
My brother feels it is responsible to only see his mother once every 6 months at a nursing home & to come & go from her and her husbands home where I also live at as he desires. He tramples on my stuff, he accesses the fridge and eats & drinks and I suspect him of theft of some valuable papers missing. He has taken the property deed of my fathers dead mother & step father away as well this property and stated he intends those to pay the nursing home plus states Medicaid is paying for my mother to reside at the nursing home but my father & I both know she has not got Medicaid for out of home care & can only have in-home care with Medicaid at this address not the address of the nursing home. The nursing home has stolen both her checks she received each month and she owes over $10,000 to Discover Credit Card and my brother feels I should stop paying it instead of her paying it, they intend to consume her check on additional insurance for her residency at the nursing home which is $5,400 per month or $64,500 per year room and board. We do not have money nor properties that would cover the cost of such care which did not provide adequate doctor medical support - once a week visitation by the doctor for five minutes costs $45 but Medicare/Tricare refuses to pay any more than $35 a visit being a denied situation for the General Practicing Doctor whom manages another medical care center in a city over 35 miles from here. It is unfair that my brother has placed my fathers dead mothers home up for sale without having cleaned it up or emptied it of our belongings, it has been broken into once already with no loses because some kids saw the burglar and scared him off. I desire a "NO TRESPASS" against my brother to stop him from coming over here. I also seek a Revocation of his POA he has with my father and mother so I continue my caregiver status of securing them appointments and taking them to the doctor when they need it. My father lives at home & I care for him, he has a shunt in his brain & loses touch with reality sometimes so I must watch him closely, my brother has done nothing in support of his medical condition since the shunt placement back in August 2009. I have been the only person feeding them till two years ago when my brother took them away to a lawyer office and they signed a POA and they do not remember doing that and I would have to bring them back to that office for them to recall that moment in time. I cannot stand my brother coming here with his wife whom is also listed as POA for both parents. I am 61yo, my father is 81yo & my mother is 78yo. My mother is to old to be placed on State Medicaid which covers her out of home stay at a nursing home plus both their Social Security & Retirement Checks added together is well above the legal limit that they could have Medicaid out of home. My father has Medicaid capability. My brother was conned into making the decision based on a doctor at a hospital opinion which was suppose to be observation only, Medicare was paying the first 90dys for evaluation & another 100dys lapsed then he not able to come back & forth each week decided to leave my mother in the facility, having not explained to her that it was not me that placed her there she still believes I am responsible for her being there. For that reasoning he has held against their lives I want them to live together without any strings attached like a POA & since I live with them I should be their legal Guardian not my brother whom only claims to be my mother sponsor at the nursing home. The nursing home has lied to me on several occasions stating she has Medicaid & I learned they have a dummy medicaid number which they pull for her to access their pharmacy which is about 200 miles from Prattville in the city of Tuscaloosa and then Medicare is billed for labeling and delivery charges to the Health Care & Rehab Facility, it is not a certified medical facility & if your heart stopped the nurses are not capable to restart it & call for a ambulance 15 minutes away. This has happened once already and my brother feels that is normal, she had a bad yeast infection and they gave her a medication for a bowel movement that stopped her heart accidentally, she later within a week need two pints of blood before she could return and upon returning they did a blood test taking four vials from her needlessly for their records without upholding the hospital records at all. Her original doctor retired and the one that also has another practice 35 miles away started plus a new administrator was appointed with many new nurses and CSA staff but she does not get the care she is suppose to. It is like she is on a welfare role there being in a room with a black female that is semiconscious 24/7 that screams and cures when they wake her up to change the IV Feeding Tube & change her clothes plus make her bed with her still in it. The weekends are the worse, food service to her room because she is bedridden takes 2-4hrs VOLUNTEERS.

