
Do you really get a choice I have asked this question as maybe I have read the wrong pages but the deset some go to to not follow it is it really worth it, it has really put me off.

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I've thought about this a little more and got to wondering if you might be referring to a "living will" or a healthcare advanced directive? Let us know if that is what this question is about, please.
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A will really doesn't help you any. By the time it is applied, you'll be dead and presumably won't care.

If you think about or worry about what will happen to your possessions after your death, then having a will is a sensible way to give yourself some peace of mind now.

What a will really helps with is not so much you but the loved ones who are left when you die. Do you have loved ones? If so, spelling out your wishes about your property and assets is a kindness to them. It helps prevent fighting over the estate.

If you have no loved ones and/or very little assets then having a will isn't so helpful.
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Every person with assets needs to have a Will regardless of their age. A Will is a legally binding document, so although your beneficiaries my fight about it whatever is in the Will must be followed. In fact if your heirs are the type to fight it is even more important to have your wishes spelled out properly (use a lawyer) and for you to choose someone you trust to be the Executor. If you trust no one you can always name someone from outside the family to ensure your wishes are carried out, my uncle named his lawyer.
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