My Father is in need of care for an agressive and rare form of Alzheimer's Disease. He is only 69 years old. My Mother is a retired nurse of more than 40 years and she has been caring for him alone. It has been determined that she needs to seek additional help as he is very rapidly declining. Please advise if there is help available through Hospice. They are located at Smith Mountain Lake in the Penhook, Va area. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Respectfully, Troy
I'm sorry to hear about your dad's illness. You and your mom must be extremely upset.
You could call your dad's Dr., the one who diagnosed him, and ask him/her to recommend a hospice. To be eligible for hospice the Dr. has to have a reasonable opinion that your dad has 6 months or less to live. Medicare covers hospice but in the event there is no Medicare some hospices will donate their services.
Hope the information you find here is helpful.