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Well, you are a mess. It sounds to me like your brother is on the right path and you don't understand what's going on. First, when he comes over, it doesn't seem unusual at all to me for family members to access the fridge . Wouldn't you offer him something anyhow? What of yours is lying about for him to trample on? It sounds like maybe you are living in a messy, maybe hoarding, situation. About his suggesting that you quit paying her credit cards....good idea. Now, nursing homes are not in the business of stealing peoples checks. You sound very uninformed about how things work which is probably why you aren't the POA of choice. If volunteers are slow in delivering mom's food why don't you do it? Are you saying mom should be home so you can take care of two elderly people on your own. If your relatives are mentally competent they can change the POA. If not, you can go for guardianship, paying for that yourself of course. Why not ask for a new roommate if the current one is disturbing? If your mom is on Medicaid that is the welfare roll for health care, just dressed up in a nicer name. If you feel the care she is receiving is improper, report it to the licensing agency. As to your original question about getting a no trespassing court order, if I were you I would not go there. You are probably get more tangled up in confusion. What does your dad want?
Helpful Answer (3)

vegaslady :: The problem you have is ironic but some where you have a brain. My computer is one thing I cherish, its content and its management and I do not like anyone esp my brother using it for his purposes which is changing my cache with his loggin into his email when he has access to any email he wants on his iPhone. He does not want to communicate a\bout his mother, I was in the dark on the POA dealings and luckily I stumbled across the card of the lawyer he took them to so I contacted my own lawyer and told him that information. As for friendship I would not even invite him to go get a beer or to go out to eat even a McDonlad's simply because he feels he is better than all three of us and tends to his wifes' family matters more than ours going to the lake is more important to him than going to see his mother at the nursing home or going to talk to the doctor. If you think he is a nice guy your wrong, he nailed a million working for UPS going on training trips and even became a supervisor then for no reason except a argument with his boss he thinks he needs to take all his stock out and cash it in and live from a landscape business first then he switches his mindset to dream of a construction business which is a lands development project and he entered into a partnership with a friend for carpeting and appliances he used to supply the new home owners furnishings from out of till it bankrupted. He has experience mainly in bankruptcies, next his land development bankrupted because of the housing prices and no one wanted to buy million dollar homes they design and furnish so his UPS funds were then converted to his own self construction business and he has two other employees without building homes he simply repairs problems now. He said he could not drop his hat to come see his mother. Simply put, he paid for his son and daughter to go to college paid for a home for them to live in which he made us go there to help repair its bathroom walls before they both moved in and dumped two good for nothing vehicles on us, one for $300 transporting it here that was at its end of engine life from Mobile Alabama and the other for $100 which had to have a transmission, tires, replaced windshield, battery complete electrical reworked and a headliner. So if you think he has the better solution your mistaken, his wife use to sell Real Estate in Montgomery Alabama when he did landscaping on her own and that business fell in with employees doing what they wanted to do which ended up tearing up the only truck for landscaping he had and several power mowers so you can say it bankrupted. His ideology is for us to declare bankruptcy, however he did not realize that a USAF Service Member cannot declare bankruptcy else the State Judiciary will garnish his retirement check to pay it off before he ever sees the money ever again in his lifetime and $10,000 is not a small chunk of change so your surely wrong now. As for hoarding, I got a computer and I got a old car and one other vehicle father gave me which cost him $300 from the brother and I do not have money to hoard stuff, with his and my income combined living here and I am caregiver and cook and dish washer and nothing or nobody to the rest of the world is