone Ranger at 106 years old. Anyhoo, to mask or not to mask, wish the medical community, CDC, and the Federal government would make up their mind. Honestly, I thought we should have been doing this back in mid-January. Oh well, it is what it is.

News reports easily say one can make a mask at home. Yeah right, like we all have a sewing machine at home. Heck, at my age it would take all day just to thread a needle.

I was thinking of ideas. Let's see, maybe a Poise pad would work. Maybe in a pinch if you don't want to breathe. White anklet sock, maybe, pin some rubber bands on either side. Duct tape, nope.

Found some left over blue sheets. Hey, this works, cut the mask to size. Use an old fashioned one hole punch. Loop one large rubber band through each hole, and here's a throw away mask [save the rubber bands and Lysol them down]. Read where the blue paper towels that one finds in workshops and auto shops will work [do not use regular paper towels].

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I saw something somewhere about kitchen paper towel, can't remember how many thicknesses, and surgical tape (the type that only rips half the hairs off your arm) - there's sure to be something on YouTube.

FF, that's hilarious!

On a serious note, I've read a number of clips on making masks, fabric to use, etc.    Patterns are sometimes included or available for download.

Seems like little groups of seamstresses are sprouting, posting online, creating videos on YouTube, etc.  I've read of people taking them to hospitals or  using them for themselves.

I think it's a wonderful gesture, and reflective of the care people have for others during a time when there's a lot of selfishness and irresponsibility being shown at various levels.   I also am impressed by those who sing or shout out support for medical personnel and first responders.   

BUT:  it depends on whether you're making them for yourself or for medical personnel.  

I'm going to be stylish and make some to match my outfits.   I have dozens of boxes of material in lovely patterns, and it won't take much to make some stylish masks.

However, they're aren't completely virus proof, so I'll need something over them, like a full facial plate.   I have a welding mask someplace, so I'll add that.  

And I might add a bouffant surgical cap as well - may as well be completely outfitted and protected.

With all that, I figure I don't have to worry about someone getting too close; the 3 masks should make me look like a character from a horror movie and they'll just voluntarily stay away b/c they won't be able to figure out if I'm a monster or a human.

Seriously, completely closed fit is an issue, and the pleated masks don't provide that, based on what a nurse told me.   But they're better than nothing.   I've been wearing them since February. 

And don't forget about gloves, especially in stores.   

Be prepared to get tired more easily; your breathing won't be as easy.   

I agree; should have been masking all along (I have, but not hoarding; had them). 

One thing we can count on whenever 'most' companies make special times,  big announcements to tell us things like: 'The rumors of our going out of business are just false,' it's time to find a job and move our monies before our 401Ks are stripped by the company and layoffs, closings begin.  Same with government and agencies.  When they say: 'Don't worry; and things like you don't need a mask, they won't help You, just healthcare workers;' it's time to worry, and use our own common sense to care for ourselves and each other.

I couldn't thread a needle any more either; I'd be lucky to see the needle, much less the eye. 

I like your Poise pads idea and the anklet sock; looks funny?  Who cares?  Duct tape?  hmmm  How about knit hats with cut outs for eyes like robbers?  Or clear plastic jugs over heads like China? (how did they get those on?) with little pictures drawn on them or This End Up written on it in the back?  A stocking? with dangling empty legs & feet?  A brown paper bag?  A clear dry cleaning bag?  The possibilities seem endless.  This could be our shining moment .... :)  lil

The other night, when the terror of the situation had me unable
to sleep - like my every night garden variety insomnia wasn’t bad enough - I read a ton of articles and watch numerous videos on how to make masks at home.

There seems to be little consensus on the subject. Fabric that breathes. Fabric that doesn’t breath. Paper. No paper. The only agreed upon material I saw was the shop towels that Freq referenced. But - I’m pretty sure those are now as elusive as toilet paper and Clorox wipes are.
Vacuum cleaner bags with the HEPA feature seem to be good as well - but the tutorials I saw has the bag inside facing - umm - the face. Wouldn’t it make more sense to have the HEPA part facing out?

Anyhoo - there are several things on-line for instructions. Many don’t require any sewing at all.

There was one tutorial where the lady was making liberal use of a glue gun. Okay. I’m not “crafty” - don’t own one. But - beyond that - is it just me - or does it strike anyone else as a bad idea to use glue on anything one intends to secure tightly over the mouth and nose? Unless, you’re a huffer of course.

But, yeah - I’m with you Freq. I thought masks would be a good idea weeks and weeks ago. Their party line of “it stops germs from going out but not from coming in” made absolutely no sense to me. I’m guessing what was said was to prevent the toilet paper crowd from making masks unavailable to the front line soldiers in this war.

Personally - I’m making a no-sew mask with a double layer of cotton AND inserting a square of vacuum bag in between the layers.

Good luck everyone. TAKE CARE!!!

