
First and foremost I have missed all of you here. It has been a trying few weeks. I had to get my father out of the hospital as they were discontinuing all his meds and somehow too many different doctors making decisions for him without his knowledge or mine either. It is too much to get into now but I will share this. Last Monday I knew I had to get my father to the hospital as he was not well at all. I had not any sleep in days and I tell you all this it feels like Jesus drove me back and forth those days. My father went to emergency room after the labwork came back very low and it was affecting his heart. What a painful thing to watch. I stayed as much as I could and he was admitted. He needed lots of blood again and his counts were so low it was affecting his heart. Lord knows I got him there in time. I know the signs now as the week prior to this was horrible. Somehow they had him admitted to the upstairs and when I went to see him I did not feel or sense things were okay where he was at. Afterwards found out they had stopped his heart meds etc. I am going to say this one thing and try to come back later to write more. NEVER let anyone decide when it is time for your loved one to go. I do not believe in holding back any medications and letting someone just die. To me it is supposedly a natural way to go and there is no medical profession that I am aware of that is GOD! It is His calling and no one elses. Time and date is written in the book. When it is time for my father to pass over to be with the Lord and all his loved ones then it will be when God is ready for him. I will have to tell this before I sign off. Saturday morning I got up after no sleep too good and went outside it was sunny and the birds were singing. Something came over me as I had no idea I would be going to get my father out to bring him home again. I did just that and it was the best thing I did. I will never forget what all happened that week and it is much to say at this time but know this - when you feel that your loved one is better off in your own home go with your gut instinct. That is what I did and my birthday Monday was the happiest birthday ever with everyone gathered around him in the room. When you are worn out something happens and with me I stand tall for my father and anyone else. Never allow anyone to mistreat or misguide your ill parent or loved one. EVER!! That being said I know he still has an incurable cancer but each day I wake up and see him with the sun shining on his face in bed in another blessed day he is with us on this earth. To all my friends on here I hope you are all doing fine and know I care and have missed updating his condition with all of you. Hold on strong. When you can't just know someone is holding you up. It is so true and I so believe it. Thank you for letting me share my heart and soul tonight. Let me know if anyone of you also had situations similar with different opinions of all the treating doctors. Talk about confusion for the caretaker!! And more so - the patien! Our loved ones. God Bless all of you.

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I can assure you that many people have been through this........this is why they encourage you to get 2nd, 3rd, and 4th opinions. An informed patient is a powerful patient.

Most doctors these days are inundated with patients that they can't remember who is who and what drugs they are on. Most of the time communication is blocked or does not get through between providers and that is why the patient must take some initiative in their care and the care of their loved one.
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Crystal, I am SO glad that you went with your gut instinct. I am glad that your dad is home with you and you are caring for him. Blessings
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Hey Crystal. I've recently joined this site, and it has been wonderful. I am sorry to hear that you've gone through so much, however am glad you have your dad to enjoy however long he is here. I agree with you about not allowing anyone else make those decisions for our loved ones. As far as the dr's. and other professional staff informing the patients and family about meds. or any other action to be taken it seems like trusting those in the medical field to make the best calls for the patient can sometimes not be the best. My husband had a massive stroke 4 days after open heart 4 bypass surgery. I learned later about certain a procedure that had risks involved but unfortunately according to them evidently was too high a risk. I wish I could have been the one to tell them to take the risk. It could have given him alot better chance than what he has been given. I know lookin back is not the answer, and I am loving my husband more and more each day. He is not the same man on the outside, but he will always be the most special one I've ever known or been given in my life with all of the things I have come to know and love ths past 18 yrs. of marriage. I sit here with tears, because I miss him so much and at times am angry. But enough, I will pray, and believe that what ever joy we can find each day in our loved ones that we embrace that with new expectations. God is a big God, and I will always continue to believe in ALL of His word. Blessings on you and your dad.
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SouthernYankee - I love that and I have called myself that too. Amazing. I was born in the north and live in the south. I feel your pain girl trust me and I love what you had to say here. Every word of it. It is hard to watch all of this and we remain strong under one God under one Plan - His Plan and not any doctor or nurse or any other organization. The calendar and the clock synchronize together and no one knows when the Almighty One will call them Home but Him. I believe this. I live this. I hold this in my heart. I am here for you too and never forget the love and work you do for your husband is Gods work. God Bless you and the family.
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I thank you Clh as well for your comments here. I pray that all doctors and nurses stay on the right track when it comes to any patient. The family has to be there to listen and step up to the plate when the time comes. I have seen it firsthand what happens. You are right. Not enough doctors to tend to so many nowadays it seems. Caseload is heavy. But nothing as precious as life when our loved ones are coming to the end that all medical professionals would work together more importantly at this time. Enough said. God Bless you and I see I did not get too many comments on this one as I also know everyone has different experiences with this as well. I so appreciate your words left here - to all of you. Blessings
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