only $2,000 a month and our bills combined use most of that leaving me about $350 for groceries and four tank fulls of gasoline and a few bucks to go get fast food and I also feed my mother each day at the nursing home cause she has macular degeneration and is losing her eyesight to darkness. So your no help on this site, maybe your should get a idea and get lost quickly cause I don't give a damn how much money you got if you don't use it properly your not worth the salt. I chose not to indulge in a POA activity, I went to law school and passed business law, I also worked for the publisher of law books and read a lot, I also know that probat court wants $1,500 cash to revoke a POA and we do not have that unless I spend ever dime leaving nothing to auto pay the bills at the bank which is a idea I just came down with like the chicken pocks, measles, and mumps I once had all in a row as a kid having a 109 temperature. My brother would not approve my mother to go to the dentist and I mention it everyday and the administrators at Prattville Health & Rehab tell me, "Your not her sponsor so we cannot listen to you; so I reply I am her caregiver at her home address and I tend to all her medical situations so I know what is best for my mother and no one else does esp my brother whom won;t even look in her mouth to see the two chipped teeth she has which are putting holes in her upper tongue and lower tongue as she bites here cheek and tongue eating always. I am saying just that, she needs to be home with her husbands, and I have State Medicaid to pay her bill of nursing each day as promised by them they can but they cannot for the nursing home. My mother has a sister in Mundelein Illinois and she comes to see her about as much as my brother would twice a year. We talk about guardianship and I saw a lawyer about it but the probate court requires the POA to be dropped for me to be Guardian and to do that I have to revoke him and we have no money to pay the court. My mother did not pay into Medicaid when she worked she paid Medicare and she has Tricare. I checked with the Veterans Administration for her VA Benefits and they say things changed and if she has Tricare she cannot go to the VA at all and must go to a military hospital to apply her Tricare there and denied CHAMPVA to her. Without CHAMPVA I could not get her Dental Insurance which they provided two choices so that was out of the question, she was refused her VA Benefits which were from 50 years back, my father retired a USAF Staff Sergeant and makes less Social Security than my mother whom worked 25 years then retired with a broken hip that was replaced and he worked 20 years in the USAF as a cook, typist, File Clerk. I was told I have to report the abuse to the business they call Ombudsman which is located in Montgomery Alabama, I think I received a call from them on my cellphone. The "NO TRESPASS" would have to be doubled up for two counties requiring each a separate situation because there are two houses and properties and doubled up for my brothers' wife and his kids are also in line to be POA if for some reason he cannot be so this is a new question - How do I write a letter such that she and father signs and is witnessed to mail by certified mail to my brothers lawyer to revoke that POA he has over both of them? I know writing one individual would be easy but there are two and there is two properties and more than two that would be POA. I get confused on words. My father wants her home, he wakes up each morning looking for her like he is still sleeping and walking around which I think he can do normally cause he swam with his eyes open and dives with his eyes open. It woulld make more since I think to find a lawyer to write the letter for me and have him conduct the signing situation at the nursing home without the nursing home finding out and throwing us out of the building for conspiring against them, once the Certified letter is received and the lawyer acknowledges it authenticy he has no recourse than to contact my brother and deny his presence at the nursing home and we can then take her home where she needs to be for the end of her life if that be the issue comes sooner than we can get her medical attention for both her teeth and her slipped lower disk causing her spinal pain brother refuses to allow me to take her to the surgeon for his exam to determine how, when to do it.
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Elder, I support VegasLady's advice and will add that it would take some time to read through your posts and factor out all the personal issues to get at the ones which only affect caregiving, which is the purpose of this forum.