RainMom, my niece nurse did say that HEPA vacuum bags provide protection, and that Hoover's Y bag (if I remember correctly) is a good one.   We're still searching for them.   I'll ask her next time we speak which side should be the outward side.   I'm thinking that the dust goes into the bag, where it's kept and prevented from sneaking out, so that the inside of the bag should be on the outside to filter out unwanted substances. 

OTOH, I'm not sure I want to be walking around with a vacuum bag on my head or face.     I might end up being considered a bit unstable and arouse the suspicion of law enforcement.  

I'm getting kind of fed up with the lack of consistency as well.   And another thing that irks me is the constant and repeated "wash your hands!"   How many times does it have to be repeated??   I figure I've heard it about 100 times already.   Tell me something worthwhile, people, not something I already know!

I would NOT use a glue gun on a mask.  

And another thing that bothers me are the YouTube videos:  most of the people I've seen making masks aren't wearing one, so their own "substances" aren't being filtered and could end up on the masks.  I understand they're washed when hospitals get them, but still.....

"I’m guessing what was said was to prevent the toilet paper crowd from making masks unavailable to the front line soldiers in this war."    Laughing till I hurt!

I think we should have a mask fashion show after we get all our designer masks made.

The reason that mandatory masks work in the countries that have adopted them is not because they protect YOU, it is because they protect others FROM you. The evidence is becoming undeniable that there are a big percentage of people - perhaps as much as 1 in 4 - who are only very mildly ill or totally asymptomatic yet carry and spread the virus. If those people are masked they are much less likely to shed the virus.

I hope you can share my silliness.. my vote is for the lettuce mask 🤣

Well one could repurpose underwire bras.....
1. lay bra flat. Note: for some of us, this will be easier than for others.
2 snip off straps & rings (aka the “apex”), both from cups & back band. Set straps aside.
3. trim off wings to 1” from cups & triple fold.
4. carefully cut gore (aka the “bridge”) evenly in half. Fold to be even with wing side as close as possible. Set 1 cup aside.
5. on other cup, run a stitch to secure each fold.
6. attach strap to top and bottom of each fold.
7. place cup on face, underwire side across nose. Note where your bridge is. With pliers, mold wire to rest over your nose securely.
8. place mask on face & straps over ears. Use strap sliders to adjust.

wearing panties to coordinate with your 😷 is of course optional

Are you kidding, igloo?

I get my bras at Victoria’s Secret. Its the only place I can find pretty, well
fitting bras for my ample bosoms!
They run over $50 apiece.

Id rather sacrifice a roll of toilet paper first!

Although, I must admit the underwire nose grip is genius.

Igloo is serious.

People are actually turning underwire bras in to masks! Its a good way to repurpose bras that don’t fit or are worn out.

While I just love the idea of the matching bra-mask & undies 😅 I am a bit lazy to sew. I have been experimenting with a silk scarf doubled over & draped over lower face (Genie style) & tied onto my hair bun or clipped onto hair/hat. Sadly, it probably accomplished nothing more than a weird fashion statement.

Would silk or cotton protect even a tiny bit from a passerby's sneeze or cough?

GardenArtist, a welding mask? I am jealous.

Beatty, that link was so funny. My vote is the sneaker :)

Thanks for the comic relief in this time of uncertainty. I needed a laugh.

Just saw on the news how to make a mask out of rubber bands and just some old t-shirt or some rags around the house just make sure they are clean and soft.

1) cut sleeves off and neck line.
2) lay t-shirt flat down with the right side up.
3) fold top of t-shirt 2 folds. (Small folds)
4) fold bottom t-shirts 2 folds (small folds)
5) fold each side of t-shirt once(medium fold)
6) fold top and bottom once
7) take rubber bands and slide one on each side
8) now fold each side over the rubber bands
9) place mask on face and the rubber bands around your ears
10) if mask is to big to see then fold top and bottom of t-shirt again. Make adjustments as needed.

I think that is all the directions!
I am going to give it a try next week and see if it works!

Love the bra-mask and panties set lol. Now I know what to do with those bras I never wear.

I saw a video where a respiratory specialist says NOT to use vacuum bag filters. They have chemicals in them that you would be breathing and and are not good for your lungs.

Also saw in an article that silk does not do much - best is 3 layers of tight weave/knit fabric, cotton like t shirts or undershirts against your face as it doesn't irritate, a layer of another tight weave/knit material like kitchen towels, microfibre cloths, pillow cases, and an outer layer which could be polyester. They even suggested using an old bathing suit.

There are a couple of patterns (and probably more) for non sew masks, one using rubber bands and folding a bandana multiple times and one just cutting holes for your ears at the ends of rectangles of cloth (3 layers again). It's important that it fits tightly over your nose and under your chin.

Kitchen paper towels don't do much but autoshop blue towels are good. One design showed using coffee filter paper between layers.

