
I cook, clean, pay bills, take her to doctor's and any other appointments.

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Hi sonijean,

There are two great articles written by editor’s that were already posted in our community. We thought these might answer your caregiving question.


“10 Government Programs You Can Access for Your Elderly Parents.”

“How Can I Get Paid for taking Care of My Elderly Parents?”

Information on who to contact in your state.

We hope these help.

Thank you,

The Team
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If your mom is on Medicaid, which is likely if she's on disability, you could see if Medicaid will pay you a stipend for some care. State's vary on their rules for Medicaid so you'll have to check locally. The amount isn't likely to be as much as a full-time job but it would help.

Otherwise, if your mother has some assets, you could draw up a contract between the two of you and have it notarized, or see an estate or elder law attorney to have a contract drawn up. You want to do this legally so that if your mom does go on Medicaid they won't come after you for the money paid out. Since states can be so different, I'd strongly suggest going through an attorney who knows your state Medicaid laws.

Good luck,
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