It's clear that you and your brother have issues. But what are the specific ones on which you want advice?
Helpful Answer (2)

Elder, sorry to repeat this, but you are a mess. The first thing you should do is get yourself to a doctor. You are rambling on, mixing up your apparent childhood illnesses with resentment of your brother and bankruptcy is a federal issue not for the state judiciary. You probably need some meds to calm you down, slow you down, and clear up your thinking. There is something just strange about talking how your dad can swim under water with his eyes open and connecting that to how he's looking around each morning for his wife. If that doesn't strike you as a strange comment you are probably not in any condition to be providing his care, much less you mom's care. Put on your own oxygen mask first, get to a doctor for a checkup and care for yourself first. You are going to stress yourself out and be of no help to anyone.
Helpful Answer (3)

Sometimes I wish we could just forward these posts to the appropriate local APS office for an investigation. Oh well.
Helpful Answer (2)

If I read this right, the brother has POA and a job and assets of his own. Mom & Dad have a USAF pension. Betty and "us" has no job, no credit and is living with Dad.
You cannot block the POA from coming to the house.
You cannot be the Guardian either, with bad credit and no self-support.
You should have your caseworker find housing for you very soon, because the house will be sold, and you will have to leave it. So start planning.
Sorry you and bro do not get along, sorry you resent the housing and cars he gave you. The good news is that it will end very soon, you will be free to go.
Helpful Answer (5)

What does your father say about your brother staying away since it is his property? If your father is still competent to make decisions then he can revoke the POA your brother has for him and he can also tell your brother not to come to his home. As for medicaid, you say your mother didn't pay into it only medicare. No one pays into medicaid and it is a federal program run by each state. Medicare is a health insurance program for seniors, whereas, medicaid is a program for the poor of any age. If your father is a veteran, does he qualify for aid and attendance or any other veteran health related benefits? I can understand you wanting your mother home, but do you really think you can manage to take care of two elderly people needing 24/7 care? You have your hands full taking care of your dad and dealing with brother issues. You cannot revoke a POA by any type of letter. Your parents can only revoke your brother's POA on them if they have not been declared incompetent. It is good that you can vent out your frustrtions here, but you cannot possibly juggle everything you wish to accomplish. You are trying to deal with a lot of legal issues in your quest that requires a reputable elder attorney to sort out this mess and money you do not have. I wish you luck.
Helpful Answer (1)

Debralee: Wrong - while I was employed by many employers I always paid into State Medicaid from my payroll checks before I received the check with that deducted from what my earnings were. There is a Federal Long Term Care Program which is administered by Medicaid in all states that have Medicaid that only the employer pays not the employee but you as a employee have the responsibility to opt in if you want coverage and most people do, the employer receives a Tax Deduction for paying the Federal Long Term Care Insurance.

Now days anyone in Alabama can walk into a free clinic, which is administered by the State Health Department of Alabama, and sign up for Medicaid but again it is not Long Term Care and only covers doctor visits with stipulations of the number of visits and your ability to pay, if you are not employed each time you go to the free clinic and need service you are asked to pay a cover charge of $3.00. If you have to be hospitalized the cost to you as a unemployed is only $50 a day. Others that have varied incomes have to pay different amounts. Sorry that you did not know about Medicaid in America. Obama killed the VA Benefits by adding the switch to Medicaid if there was no other insurance for you or if no insurer can be found, the VA does not cover Medicaid payments, nor Medicare or only Tricare in special circumstances if it is deemed necessary and then the payment must go through a different titled insurer such as United Healthcare whom must setup Medicaid not anyone else so OBAMA has lost VA BENEFITS and their alternate is that a service member that has Tricare must go to a military medical facility not the VA whom may assign the service to a off base medical facility not the VA. This includes recovery after a operation if that be your medical concern and in such instances a Healthcare facility that maybe private but the list is shrinking each year as more and more private Healthcare providers are buying up facilities and limiting access plus they have their own security and many times it is a lot of Muslim employees staffed at the facilities they are buying up loads of Real Estate for only Muslim patients.
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Debralee: Thank you for your concern, my mention of revoking the POA was about a letter I compose and they must sign in front of a witness and you do not necessarily have to have a lawyer to administer it, my problem is composing such a letter which includes all persons of interest in the POA issue and both properties which my brother thinks he can up and sell at his own action without providing us any money from the sale and giving it all to the nursing home for diminishing their bill that is $64,500 per year and 2-years have elapsed thus far making it double the yearly amount and soon another year will commence. My brother was a lousy money manager, his kids had no jobs to manage money and got money from his UPS stock sales for college and a home to live in, that is not a good influence and their money managing skills will not be any better when they become of age to have to work that POA once my brother and his wife dies so the issue then becomes how long will Betty be in the nursing home at that cost to (WHAT ESTATE) as garnishment option the point of whom is sponsor matters dramatically because whomever is owes the nursing home full payment not my father nor me. My father has had Medicaid payments from work he did after retirement for the state of Alabama building I-65 interchange in Montgomery Alabama and for working for the State of Alabama School Board as a maintenance man so they owe him Medicaid regardless if he walked into a free clinic or not and can get it easily but why he also has United Healthcare of Alabama insurance, and Medicare with Tricare. My fathers opinion matters a lot but he cannot single handily revoke the POA having a medical issue himself with his brain pressure release shunt, a lifetime medical issue. Revoking the POA must be done before any change of hands occur from my brother on down his family line. If my mother was to relocate to Illinois where her sister lives then her sister could become her caregiver but that is a out in left field issue because she has had heart surgery three times so far and has a boyfriend living with her since her husband died of cancer he got while on a US Battle ship when the big gun misfired a shell and exploded on deck hitting him in the back and the shrapnel wounds were still present with shrapnel embedded in his back the surgeons never removed being to close to vital organs and his spinal cord.
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pamstegman: yes on brother having a self employed job, all other jobs he held have collapsed to bankruptcy except of course UPS his 1st job with someone else. Mother "Betty" has a bank account, the nursing home stole her checks and are depositing her checks into a separate bank account at the same bank we bank at. Ironic isn't it, such a small small world we live in with things happening we cannot control the controllers that feed the helpless in paper money each month as a gift for having been such good patrons and patriots. Father deserved much of that having lived 20 years overseas till he came home and accidentally hit a deer in Florida on the way home from a club he frequented and his supervisor found out the next day he had been in a Florida jail and when he walked in to do his job the next morning was told he no longer had a job with the USAF that his supervisor had taken it from him and he was to go to a hearing and learned he had to go to the VA hospital in Tuscaloosa for a year for alcoholism which he really did not have but he was schizoid so he went and that was all she wrote.

