
We've tried prune juice, Senna Plus tabs, and not getting good results - someone suggested using a Pro-biotic medication - will this help? How about Miralax?? Need help - it's a serious problem - and on top of everything else we have to deal with.

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Oh the joys of BM conversations...been there! Before Mom moved here her philosophy was to wait until things got critical before she would do anything for her constipation. Then she relied on harsh laxatives or just waited until her body unhealthy; all those toxins just stay in your body and make you sick. I am also not a fan of OTC, non-natural remedies where you can build up a resistance.

When Mom moved here I got her on a high fiber diet including whole wheat products and lots of fruit. But the biggest change occurred when I bought her flaxseed. I buy it ground at the grocery store. Because it is in a powder form, she can use it on everything. She puts in in her oatmeal, mashed potatoes, milkshakes, soups, on PB&J sandwiches, etc. I finally convinced her that this was a lifelong regimen, not a "cure" and it is something that she has to do EVERYDAY. She hasn't had an episode in 3 years. But it took a lot of convincing for her to do this daily. Her generation was all about curing rather than preventing.

The second part of this is drinking a lot of liquids. If you do not take in enough fluids with your high fiber diet, it actually has the opposite adding a little liquid to a bowl of flour...everything just gets "gummed up."
good luck.
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Agree with warmed prune juice, additionally, when all else fails. We alternate Metamucil one morning, 2 Sennacot pills the next day. Fresh, ripe pears are one of the best fruits, figs, and oranges for fiber. Plenty of water, Gatorade. Any type of exercise she is able to do. Bless you and take care:)
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I would like an answer to that question as well for my mother who has PD. She is CONSTANTLY constipated. Even when she finally goes, she's immediately constipated AGAIN. We've done everything from stool softners, to Senekot to pro-biotics, Miralax-- high fiber EVERYTHING and all it gets is worse and it's constant. Should she go to a hospital and have them run some GI tests on her or something. Because not only is she constipated CONSTANTLY she has nausea from the PD meds. Not only is it uncomfortable for her -- she uses it as an excuse to not get out of her clothes (She'll change her underwear and pads) for DAYS at a time b/c she's waiting to feel better. Sorry to sound doomsday -- but with PD she ain't ever really going to "feel better". I'm at my wit's end? Shouldn't she be in a hospital or something where they can run some tests?
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Try ACTIVIA yogurt it so, delicious and helps a lot. I have a lady with the same problem. Sometimes I need to give her the yogurt and Senna in the morning and just Senna in the evening. Also, another lady I have she is doing very well with Milk of Magnesia. The prune juice needs to be warm about a cup of coffee size.
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My mother in law has had lactose miralax prunes all in last 48 hours and has not been for a week now . Had the doctor in said suppository would work within 12 hours nothing has eaten soup today but had to be fed . I fear what is happening to her .
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Anney63, this is a very old thread and no one has commented for a long time. So I hope you got the answer you needed elsewhere, as it is very critical that you get her to a doctor. Impaction is a very real danger when constipation lasts that long.
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Thank you got the district nurse in after speaking to doctor so has to have enemas
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Oh, glad to hear you got some help. Do be careful with that as it can be rough on the elderly. :-(
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