
Drug Rehab and he has Dementia

If he has dementia, and you have gone the route of being his POA now due to his incompetence, then yes, you can place him in care. If he is still competent you cannot.
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Helpful Answer (7)
Reply to AlvaDeer

Just is he getting the drugs?
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to Geaton777
Rumbletown Sep 22, 2024
Yes, this is my question too. In addition, if he is demented enough to not have capacity to make his own decisions/POA is active, will he be able to participate in the cognitive part of drug rehab? A physical detox (whether needed depends on the substance) could be done, but how would you keep him from going right back to the same thing again if he’s not a willing participant in this process?
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A gentle reminder about the 3 C's of drug addiction. You didn't cause it, you can't control it, and you cannot cure it. You may be able to get your loved one into rehab, but if he or she does not want to get clean, the chances of a successful recovery are not good.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to elcee499

You can call Adult Protection Services, to report him as a vulnerable adult & voice your concerns.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to Beatty

In Florida, there's the Baker Act. If you invoke it, he will go to a place where he is held for a few days (72 hours? not sure). At that time he will get a mandated mental evaluation. Check it out and find out more about it! Might work.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to Fawnby
designedRAW Oct 1, 2024
I want to say please give Baker act a serious thought first. I WILL share my personal experience (I was depressed single mother "attempted" to take my life when I was in my early twenties Im 60 now) so about 40 yrs ago IN Florida it took 2 family members to get one in, ordered by a court. Understand once that is done there is no undoing it! The first 48 or so hours you are being observed 24 hrs a day, You are in with a group of people where some are extremely mentally ill and others who are coming down from all the different kinds of highs, drugs and or alcohol others still very high some are going through withdrawals and all are going through some kind of relationship issues, family, friends, partner you name. You must stay awake all day even if you are feeling super tired from being hung over, from being depressed whatever the reason you better stay up or it will be longer than the first 72 hrs where you simply can not get out! No one on the outside can help you either, not any family, nor a lawyer can get you out until you can fully do as they say and one is that you must stay awake all day and sleep at night where your sleeping with the bright fluorescent lights staying on amd you have a security guard that stands at your door. they took the shoelaces out of your shoes and you have to still wear them even though they are flopping about. If you are a cig smoker you may get a minute break once or twice a day for a really fast smoke while standing outside in a chain link fenced cage yes cage the for the top /roof is enclosed with chain link fence too. You can make one phone call each day for 5 mins as many people are waiting all around you telling you come on hurry up while they listen to your conversation. dinner was served without any utensils and it was yellow rice bread and a slimy chicken qtr. if you didn't eat it was a mark against you. aprx 4 hrs before your 72 hrs are over you begin to see dr after dr each are some sort of psychologist psychiatrist counselor and therapist all asking the same questions that repeat the question just asked by using different adjectives. your give a response combined with your demeanor Is what what will or will not set you free 72nd hour. It was horrible even though I was let out at my 72 hr. I can assure you many people go there a lot. for what I've heard is that place is filled with the same drug users every month. as soon as they run out of their social security check they do something to get theirselves back in so they can have three hops and a cot without being in a jail. they know what to say to the psychiatrist after where they can stay for just another week or 2 weeks. they always get out and time for their next paycheck so to help somebody get off drugs if that's the issue. I don't think it's going to work unless they want it to work and if they want it to work, there's other places you can take them if willing without having to Baker acting.
No, but if you are his medical POA and it has been activated you certainly can try.
But as Beatty said below you can always call APS and report a vulnerable adult and let them come out and do an assessment.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to funkygrandma59

If your DPOA is immediate and with a diagnosis of Dementia, I would say you could. I would get a doctor behind you. Your financial should be OK because you have to show financially that he can pay for the Rehab. Medical will be needed to talk to the doctors.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to JoAnn29

Candyleerich1: Only the user of drugs must want to change the addictive behavior.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Llamalover47

Most likely, yes. You will need to have a doctor declare him incapable or mentally incompetent of making decisions. Get him to an ER and let them know your concerns. Give them a copy of your durable POA, and his insurance info. Case management will help you with his placement.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Taarna

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