For the moving out that has been settled prior to the POA being established, I can live here as long as I desire but once I move the property is absorbed and lost. I have bigger dreams, with EVFCF, but automakers are making it difficult for consumers to make choices having so many recalls nothing they have made is really safe on the highways anymore, even used cars have defects not attended to. What it will do is expand the necessity to make more equipment to change in models that are defective, no more turn key start-ups though and I oppose license tags to lean-on making electronic license tags a better alternative for law enforcement to track as well as know who can drive the vehicle legally, I oppose thieves and loaners of vehicles to friends even if they must drive someone home that is drunk the vehicle don't need to be driven period. My main service is free electricity for being a member of the Foundation which this dream is all about. Obama failed when he swore in demolition of vehicles esp pouring acid into their engines to make certain no one could resell parts, his guidance was not appreciated and opposed every issue that EVFCF was about.

I think that was the Ombudsman office that phoned me so I will return their call as soon as I can. Mom was great this afternoon, but this morning it took her a while to get out of her dreaming state, she did not know who I was and I just walked in before she said - I don't want you to touch me, she was angry at the CNA whom got her out of the bed and sat her in the mobility chair then made her bed, but this afternoon she was in bed when I arrived and ate some strawberries, ice cream, pound cake, chicken and dumplings and I cooked all that for our meal and brought her some. She ate everything, then a few cookies and a Zero Cola which she prefers. I explained to her that I learned it was my brother that went to see her last Sunday with his wife and had emptied out two of her drawers which had food worth $20 I bought last week and he threw it away, not the three friends that also went on Sunday to see her that saw him and her there after I had left. We passed on my way out and I went to talk to then telling then about the lady in the bed next to mom that makes lots of noise when the nurse is changing her and they would have to wait a few minutes.

