
Has anyone ever experienced this before? Accidents happen, but the person (woke up?), sat on the edge of the bed, opened their bag and dumped the contents on the floor believing I was there helping them empty it. What concerns should I have?

Here is a link to a handbook you can download that covers dementia and a stoma. It is from the UK but has some good ideas on how to dress the person who is fiddling with the bag or removing it.

Hope this helps.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to 97yroldmom
Radar82 May 16, 2024
Thank you for the link. I will browse the information. The person in question has not been diagnosed with dementia. I don’t know how to address the concern with them either.
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If this person was truly sleepwalking. I don’t know what you could have done to prevent this.

I am a sleepwalker and have been sleepwalking since I was a kid. We can’t control it and don’t know what we are doing when we are roaming around the house.

Sometimes, we wake up when we bump into something.

We have no memory of sleep walking because we are totally asleep when doing it.

According to your profile, you are dealing with several issues. I am sorry that you are going through this. Please enlist help to assist with the care or consider placing your partner in a facility.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to NeedHelpWithMom
Radar82 May 16, 2024
I hope this is a one off, and due to stress or medication or mental health due to the high stress. I fear for it to be something else. I don’t feel I have the energy to deal with something g greater than what is occurring.
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I just read your profile, and a sleep disorder is among the many many things you are dealing with with your partner. Can you tell me how long the sleep disorder is existing and how long the ostomy is there?

I would imagine that typically you help in just this position. Her sitting and you helping to manage the change. So with the sleep disorder there is not to normal division of inhibition and disinhibtion for we normal folks. Normally we will awaken no matter how bad we have to "go". We may in fact DREAM about looking for a bathroom, finally awaken and understand WHY we were dreaming because we need to make a beeline for the bathroom.

You will soon enough know if this is going to be a problem ongoing or not.
You are here dealing with so many things I cannot honestly even begin to imagine how you are managing. You don't say how much support or help you have, or for what hours. But I would say that you will have likely soon enough to make some decisions about placement. Sadly your partner isn't going to be an "easy" placement due to diabetes management, and such things piled on as sleeping disorder. She will likely require memory care.

I am so sorry. I can't imagine what you are going through. There is little I can say to help you.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to AlvaDeer
Radar82 May 16, 2024
For the 8 years I have known them, they have had sleep issues. This is a first, they are normally ultra vigilant about their stoma bag. I believe this might be partially to blame on medication and mental health issues. Just not sure and gathering info at this stage. Thank you. I am the only support we have.
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