Thank goodness I have a few masks here left in a box from R using masks for some job or other.

I think any barrier is probably better than none.

Maybe we should all wear spiderman masks. Or superman, cat woman........? Whatever you prefer. Maybe we should make our own superhero masks. Coronater!!! Here I am to save the day!

Sorry, I have a warped sense of humor.

Beatty - like I said, between the articles I read and the videos I watched, they probably totaled at least a dozen.

If there was a majority vote on fabric, it was probably for 100% cotton t-shirts. The old fashion style tea-towels were also high on the list. Not the terry cotton kitchen towels but that older version that typically is a white, tightly weaved cotton. When I picture them
in my head - they always seemed to have small wild flowers printed on them.

golden - I have to say, I wondered about the vacuum bags myself. The video I watched on YouTube - the guy actually said he was a doctor and that he had his wife and her friends making them for his hospital as they were frequently running out. Then he turned it over to the wife and she demo’d how to cut four per bag, etc. Who knows? But thanks for that warning as I’ll do some more research before I start hacking up my bags.

It will take me some time to figure out the design and fashion statement I want to make. But no worries....I am not going anywhere.

However, there is no way I will be cutting up one of my expensive bras. They did away with wires centuries ago, and there is no molding those underwires into any shape but for what it was intended. So. I thought Igloo was joking too.

You all are so very funny you should be ashamed of making light of a serious issue. And wearing your bra on your head is serious!

Wait til I tell my hubs! He will be so happy to wear my bra on his head.....

You can make a really special one out of a bra freqflyer~

Laugh or cry Sendhelp, laugh or

In typical times, I’ll take laughing any day of the week. In times like this - I’m afraid if I start crying, I'll never stop.

Doomed here....whether I laugh, or whether I cry, that bathroom is still a bit far away.
And if I want to roflol, so worried I will never be able to get up again.

How would you be able to post to us if you did not stop crying?
Maybe laughing is better. yeh, it is.

On the bicycling websites, there are 'thingy's' that slip over your head, sit around your neck, and can be pulled up to cover your nose and mouth. Comes in great patterns and colors too.

Avatar showing one pattern. About $5.99

The police in Thailand are wearing miss kitty masks. hello kitty?


What you described - the U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams showed in a video on making the mask. My sister forwarded it to me. Very simple. All you need is bandana, hand towel or a t-shirt and rubber bands.

FYI, if you cut your t-shirt and do not sew the cut edges up, eventually after a few wears or washing, the cut ragged edges will start curling up. I remembered cutting my t-shirt into half cuts and was too lazy to sew the bottom trim. After a while, the bottom started curling up...

A scarf is just as good, like a cowboy and his bandana!
Just remember to cover your nose!

... not quite like a cowboy. The mask should secure under the chin as well as reach to the bridge of the nose.

Last night I folded up a bandana and used the no-sew rubber bands for the ears to secure it - this was just a informal practice run...

The main two issues for me were -

In getting it to the bridge of my nose, it tended to block my vision a bit. But, I’m thinking ironing the top pleat will help with that as well as wearing my glasses instead of my contacts. And -

I imagine that in a short time the rubber bands - or any elastic, really - will rub my ears raw. Should be easy to resolve if I can dig up any of my hair elastics as those are covered with material.

My hubby was reminding me that - of course these masks are in no way a guarantee but I figure even if it cut the chance of exposure by 1% - it’s worth it.

Ok about the bands rubbing ears issue.... what can work is BANDANA / HEAD-BAND & 2 buttons & “file bands” (7” x 1/8” rubber bands, used for file folders & these tend to come in bright colors):
what you do is
1. put on the bandana or wrap around head band
2. mark where it hits right abt above the crest of your ear,
3. sew a button in that spot on either side (mid size or larger button, not a shirt size one)
4. use the button to secure the rubber band.
5. Voila! Mask secure and not rubbing your ears.

Lots of chefs & BOH crew are doing this as everybody has & is used to wearing bandannas for sweat catchers. You also see restaurant crew using bakers hats, these are more like skull caps, have a wide band all around. It fits right above your ears.

& as the file bands are way way longer than the usual rubber bands, you can put a lil knot in them to custom adjust it. Plus they are bright colors, so you can easily find it & ID whose mask is whose.

you can coordinate rubber band colors to go with your hairband & 😷 No reason why we cannot be stylish AND Covid concerned!

There are tons of online resources now with instructions how to make mask. They aren’t hard to do. Make some for yourself and make a few to donate. 😊

Save all those face masks to make your own bra when all this blows over. 🤣


It won't matter about cutting the sleeves or neck line because it is folded inwards and with the sleeves you just cut up to but not the seem!

Or you could just use the t-shirt the way it is:)

Our daughter made hers (ours) out of cotton knit on one side, cotton flannel on the other. Above the nose is an opening where you insert a coffee filter. So it’s three layers. She used regular elastic.

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