I am mainly interested in writing this letter of revocation that will be sent certified US Mail to my brothers lawyer for father and mother to sign and terminate the agreement he made with me on their properties, I think I need to include the Realtor whom is trying to sell my fathers mothers land & house on the "No Trespass" warrant so he cannot sell that. The sheriff in that city needs a copy I get from that county court. All this is going to cost a lot of money to the probate and that is what is wrong with State Laws allowing the thieves to manage business as if their business is everything you own esp money matters.
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I have Tricare and do not have to go to a military treatment facility! I am a veteran and my Va benefits are not affected by the Affordable Care Act. That federal long term care insurance program is not a state or federal mandated program. It is a voluntary insurance program set up by Employers for ther employees to purchase long term care insurance. I am employed and there is nothing that mentions state medicaid enrollment deductions as to whether to opt out or in. The Federal Long Term Care Program is administered to those who were federal employees. I should know my husband is Federal Retiree and also a Military Retiree. Your referral to the Muslim people only show how ignorant and bigoted you are. Go ahead and report me. I find your response so misinformed and distasteful. I put you in the same category as those who choose supremacy over basic human beings. You make me sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Helpful Answer (2)

vegaslady: ASP OFFICE - Which reminds me that in Louisiana a few people were arrested for Medicaid Fraud, taking payments from people and it was all fake and no one realized they had been had. I found a phone number by accident one Saturday night calling a business I thought was open, it was not open and I had dialed the wrong number for them not seeing the last number correctly I dialed a zero when it was suppose to be a 8. I got a female that answered the phone saying: "This is Long Term Health Care, How may I help you"? I did not know what to say so I said I dialed the wrong number and then hung up. I have since notified the State Medicaid office and DHR for this county. I don;t care if they do not contact me back. Another issue of apprehension was in Birmingham Alabama over a man retired from SSA whom was transferring SSA checks directly into his bank account from disabled persons he selected approximately 13 counts total but I think there was more than one man cause the issue did not stop after his apprehension.

Without as much money as was coming in I am unable to pull $1,500 out of my hat to pay the Probate court for a case to Revoke the POA using their letter and signatures, moms money was to pay the Discover Credit Card off fully before she died so I would not be stuck with it since we cannot declare bankruptcy. pitiful I think this situation is and I AM NOT A MESS. I got medical issues myself, having had a vertibrae and four disks removed from my back a couple of years ago limits me to having to have medication the rest of my life until my spine is fully replaced.
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vegaslady: Aspect of swimming and issue of a shunt in his brain are totally separate, his life not yours so he could so what and for nervousness I am not nervous at all and your avoiding the answer to my question, pleas reframe your comments to this topic else clam up and move onward. I am not a desperate person, I have been doing this for two years and nothing has come up that will satisfy the situation we have with 'Prattville Health & Rehab' Totally out of sequence with her medical flytrap situation, its not care they want to give her it is torment and a ignoring attitude that they pray upon to completely make me furiously mad at them for stealing her money when we have to have it here not there. Little brother needs to realize he is not a accountant and to stop suggesting bankruptcy cause I don't need such irony coming from him, look at his history of money issues and he has never given parents a dime, in fact once he wanted to keep from selling his speed boat and asked father if he could borrow $30,000 that he would pay him back within five months. Now is that a sane man married and living in Mobile Alabama so far away yet so close that within a couple hours he could be here watching her die in the ICU or the ER and he would not bother to get dressed up for that either being of less sound mind and body that my mother and father is and myself. I must go my computer keeps trying to enter screensaver mode and its a black screen cause I stopped it from popping up and this is now happening, have a good day everyone. I will return when I can read more suggestions on "NO TRESPASS" against the POA's (within the same family) issue to write a letter to revoke that single POA matter which is a different county than this one or Baldwin which is Mobile Alabama where brother crooked many on homes he took bidding on to build for folks he sold property to. Now he is the mess not me so thanks anyway, vegaslady.
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Well, I'm pretty sure that the third time here will not be the charm. Your confusion on basic facts leaves no doubt that you could not help anyone else out of a paper bag. You are a mess. No one has a payroll deduction for Medicaid. It is medical welfare. Deductions are made for MEDICARE. Debralee is correct in her postings on everything, including the long term care issue. I don"t see how you can get any help here on your no trespass issue because it is ridiculous. We don't know anything about your brother other than your rants.. Maybe he is a mess too, but he has to deal with you in person. Yikes. Really, go to your doctor and get a full workup and have your meds reviewed. If you were my sister I'd throw a over you and drag you into the doctor ASAP. Good Luck. If you want to ramble on, fine. Just don't get your hopes up for help on the no trespass confusion. Ain't gonna happen.
Helpful Answer (3)

