
I'm sorry this question is so location-specific...but we are truly feeling desperate at this point. We are unable so far to find a good doctor for my mother, who is 82. She moved from out of state a few years ago. We have gone through a few doctors, but they all ignore or dismiss her continued requests for help with real medical issues. My mom is in the hospital right now because the doctors aren't listening to her. At times she's treated like an "old person" who must be confused...and she's not! Any leads on a good doctor would be so appreciated. Thanks for reading!

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We are a forum of caregivers from all over the US, Canada, UK and other countries. So it would be hard to recommend a doctor in a certain place, unless one our members lives in the area. Which did just happen.

One thing that will be suggested is to find a geriatric doctor who specializes in the elderly. That doctor would be more inclined to help Mom.
Helpful Answer (1)
Susan5977 Oct 2020
Thanks for your quick answer and info. I'm hoping others will also respond with personal recomendations on local drs since this is a forum. I have been looking for geriatric dr/gerontologist, we don't seem to have many here. I will step it up, but also want others to know that the medical field is not free of age discrimination. Thanks again.
Susan, I truly understand and sympathize with your predicament.    We've gone through this as well.  It took some time to find a good set of doctors.

Is there just one doctor in whom you have confidence who could recommend a geriatric specialist?  

Could you provide more detail on the current hospitalization and how the doctors refused to listen to her?  It might offer insight into doctors other than a geriatric specialist.  

I found the few geriatric specialists we saw to be unsatisfactory.  One was obsessed with recommending expensive solutions as opposed to just plain old natural solutions.  I guess he forgot about the value of foods.    Another was adamant that Dad should take Fosamax, despite its side effects.   

I finally one who was tolerable, after asking Dad's podiatrist who she might recommend.  She was a young, progressive and very helpful doctor, and her recommendations were good.

You might try that:  if either of you have other specialists, ask them who they'd recommend.

You can also search for geriatric doctors, then review their credentials and profiles.    I've found that older ones aren't as progressive as the younger ones.    Some concerns to ask when you call for a potential appointment is how soon they could see a new patient.   If it's more than a few weeks, I'd keep calling.  When an older person needs help, it's often immediately, not in a few weeks.

Another consideration is whether or not the practice or any doctor is affiliated with a teaching hospital.   I've found those doctors to be on the forefront of technology in their practice.    But I've also found that doctors who teach more than they practice aren't always focused on the latter.
Helpful Answer (1)
Susan5977 Oct 2020
Thanks so much for your helpful response. Since I"ve only received two responses, it looks like answers are hard to find out there. Whenever I 've asked one doctor to recommend another, the are very tight-lipped. Not sure what that's about oher than possibly competition. We'll keep plugging though. My mom is a strong person despite her physical conditions and I am a strong advocate for her. Thanks again!
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Susan, I think good doctors are hard to find, but there's also the issue of what is considered to be a good doctor?    I know some people who rely completely on what a doctor says, but I'm the opposite and I want options as well as explanations, so I can  make my own choices.    I never returned to doctors who told me what they felt was appropriate, w/o considering what I wanted.
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