Debralee: How is it you do not know about the FLTC site which is now sending out letters and emails to come back and sign up having to answer a very long questionnaire with a multitude of parts that you need to know the complete history of the person to complete, doctors, dates, problems, solutions offered etc. As for military I have a letter about mothers VA BENEFITS from CHAMPVA which is both CHAMPUS (old form) plus the Veterans Administration Hospital, it is posted on Twitter and I am JONALIST on TWITTER with a lot to say about it so join it and learn. Unfortunately Obamacare is the Affordable Care Act and to rap on it takes to long so many aspects have been removed from it that you can't really know for sure what you are dealing with and all by OBAMA. No the VA does not get affected by Obamacare, it is MEDICAID and some states have no MEDICAID and the issue is that MEDICAID is not some insurer provider that can make payments to the VA because the VA is incapable to accept their format, banking system screwed up for the VA to handle MEDICAID but through United Healthcare insurance which signs up people to Medicaid makes it a LONG TERM Matter and no one has to pay but the catch is paying the monthly premium which can range into the $2,500 range depending on the categories you want covered and it is necessary and can't avoid it once you start its the end for insurance, the lessor amount is about $250 a month but the payment they make is even lower but they are considering a Non-Work-Issue for many whom cannot work so that is their high end benefit to pay off the bill with more paperwork for the VA facility. Oh, my mother was denied CHAMPVA (fyi) they said in the letter that she must apply her TRICARE at a military facility, NOT A NURSING HOME and military facilities have no such of a thingy within their fence.

The Federal Long Term Care site I am aware of is and it designates Medicaid as the one responsible not THE FED LONG TERM CARE Program which is all it is. It has nothing to do with State setting up deductions for employers on their tax returns they are not having to pay the amount they pay to the federal Long Term Care Program collected by United Healthcare since all states do not have Medicaid and Medicaid is solely responsible. Pan that through the gold screen and see how logical Obama made that to understand, it killed VA Benefits your not talking VA anyways your talking United Healthcare and receiving messages from Medicaid the administrator of that program says that program. Obama isn't a Economist anyways. Since some additional changes you can buy into it, I kid you not I got letters to prove it and tried to complete the questionnaire and it is most difficult, I even received a phone call from them personally to see if I was going to complete the application. You must be a relative of a service member to do that so don't try if your not. NOW CALLED: and please DO THIS SEARCH:

FEDERAL LONG TERM CARE INSURANCE [] and please do these links for your FYI to improve vocabulary....



You were saying?
Helpful Answer (0)

Elder1Bety: I have an aunt who has schizophrenia. Your posts indicate a similar mental condition that is treatable with the help of a good doctor and the right medication. Please go to a qualified mental health physician for a mental health assessment. Your paranoia will be reduced significantly and you will be more positive minded, be able to communicate more effectively to your brother, and be a better caregiver for your dad and mom. I post this only as a caring individual who knows when one suffers from a mental illness and is not taking appropriate medication life is chaos and feels like a constant, uphill battle.
Helpful Answer (6)

vegaslady: I suggest you also improve your vocabulary and go to those links I gave to Debralee and she was confused about (ACA) the Affordable care Act affecting the VA and it do affect the VA somewhat SO read now and read what the matter is you are screwed up on understanding there also, it is paid by a employer and not a individual as setup by employer and individual and Medicaid is the administrator and its not Federally Administered except for the application itself. Yet another Federal Long Term Program has the payee as the individual, it is fishy I agree but the VA has no clue this is what is happening with applicants they are refusing to admit because the applications have to be submitted and it takes to long to figure out, worse that a LONG TAX STATEMENT.
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chuff111 you strayed from the question, I expect a answer and you think you might have read the post wrong cause that was years ago when my father was fired from the USAF and sent to a mental hospital for alcoholism which he did not have and he was sane cause he worked in top secret sh*t bout the time Kennedy was shot I reckon I remember it well cause I saw Kennedy at Eglin AFB before he flew to TX and got killed and I went inside the USAF top secret facility where my father sat at a desk and typed code for them - TACTICAL AIR COMMAND. Your skills are super bad man, grow up and don't ask me questions you cannot answer from reading my posts.
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What states don't have Medicaid, and don't say CA , with it being called MediCal there. I have no desire to follow you down any other rabbit hole or on Twitter. BTW, do you know what a run on sentence is ? You seem to be an expert at that alone.
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Elder2Bety-I believe you misunderstood my post. I recommend that you seek a mental health assessment, not your dad. Here are 3 questions for you to determine if you need to do so. Answering yes to only one of the three indicates a psychological condition that should be addressed.
1). Do you frequently feel suspicious about the intentions or actions of others? 2). Do you often think that everyone else is wrong and only you are "right?
3). Do you spend a lot of time writing letters that contain a negative connotation to businesses, government agencies, or medical facilities?
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Elder2BetyJones, yes I read your EVFCF blog and I read all the medications you are on. Please call your doctor tomorrow, you are very OD now.
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I think the short answer to this question is ,,, No you can not. The posters question.. not all the other stuff I am still trying to figure out ... And I agree about the run on sentences,, my head is spinning.
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And what the heck is EVFCF...
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EVFCF = Electric Vehicle Free Conversion Foundation. Charles Jones on BlogSpot. He also listed his meds on public social media.
"Gout remedies I am trying plus other medications is as follows:
(1) Box of Golden Raisins soaked in Dry Gin, eaten at the rate of nine per day.
(2) Bromelain 600 GDU/GRAM 500MG Tablet, one per day.
(3) Turmeric 1,000 MG Tablet, one per day.
(4) Celadrin Dietary Softgels Capsule, two per day.
(5) Go-out Plex Dietary Supplement Capsule, one per day.
(6) L-Lysine (as L-Lysine ZHydrochloride) 500 MG (essential Amino Acid) Tablet, one per day.
(7) INDOMETHACIN 25MG Capsule, one per day.
(8) GABAPENTIN 300MG Capsule, also named Neurontin, three per day.
(9) ROPINIROLE 1MG Tablet, one per day.
(10) TRAMADOL HCL 50MG Tablet, three per day.
(11) METFORMIN 500MG Tablet, one per day.
(12) SIMVASTATIN 20MG Tablet, one per day.
(13) AMLODIPINE 10MG Tablet, one per day."
which pretty much explains the rambling thoughts.
Pam S
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I smell troll. Just sayin....
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Summing some of this up (primarily for the benefit of the Admins whom I'm requesting to delete and block this poster), Betty wrote in various posts:

"it is a lot of Muslim employees staffed at the facilities they are buying up loads of Real Estate for only Muslim patients."


"Obama failed when he swore in demolition of vehicles esp pouring acid into their engines to make certain no one could resell parts ..."

"chuff111 you strayed from the question, I expect a answer and you think you might have read the post wrong ..."

"Your skills are super bad man, grow up and don't ask me questions you cannot answer from reading my posts."

I think it's obvious that there are some mental issues here or there's a very long winded troll. Either way, from what I'm reading this is not a post that can be answered or addressed rationally.

This isn’t a request for support but if anyone else wants to stop this diatribe, here’s the URL to contact the admins.
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I think I'll just hope that Betty's brother is as long-suffering and compassionate as he sounds. Then once he's struggled through sorting out his parents no doubt he'll find room in his heart for his sister.

I hope he's not expecting any thanks for it.
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The raisons in dry gin might help....LOL Thank you Pam
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GA, the thing is - should we block people because we suspect they're ill? Isn't it better to keep them talking? Bety does need help, I think, just not necessarily the sort she's asking about.
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This crap is the exactly what I was referring to!!!!
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